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The Aeon

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

Aeons (Æ/æ) in many models of physics are particles which transmit entropic force - in other words, the measure of randomness or uncertainty in a given system. The aeon is an elementary particle that is its own anti-particle. In quantum mechanics, every aeon has a characteristic 'quantum' (quantity) of energy.

The Aeon is known to be fundamentally responsible for “highly ordered acts of extreme low probability” such as objects spontaneously combustion or freezing or seemingly incredibly specific changes to complex ordered systems and information, including perception rendering the Aeon a potential information hazard – though these are known only to happen in quite incredibly specific situations.

The rest mass of aeons is unknown due to its refusal to remain a constant outside of very special circumstances.

They are primarily used to describe transdimensional energy sources and related technologies which involve pulling energy from other dimensions of space with rules different to our own. It is thought that the use of aeons in other dimensions of space is responsible for the maelstrom and sinkholes.

  • physics/aeon.1480321161.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/11/28 03:19
  • by osakanone