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society:reaper [2020/02/25 20:56] ashlinnsociety:reaper [2021/01/12 15:36] (current) ashlinn
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 Rank among the Salvage marines is divided along the lines of a standing army. Rank among the Salvage marines is divided along the lines of a standing army.
-The current rank structure consists of:+The current rank structure consists of: [Marine Rank / Logistics equivalent]
-Captain+Captain [Senior Shift Leader]
-1st Lieutenant / (Pilot: Senior Warrant Officer)+1st Lieutenant / (Pilot: Senior Warrant Officer) [Executive Officer]
-2nd Lieutenant / (Pilot: Warrant Officer)+2nd Lieutenant / (Pilot: Warrant Officer) [Junior shift Leader]
-Sergeant (Drill Sergeant*)+Sergeant/Boss*1 (Drill Sergeant*2[Team Leader]
-Corporal (Drill Corporal*)+Corporal (Drill Corporal*) [Assistant Team Leader]
-Specialist+Specialist [Supply Specialist/Armory Specialist etc... to denote area of specialty]
-Private+Private [None]
 While Aboard ship the 'Captain' takes a 'demotion' to Major in order to prevent any confusion among crew or Marines. A Captain of a ship of the line is the highest power aboard any ship and as such, even though 'Major' is a technical rank above, it is still considered a step down in rank and sign of respect towards any ships commander. While Aboard ship the 'Captain' takes a 'demotion' to Major in order to prevent any confusion among crew or Marines. A Captain of a ship of the line is the highest power aboard any ship and as such, even though 'Major' is a technical rank above, it is still considered a step down in rank and sign of respect towards any ships commander.
-*Note: with the Exception of Drills, Recruit is not a rank, a Drill rank will revert to their previous non-drill rank after a 4 year attachment as training cadre.+*1NoteUnofficial title used by marines in passing, Sergeants/Boss's tend to be the highest level most marines will interact with in a typical environment. Can also be used to denote any rank above Sergeant depending upon context: 'Boss Sarn said we're krumpin' these freeloading pirates today, scrappin' their ships an' that's final, so quit bitchin' and ready up them demo charges, Private!' "Yes, Boss..." 
 +*2Note: With the Exception of Drills, Recruit is not a rank, a Drill rank will revert to their previous non-drill rank after a 4 year attachment as training cadre.
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  • society/reaper.1582682201.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/02/25 20:56
  • by ashlinn