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physics:entropy [2016/11/28 03:09] – [Enter the Aeon and 'magic'] osakanonephysics:entropy [2017/01/30 13:19] (current) osakanone
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-==== Enter the Aeon and 'magic' ====+==== Enter 'magic' ====
 A force-carrier seemingly exists which can undo many seemingly "irreversible patterns" (heat flow through a thermal resistence, fluid flow through resistance, diffusion, chemical reactions, joule heating, friction between surfaces, fluid viscosity within a system, the action and flow of matter itself, etc, etc) and in doing so, actually undo entropy - making the universe "more informational" without introducing chaos. A force-carrier seemingly exists which can undo many seemingly "irreversible patterns" (heat flow through a thermal resistence, fluid flow through resistance, diffusion, chemical reactions, joule heating, friction between surfaces, fluid viscosity within a system, the action and flow of matter itself, etc, etc) and in doing so, actually undo entropy - making the universe "more informational" without introducing chaos.
-This force-carrier, sometimes called the Aeon, is also fundamentally responsible for "highly ordered acts of extreme low probability" such as objects spontaneously setting fire or freezing. The rules of this behavior in many ways entirely violate classical logic and those which describe it describe the universe as being formed by interactions of patterns and perceptions by the systems forming inside those patterns which transform the universe to bind it into a sort of common democratic reality based on those perceptions.+Entropy is also fundamentally responsible for "highly ordered acts of extreme low probability" such as objects spontaneously setting fire or freezing. The rules of this behavior in many ways entirely violate classical logic and those which describe it describe the universe as being formed by interactions of patterns and perceptions by the systems forming inside those patterns which transform the universe to bind it into a sort of common democratic reality based on those perceptions.
-Through means unknown, some organisms have demonstrated the capacity to do the seemingly unthinkable and cause the aeon to act in deliberate and chosen ways: seemingly "talking to the universe in words it cannot ignore" to alter that common democratic reality based on perceptions. +Through means unknown, some organisms have demonstrated the capacity to do the seemingly unthinkable and cause entropy to act in deliberate and chosen ways: seemingly "talking to the universe in words it cannot ignore" to alter that common democratic reality based on perceptions. 
 Though once described as a derogatory word denoting barbaric superstitions once forgotten by technocrats, the term 'magic' is often used by those who can cause these effects to happen - believing it to be a fitting tribute to the 'magic' described in mythos and lore because of their binding commonalities - though many believe them both to be the same thing. Though once described as a derogatory word denoting barbaric superstitions once forgotten by technocrats, the term 'magic' is often used by those who can cause these effects to happen - believing it to be a fitting tribute to the 'magic' described in mythos and lore because of their binding commonalities - though many believe them both to be the same thing.
  • physics/entropy.1480320580.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/11/28 03:09
  • by osakanone