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plot:lsdf_valta [2017/11/03 23:42] – [Non-Player Characters] ashlinnplot:lsdf_valta [2019/08/18 02:18] – [Timeline of Activities] Forgot to mention colonists in Produce the Movement's log, and which planet in E-11 in I Become and How luca
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 ^  -  |**[[character/erred_nnyust]]**|[[user:jimmy]]|Ensign, Medical/Science Officer|Beleaguered.| ^  -  |**[[character/erred_nnyust]]**|[[user:jimmy]]|Ensign, Medical/Science Officer|Beleaguered.|
 ^  -  |**Aiesu Kalopsia**|[[user:osaka]]|Engineering Consultant, Shipwright|Sceptical, and bigger than last time.| ^  -  |**Aiesu Kalopsia**|[[user:osaka]]|Engineering Consultant, Shipwright|Sceptical, and bigger than last time.|
-^  -  |**Ashlinn Sarn**|[[user:ashlinn]]|Enlisted Personnel, Soldier| |+^  -  |**[[character/ashlinn_freyja_sarn]]**|[[user:ashlinn]]|Enlisted Personnel, Soldier|Optimistic, Possibly short a few cards of a full deck.|
 To add new characters, use the template below. To add new characters, use the template below.
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 ^Face^Name^Role^Race^Appearance and Personality^Notes^ ^Face^Name^Role^Race^Appearance and Personality^Notes^
-^  -  |**Cascade**, **Harper**, and **Bronski**|Soldiers|Maidenhands and Greaseheart|A group of soldiers who compose the Val'ta's human wing of the ground squad.\\ Cascade is a female Maidenhand and jack of all trades, Harper is a male Greaseheart tech expert, and Bronski is a male Maidenhand with a towering physique.|They live and work under the guidance/leadership of Ashlinn Sarn, informally called the Hellraisers.|  +^  -  |**Cascade**, **Harper**, **Bronski**, and **Jenkins**|Soldiers|Humans, Maidenhands and Greasehearts|A group of soldiers who compose the Val'ta's human wing of the ground squad.\\ Cascade is a female Maidenhand and jack of all trades, Harper is a male Greaseheart tech expert, Bronski is a male Maidenhand with a towering physique, and Jenkins is a radio operating, magic discovering male Greaseheart.|They live and work under the guidance/leadership of Ashlinn Sarn, and are informally called the Hellraisers.|  
-^  {{Face.png}}  |**Name**|Role|Race|Appearance and Personality|Notes| +^  -  |**Michael Furze**|Mechanic, Shipwright|Human, Greaseheart|Crazy haired, dirty blonde in overalls and steeltoes with a manic grin, fiery highlights, and two enormous metal arms bristling with a manner of power tools great and small - for any job. Responsible for engineering and shipwrighting, Michael co-designed the Val'ta with Aiesu Kalopsia.|Like, off his rocker, aye! Mind the hugs and his hazardous workspace!| 
 +^  -  |**'Head Doctor'**|Researcher, Surgeon|Lorath, Occhestian|A white-haired, skinny man wearing the pants and boots of Lorath uniform, while wearing a labcoat on his upper half with all the relevant uniform materials in place, and a t-shirt with a funny phrase on it. He sports radiation scarring around his neck and under his chin. Never seen without his helashio manservant, or a cup of coffee.|//Loves// his coffee. Face is always framed in shadow for some reason.| 
 +^  -  |**Wil'ahn Bel'meir**|Captain, Executive Officer|Lorath, Fyunnen|The equal in command of the Val'ta and its Executive Officer. A no-nonsense and deeply orthodox woman who wears her pride of the Lorath openly upon the Val'ta, but she is distrustful of the Sourcian technology powering the ship.|Preferred headgear is a red bonnet with a ribbon. Is partial to rubies.| 
 +^  -  |**Richard Saunders**|Soldier|Human, Greaseheart|Shiny headed, stubbly jawed and plain faced otherwise, this man is the go-to soldier. He has also mentioned that he has worked on fabricating spacecraft - by hand - leaving those around him to wonder if he is a man out of time too.|Manual, hands-on, and familiar with human design principles. Not so great with the Val'ta's Sourcian technology.| 
 +^  -  |**Vas'nal Hina**|Sergeant|Lorath, Fyunnen|A fyunnen woman of traditional upbringing and straightforward education, Vas'nal wears her family's combat prowess with aloof pride - she is never seen without a Searing Blade by her side or a Plasma Rifle in her hands.|A noted member of the Ground Team.| 
 +^  -  |**Ekiz Risandi**|Scientist and Scholar|Lorath, Occhestian|Slick haired and grey skinned, Ekiz is a member of the Val'ta's scientific network, and amid the boffins he is the most 'field experienced', and thus finds recurrent work with the Ground Team.|Notable for the giant computer-satchel he wears on his back when he's on the field. | 
 +=== Porrim's Entourage === 
 +A group of strange humans, who share some superficial similarities to Maidenhands, but appear to be networked psionically - aware of each other's needs, emotions, surface thoughts and overall status. Not much is known about them prior to coming over with the Lorath, but they are trained and assigned to look after Porrim's needs and those of her guests. Collectively, they are known as **The Entourage**. 
