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Lorath Clergy

21: Xiaah (Queen of the Lorath, voice of the Goddess, the embodiment of her divine will.)

20: High Priest (HEY VELOR)

19: Tur'listian Royal Family (Princes, Princesses, heirs to the throne.)

18: Matriarch/Patriarch (Caste based in assignment, once reserved to a single Matriarch/Patriarch per caste when the Matriarchy was isolated to Lor, however, with the expansion of the Matriarchy to multiple star systems, the role of Matriarch/Patriarch has expanded to permit one per caste per star system. Matriarchs and Patriarchs are entrusted with the role of relating caste practices, secular law, and religious doctrine into a workable structure for a population. Matriarchs and Patriarchs are comparable to Generals of varying rank, depending on their personal level of expertise. However, more often, they are easily able to be compared to senators.)

17: Caste Nobility (By virtue of bloodline and merit, caste nobles are largely ceremonial in position, aside from those who by blood right have a legitmate claim to leadership within a caste by succession. Final decision over the naming of nobility to a higher position of Matriarch or Patriarch is decided by both Xiaah and High Priest.)

16. Overseer (Easily comparable to a full Colonel, an Overseer is a member of the clergy which has excelled in their duties, and has been recognized to have sufficient understanding of scripture, field operations, and politics to effectively lead large populations of faithful Lorath. Overseers are placed in various positions of high leadership within the clergy, governing over the activities within cities, continental landmasses, planets, and in some cases star systems.) 15. Eparch (Another political role, used for management much like the territorial prelate, however, the Eparch is in a position of management over the infrastructure which supports the efforts of the faith within a star system. Can effectively be compared to a Lt.Colonel)

14. Territorial Prelate (A political role, used for the purposes of management over a geographic area such as a planet or colonial establishment. This position is rarely directly tied to matters of worship, yet, does serve the clergy in regard to monitoring and supporting a region's activities. This role does not have an active part in military order rank and file for field operations, however, can be compared to the rank of Major.)

13. Cleric Superior (Effectively middle management of the clergy proper, serves as a direct superior to priests/priestesses for organization and direction purposes. Can effectively be compared to an Army Captain in rank, or even ship Captain.)

10 - 12 Note: It should be noted that within the ranks of Pastor, Curate, and Priest/Priestess, sub-roles exist with given titles directly tied to a specialization. Roles such as excorcist, consecrator, confessor, and the like. It should also be noted that priests and above are entrusted with the option to enter service to the LSDF as a Chaplain, an example of this is Ha'reiel.

12. Priest/Priestess (They lead groups of worshipers, they organize entire communities, an effective way to think of a priest/priestess in Lorath culture is to think of a city councilman, someone with substantial political pull on a local level, but small fries in the grand scheme. Within Inqusitorial rank and file, this level of rank is able to be compared to various ranks of Leutenant.)

11. Curate (Wedged between pastor and priest/priestess, curates have proven themselves as capable to perform the duties of a priest/priestess, yet have not been selected for ascending in rank due to lack of experience, merit, or other reason as deemed signifigant by their superiors. Effectively a seargent in rank within military orders.)

10. Pastor (A sort of 'intern' in the clergy, just above being in seminary study, pastors begin to interact with the public in an advisor role while also preaching the word of the faith, while being guided in method and policy directly by a priest/priestess. Notably, this is the beginning of rank and file for the Inquisition as well as related military orders. Effectively able to fill the roles of Private to Corporal.)

9. Seminarian (Effectively can be related directly to being a “cadet in officer school”, a seminarian is in study to ascend into the higher ranks of the clergy. Often seminarians are pulled directly from secular study, or are already practitioners of the faith who have participated within lesser roles. Semenarian studies within Lorath faith are intensive, often pulling together the practices of monks, nuns, friars, mendicants, and rectors. Ascention beyond seminarian is strictly based upon character and merit.)

8. Abbot (Oversees specific places of worship, and monitors the activities of those overseen by priors. Effectively a manager overseeing middle-management on a specific structural location basis.)

 Provincial Abbot (Oversees the activities of subordinate monks, nuns, friars, etc over a geographic area.)

7. Eremite (A monk which has chosen to pursue a long-term following of scholarly advancement. Effectively abstaining from further advancement for the sake of continued study.)

 Rector (A monk which has chosen to invest themselves into serving as a superior clerk, supervising scribes, clerks, and other 'pencil pushers' lower in the ranks.)
 Prior & Prioress (Superiors to monks&nuns, friars, and oversees the involvement of mendicants.)

