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The matter from which a thing is or can be made, materials are the physical stuff which makes up the universe.

Materials which are common or uncommon in natural amounts as created by natural processes of the universe itself. Natural materials are identical to those found in the periodic table normally.

Materials with properties not found naturally in nature, meta-materials must be especially engineered to achieve their function.

  • Aeon infused glass: bonded to radioactive glass, aeon force-carrier particles can form circuitry able to carry out simple instructions and act similar to electrical circuits for entropy. In this sense, entropy-events caused by entropic-personhood can be refined though they cannot be created.
  • Aeon infused metalloids: Similar to glass, aeon infused metals are also a circuit of sorts, though they change the behavior of the metal relating to its structure, hardness and atomic bonding energy limitations. In this way, materials which are highly resilient can be created - though like aeon-glass, they are dependant on a entropic-personhood to function.

Not technically matter at all, these 'materials' are parts of structures either temporary or permanent.

Naturally found or formed through processes (no matter how extreme) in nature, natural materials can be harvested and grown through accelerated processes which are performed artificially. Some types of natural materials occurred in circumstances so violent or incredible that they cannot be replicated artificially in meaningful amounts.

Some exotic materials are known to violate known laws of physics (requiring other models thus to predict their behavior for them to be useful). Others are theorized and have not yet been encountered, some are exotic states of other materials and other still are materials with dramatic changes in physical or chemical processes due to unusual conditions.

  • Sheoul: A form of Unbiseptium-128 isotope, sheoul is bonded in a hexakaidecagon 16-pair-bond with other Unbiseptium-128 in the same position across higher dimensional space to become a stable form of matter. Incredibly dense, its monopole induced isomorhic decay triggers unusual space-time behavior caused by the presence of weyl fermions. These fermions also allow for the function of an ultra-efficient type of computer that does not use electrons.
  • physics/materials.1481630462.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/12/13 07:01
  • by osakanone