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The Aeon

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

Aeons (Æ/æ) in many models of physics are particles which transmit entropic force - in other words, the measure of randomness or uncertainty in a given system. The aeon is an elementary particle that is its own anti-particle. In quantum mechanics, every aeon has a characteristic 'quantum' (quantity) of energy.

The rest mass of aeons is unknown due to its refusal to remain a constant outside of very special circumstances.

They are primarily used to describe transdimensional energy sources and related technologies which involve pulling energy from other dimensions of space with rules different to our own. It is thought that the use of aeons in other dimensions of space is responsible for the maelstrom and sinkholes.

Aeon-Kurz generators themselves are a leading energy source, giving rise to faster-than-light travel and nightmarish weaponry the likes of which the universe has never seen. They unfortunately alter space and their operation and destruction has grave consequences on spacetime.

Aeon Kurz generators (AK Generators) work by using electromagnetic fields to set specific gauge-bosons (sub-atomic particles which carry the fundamental forces of nature, like electromagnetism or gravity).

These particles align themselves naturally into a grid or lattice, not unlike a sieve, trapping photons into the gaps like a tiny circuit.

When aeon particles carrying entropy strike the lattice, the lattice vibrates and that energy is passed onto the photons (gauge-bosons mediating electromagnetic force) which can then become an electrical circuit to recover the energy as usable electricity. The size of the lattice dictates its amplitude. The number or resolution gauge-bosons in a given space is the wavelength.

If one were to consider this mechanism to be a pump, wavelength would be the number of holes capturing water drilled into its surface and the amplitude would be the suction of the pipe.

Generally, larger generators have larger lattices, resulting in much higher suction, distorting the positions of the transdimensional energy. Higher precision generators have a much higher efficiency rating, though they are more expensive to produce.

Different generators in the same space will compete for charge. The lattice with the largest amplitude will always pull the most, even going so far as to deprive available energy from others.

If the trans-dimensional energy entering the lattice - the sieve - isn't removed quickly enough, the photons will soak up the energy, acting like capacitors. Once the charge is high enough, the gauge-bosons making the lattice will greedily steal it, growing denser and denser, shrinking rapidly as they attract one another.

Eventually comes a point where the lattice can become no denser, known as degenerancy - at which it overlaps, with pairs of bosons acting bizzarely like single particles.

If further compression is attempted, the lattice will snap back like a rubber band, expanding massively. As the amplitude expands, the volume of energy pulled through will grow exponentially.

Clever computer control can hold an expanding lattice, feeding its energy into an empty one like the ventricles of a beating heart - essentially playing a game of hot-potato. When the game stops, the lattice expands uncontrollably.

During this rapid expansion, trans-dimensional energy pours through the lattice with massive pressure, destroying it in a massive explosion that distorts the shape of space itself.

That is the 'Aeon bomb', the first true aeonic weapon, commonly used on starships (for example, the AS-7, used by XXXXX vessels). Aeon grenades do exist but are quite rare and not at all practical.

A practical example of an Aeon Bomb would be the Aeon-Flechette, a guided faster-than-light aeonic warhead using a combined field system to propel itself. Despite its small size, it maintains a respectable yield.

The sale, maintenance and manufacture of Aeonic Beam weapons is primarily controlled by XXXXX government. Any unauthorised use is strictly illegal under XXXXX guidelines. In many nations, it is a felony to operate an aeonic weapon within an atmosphere.

There are many types of aeonic beam weapons but most follow a relatively simple idea of compressing a lattice into the previously mentioned degeneracy state.

Important is that the interactions of a degeneracy state lattice are almost entirely different - greedily gobbling up gluons which hold matter together on contact, releasing huge amounts of energy (which populate surrounding photons) as a consequence in the form of gamma radiation which propegates inside of the structure it strikes.

This degenerancy round is fired - repulsed down a barrel with a scalar discharge, exciting it into a volatile state. As the shot leaves the barrel, it surrenders the photons it held, creating a trail of visible light.

With no grip on its own photons and a neutral charge of bosons, the shot is no longer affected by electromagnetic or scalar fields and aeon beams will freely pass through one another with zero displacement or repulsion.

In an atmosphere, a round can often be seen triggering a brief nuclear decay (with its gluon gobbling behavior). The resulting released radiation leaves a huge tunnel of superheated plasma, giving the impression of a larger beam than the one fired, dealing secondary damage to targets.

On impact, the effect of an aeonic beam is devistating. When the lattice arrangement is broken, its stored energy potential is unleashed, usually destabilizing the nucleus of a target. This can trigger a chain reaction, leading to total annialation of a target.

Often, the beam will pass cleanly through less dense targets.

Some beam weapons alter the lattice as it leaves the barrel, further stabilising it into a small spherical pellet rather than a beam. This pellet is much harder to spot and usually has a far higher round velocity - ideal in combat against powered-armour but lacks mass, making it weaker and less potent against large targets such as starships.

An example of a 'pellet' style aeonic beam weapon would be the Aeon Gatling Rifle ( … ling_rifle), a weapon which uses multiple barrels to discharge an extremely high number of shots. While technically weaker (chipping away armour), the higher number of shots has obvious advantages enjoyed by conventional gatling weapons. It is also much less unwieldy than a beam weapon, since the stream of weapons fire is constant rather than brief, making it ideal for the high speed high mobility combat of powered-armour.

  • physics/aeon.1462578412.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/06/02 21:14
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