6. Monks&Nuns/Friars/Mendicants (Placed between the mundane activities of the clergy, and the higher ranking positions of the faith, this range of position varies in role and method by caste and family culture. Frequently Occhestians and Fyunnen enter the role of monk, given to rigorous duties within monastaries and places of scholarly thought. Importance is placed upon study and refinement of both mind and body; to be a monk, is to seek improvement of the self. Friars seek less to improve themselves, but more to improve the world around them and are often Lmanel and Occhestians; friars are given to extensive labors of charity and social improvement. Frequently found performing missionary duties, providing aid to refugees and the ill, and even participating in disaster relief operations in extreme conditions, their duty is to give and to find the very limit of their ability to do so, and overcome it. Lastly, mendicants, voluntarily entering into poverty and full detication to the faith, these practitioners are frequently Fyunnen and Lmanel, they seek enlightenment through humility and service, spreading the word of the faith while surrendering themselves to the charity of those around them. Effectively, this stage of service dictates the role of the Lorath in the clergy from then onward, shaping them for their chosen purpose.)

5: Attendant (Entrusted to the direct assistance of those in many higher roles within the clergy, the role of attendant is varied in scope, but largely is dictated by the superior which the attendant has been assigned to aid.)

  Custodian (Assigned to management of objects within a place of worship, the distribution of ceremonial objects, and assigned to carrying out minor sacred duties within a place of worship, the Custodian can effectively be compared to a quartermaster and a step-up above from being a watcher.)

4. Lector/Preacher (Ordained to a minor clerk role, these persons are entrusted to readings of scripture, filing documentation, and genuine clerk duties.)

 Icongrapher (Ordained in the role of a record keeper, the icongrapher not only records events in words, but is also entrusted with recording events through recording equipment, visual media arts, song, and even through symbolic representation. Effectively artistic scribes of events historical, current, and predestined)

3. Watchers (Effectively guards of places of worship and manual laborers)

  Initiate (Person newly inducted into the clergy, yet has not completed training nor vows)

2. Scholars/Theologians (Those studying the Lorath faith, not ordained into any specific role)

1.Lay Person (Any practitioner of the Lorath faith)

Originally founded prior to the subterranean exile, inquisitors were organized by various Lorath populations scattered throughout Lor, these seperate groups were founded by religious orders, as enforcers of their individual doctrines. While all orders followed the core tenets of the Lorath faith, centering around the Goddess and God duality which was present in Lorath mythos, and the teachings set forth based upon the characterizations of these divine figures, each order did posses their own separate ideology in regard to following those tenets which were established. Historically, Inquisitor duties ranged from simple enforcement of holy law all the way to crusades carried out on the behalf of a given order, the scope of this involvement was directly influenced by the size of the order which had organized their given inquisitorial group.

Upon exile, with the unification of Lorath faith, and the sharp decline of separate religious orders, the variation of duties assigned to the inquisition were narrowed. Police were put into place for law enforcement in a secular sense. Other members of the clergy were often entrusted with managing minor infractions of holy law. Inquisitors were put into a position of protecting the interests of the Matriarchy as a theology. With the reclamation of the surface of Lor, the duties of the inquisitor were clear; prevent the founding of religious orders which would permit practices which would be considered heresy, expunge the Helashio who practised their savage nature-worship sans the guidance of the Goddess, and identify both spiritual and corporeal threats to the purity of Lorath blood, thought, and faith.

Persons, places, and things which would pose a threat to the very nature of Lorath life, ideologically, spiritually, politically, physically, psychologically, they would be identified, monitored, and an intervention would be made if the given (NOUN) were to be a credible threat. Duties of the inquisition range from imposing quarantines, to missionary expeditions, to genocidal extermination of potential threats to not just Lorath sovereignity, but also threats to Lorath life as it is known.

An offshoot of the old military structure prior to the establishment of the Lorath Self Defense Force the modern inquisition is comprised of clergy representing the Fyunnen, Lmanel, Occhestians. It is to be noted that all members of the inquisition are members of the clergy in some form, from the lowly position of novices and friars, ranging to clerics, bishops, and other high-ranking personnel, with the High Priest serving as the direct overseer of the organization, with the ability to approve or deny operations, while a panel of tenured senior inquisitors serve as a decision making and policy establishing force behind the Inquisition's mission.

Due to the goals of the Inquisition being firmly established by doctrine roughly boiling down to; “If it's a threat to the faith, the people, or the way of Lorath thought; end it”, the degree of freedom granted to field operatives is wide, with resources directly dictated by their duration of service, their individual merit, and their current mission. Effectively; they are given open license to bring the word of Lorath faith into the universe, and to make that word law.

  • lorath_matriarchy/religion/clergy.1499167172.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/07/04 07:19
  • by eistheid