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Mounting Mesh

Also known as an Internal Frame, an Mounting Mesh provides support mounts for heavier parts that cannot be fitted to the internal_skeleton of a Maverick Frame or Movable Frame based unit.

The internal frame wraps about the internal components and mounts at specific points with the internal_skeleton. Parts not mounted onto the IS are instead mounted onto the Mounting Mesh on plug sockets or are held in unique locker configurations (not unlike sliding various parts of an engine together).

The Mounting Mesh is able to expand and contract dramatically and is considerably more durable than the internal_skeleton or interface_hive. The form is also able to take a number of different shapes and forms. Practical examples include producing a physical shield on an arm or a blade in combat or smoothing the body. While transformed, the internal mesh will act as one large aero-elastic control surface. These changes alter the Armored Mesh which is layered over it.

  • lorath_matriarchy/technology/movable_frame_technology/mounting_mesh.1498529198.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/06/26 22:06
  • by eistheid