
This is an old revision of the document!

  1. food - Things your character can eat.
  2. drinks - Neat stuff to drink.
  3. materials - notable materials and substances of the Wandering Star universe
  4. Equipment - Wandering Star's gear and tools of the trade
  5. aerospace_craft (Shuttles, Fighters, Bombers)
  6. ground_vehicles - Cars, trucks, and tanks to drive
  7. custom_apparel - Make your own epic clothing.
  8. firearms_and_combat_gear - Guns. Lots of guns.
    1. ammunition - Plant it inside things and watch them die.
  9. medical - Drugs and things to help you heal.
  10. miscellaneous_products - Neat stuff to buy.
  • guide/items.1470675450.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/08/08 12:57
  • by moogle