 +^Face^Name^Role^Race^Appearance and Personality^ 
 +^  -  |**Aki**|Domestics|Human, Oddbody|The Polite One. The leader of the sisterhood with short, spiky red hair. When she's off duty, Aki's known to be the most relaxed and laid back of the group. | 
 +^  -  |**Maya**|Culinary|Human, Oddbody|The Energetic One, with lighting blue hair. Maya is the second in command of the sisterhood and the best chef of the sisters - cooking meals for the captain and her guests. | 
 +^  -  |**Emi**|Medical|Human, Oddbody|The Shy One. Green eyes, strawberry blonde hair. Noted to have been a medic previously, and retains some of those skills in service to the Captain. | 
 +^  -  |**Webber**|Fitness|Human, Oddbody|The Brash One. A short, orange haired woman with a fiery temperament, and some musculature. Webber attends to Porrim's wellbeing and diet.| 
 +^  -  |**Inoue**|Research|Human, Oddbody|The Curious One. Long green hair and pale red eyes. Tasked with interfacing with the science team and managing Porrim's secretarial needs. Webber has a habit of saying "Ya, ya!" when she agrees with someone.| 
 +^  -  |**Vee**|Subterfuge|Human, Oddbody|The Brainy One. Long black hair, gold eyes, Vee is aloof and distant to those who aren't intimately familiar with her. She keeps tabs on some of the more interesting personnel aboard the Val'ta and informs Porrim of their movements.| 
 +Use the template below to add a new NPC to this list. 
 +^  {{Face.png}}  |**Name**|Role|Race|Appearance and Personality|Notes|
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 ^Name/Thread^Persons Involved^Summary^Outcomes^ ^Name/Thread^Persons Involved^Summary^Outcomes^
 |  [[calendar/pa_269|PA 269]]  |||| |  [[calendar/pa_269|PA 269]]  ||||
-|[[|Upon a Floating World]]|Porrim, Er'red, Aiesu, Crew|Shortly after exodus, the LSDF Val'ta undergoes repairs. Porrim, Aiesu, and Er'red discuss the possibilities of the new universe and outline the Val'ta's "test run" once the ship is repaired. The crew carried aboard the Val'ta were triaged shortly after arrival, with some not surviving the trip while others found themselves strangers in their own bodies; On top of being in an entirely new existence.|//Currently underway.//|+|[[|Upon a Floating World]]|Porrim, Er'red, Aiesu, Michael, Crew|Shortly after exodus, the LSDF Val'ta undergoes repairs. Porrim, Aiesu, and Er'red discuss the possibilities of the new universe and outline the Val'ta's "test run" once the ship is repaired. The crew carried aboard the Val'ta were triaged shortly after arrival, with some not surviving the trip while others found themselves strangers in their own bodies; On top of being in an entirely new existence.|The Val'ta was able to be repaired, fixing itself using its Sourcian-derived technology basis with the aid of returning shipwright Michael Furze. Ashlinn Sarn also pledged her service to the Val'ta as contractors - with some caveats.\\ When the green flags were lit for the Val'ta, Porrim was perfectly enthused to continue the Val'ta's mission of exploration in a strange, new universe. The Val'ta's first assignment was to inspect [[territories/echo_11_system]] - a known quantity to the Lorath, but the extent of its [[physics/detranslation]] effects currently unknown.| 
 +|[[|I Become and How]]|Porrim, Er'red, Ashlinn, REAPERs,|With the Val'ta's course underway, there was some travel between Lor Prime. The capabilities of the newly christened Val'ta were catalogued and documented as the crew found their positions again, and got acquainted with each other. Upon arrival to E-11, Porrim sent out a call for a Ground Team to investigate something on E-11 IV, fourth planet in the system and the most like Lor. She ended up tapping Ashlinn, a handful of her REAPERs, Er'red, and some Lorath personnel for the first ground team, and they set out to explore an anomalous crystal formation close to an ideal colony spot.|Some interesting discoveries were made regarding the crystal formation's properties, its effect on the flora and fauna, and nobody on the ground team was hurt. However, Ashlinn and Er'red ended up butting heads/trading barbs throughout the mission, and it came to a head during the debrief. Porrim declared both Ashlinn and Er'red were to be punished in her quarters, personally((And then she had her way with them, to show them who was boss. She's //that// kind of enterprising Captain.)).| 
 +|[[|Produce the Movement]]|Porrim, Bel'meir, Ashlinn, Er'red, Michael|Picking up twelve hours after the events of //I Become and How//, Porrim is called to the bridge for something urgent, leaving Ashlinn and Er'red to their next assignments as Porrim's cadre of servants attended to getting them out of the hangover Porrim inflicted on them both. Ash had previously set plans in motion to start manufacturing the first non-Lorath pattern spacecraft within the Val'ta's hangars with Michael (who'd been working in the background while Ash was indisposed), while Er'red was [[|given a stern lecture]] by the Captain in his quarters. Porrim meanwhile has been weighing whether the living nature of the ship could turn on itself, or the crew, and aims to seek a solution with the Executive Officer and ARIA where all parties came away with all limbs and functionality intact - all while preparing the incoming colony ship for information front-loading on E-11 IV.|//Currently Underway...//|
 |[[|Name]]|Persons|Summary|Outcomes| |[[|Name]]|Persons|Summary|Outcomes|
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 nyoom~ nyoom~
  • plot/lsdf_valta.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/09/12 07:57
  • by luca