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guide:evolution:beasts [2016/11/27 02:00] – created osakanoneguide:evolution:beasts [2016/11/27 02:00] (current) osakanone
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 Animals which are considered legendary or monsterly, beasts often have remarkable evolutionary callbacks, resilience or magical capacity that makes them impossible to truly wipe out. They are often still considered threats. Animals which are considered legendary or monsterly, beasts often have remarkable evolutionary callbacks, resilience or magical capacity that makes them impossible to truly wipe out. They are often still considered threats.
-  * [[/species/lor/meruu]]+  * [[/species/lor/meruu | Lora Plauralunga Yanranquoraus ("Meruu")]]
  • guide/evolution/beasts.1480230031.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/11/27 02:00
  • by osakanone