
This is an old revision of the document!

Disclaimer: DM is NOT a system use to pit damage versus defense versus etc.

Destruction Measurement is a method of measuring the effective level of havok a singular weapon can wreak. It is a very loose method, and is not based on damage over time or singular rounds, but the amount of damage it can do to a single person (and the collateral, if applicable). It exists to give writers an easy way to gauge how destructive a gun or bomb is without having to pour through the whole article.

StageLevel of Destruction
0It is effectively like firing foam darts at the person, not even bruising their skin. Congratulations, it's useless.
1Can cause slight bruising. Maybe even give a black eye.
2Heavy bruising or skin-breaking
  • guide/destruction_measurement.1489615887.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/03/15 18:11
  • by moogle