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Imvia'roshya is a star system controlled by the raiconian_alliance. It is considered a fringe system that is still being explored fully, but the initial prospects are promising. It is best known for the floating isles present on Emkal'roshya.

Currently, Imvia'roshya has been designated as a 'visitor system'. It is the only system within Raiconian Alliance territory that Non-Raiken are permitted to visit without special clearance. It is still heavily guarded and visitors undergo extensive searches. The Alliance has permitted various factions and races to construct embassies here.

  • Name: Imvia'roshya
  • Type: G (Yellow)
  • Mass (Compared to Sun): 1.2
  • Radius (Compared to Sun): 1.2
  • Luminosity (Compared to Sun): 1.5

Companion Star

  • Name: Rothu'roshya
  • Type: K (Red)
  • Mass (Compared to Sun): 0.6
  • Radius (Compared to Sun): 0.6
  • Luminosity (Compared to Sun): 0.4
  • Distance from Main Star: 90 AU
Planetary Overview
Order Name Type Distance Mass
1 Vorskel Volcanic 0.18 AU 2.31×10'23
2 Aeras Darami Garden 0.83 AU 7.76×10'24
3 Risac Rock 1.18 AU 1.51×10'24
4 Yadi Garden 1.48 AU 5.9×10'24
5 Vorcer Gas Giant 5.06 AU 9.1×10'26
6 Seraran Gas Giant 9.26 AU 1.3×10'27
7 Karil Ice Rock 19.41 AU 8.42×10'23
8 Chaton Oceanic 0.9 AU (From Companion) 5.7×10'23

Due to its proximity to Imvia'roshya, Vorskel is little more than a ball of molten metal and rock. There is little reason to visit this planet for any individual.

  • Type: Volcanic
  • Orbital Radius: 0.18 AU
  • Period: .17 earth years
  • Gravity: 4 m/s^2
  • Atmosphere: Very thin, toxic in nature
  • Temperature Range: Extremely Hot
  • Planetary Population: None
  • Natural Satellites: None
  • Facilities: None

Emkal'roshya is the capital world of Imvia'roshya and its planetary capital is Aeras Darami. The main reason for Emkal'roshya becoming the center of operations is the planet's unique ecosystem. A particularly strong magnetosphere coupled with an extreme over-abundance of magnetic material in the planets crust and core allows floating 'islands' to exist. These floating islands are extremely valuable to the military as they are easy to fortify and repel invaders from. It also makes creating and docking starships easier.

The planet features a very thick band of iron, nickel, and cobalt in its crust. This thick band strengthens the planet's magnetic field. During the planet's formation, small scale collision events would break off chunks of the young crust, sending it into the air. This newly-formed 'island' would hover above the planet's surface if it had managed to take a large chunk of the magnetic band with it. Otherwise, it would crash back into the planet. These floating 'islands' are only capable of forming at Emkal'roshya's magnetic poles. The largest islands are directly over the magnetic poles, getting smaller and smaller as it reaches the 'center' of the field. Emkal'roshya's magnetic field runs parallel with its equator.

  • Type: Garden
  • Orbital Radius: 0.83 AU
  • Period: 0.6 earth years
  • Gravity: 11.5 m/s^2
  • Atmosphere: Somewhat thin, moreso on floating isles. Nitrogen/Oxygen.
  • Temperature Range: -20C to 50C
  • Planetary Population: 1.5 Billion
  • Natural Satellites: None
  • Facilities: Large Scale Military Infrastructure. Medium Agriculture, Manufacturing, Mining, and Civilian Infrastructure. Mid-grade Shipyards and Spaceports allow construction of more advanced vessels and the docking of such vessels.
  • Facilities:
    • Agriculture: Medium - Alliance owned farms keeps the populace fed. Imports are sometimes required.
    • Mining: Light - In the interest of maintaining Emkal'roshya's delicate ecosystem, mining is extremely limited.
    • Industry: Large - Away from the bands of floating isles, the Alliance produces everything it needs for the system.
    • Residential: Large - Bustling cities exist on the floating isle chain, mostly to cater to visitors and diplomats.
    • Commercial: Large - Plentiful markets provide the opportunity to find nearly anything, especially with the expansive industry planetside.
    • Military: Large - Dedicated Defense Force and Fleet coupled with scattered bases atop floating isles. Zai
    • Shipyards: Medium - Shipyards attached to larger floating isles allow construction of larger vessels.
    • Spaceports: Medium - Spaceports attached to larger floating isles allow docking of larger vessels.
    • Other: Floating isles house military bases, embassies, small cities, and basically anything else someone could think of putting on them.

Risac is a planet that is rich in metal and rock, making it a good place for mining operations. Risac is mostly home to military mining operations, where unrefined metal and rock are turned into military-grade materials and shipped off to Emkal'roshya for starship and weapons manufacturing.

  • Type: Rock, Metal
  • Orbital Radius: 1.18 AU
  • Period: 1.01 earth years
  • Gravity: 8 m/s^2
  • Atmosphere: Thin, oxygen masks may be required in certain areas, especially elevated ones.
  • Temperature Range: -40C to 21C
  • Planetary Population: 10 Million
  • Natural Satellites: 2 Toxic
  • Facilities:
    • Mining: Large - Large scale industrial mining. Some quarries visible from space.
    • Industry: Medium - Expansive refining operations and material construction.
    • Military: Medium - Regular patrols and small bases keep an eye on this important planet.
    • Spaceports: Medium - Capable of docking larger freighters.

Yadi (Insert some info about the Alliance allowing limited colonization on the planet). The capital of the planet is Nekar.

Yadi's moon, Zai Torin, is also a place of interest. Claimed by the military, this moon is utilized as a fort in and of itself. Although Emkal'roshya is the capital of the system, Zai Torin is the 'military capital' of the system. Covered with military fortifications, research buildings, and industry, Zai Torin is a shining example of Alliance military prowess. It also bodes well with the Alliance that Zai Torin can keep a close eye on Yadi, since other races are being permitted to colonize on it.

  • Type: Garden
  • Orbital Radius: 1.48 AU
  • Period: 1.34 earth years
  • Gravity: 10 m/s^2
  • Atmosphere: Normal balance of Nitrogen and Oxygen
  • Temperature Range: -40C to 37C
  • Planetary Population: 500 Million (100 Million on Zai Torin)
  • Natural Satellites: 1 Rocky Moon, used by the military
  • Facilities:
    • Agriculture: Medium - Large scale industrial farming keeps the population on Yadi and Zai Torin fed. Raiken and Non-Raiken alike.
    • Mining: Small - With preservation of the environment in mind, mining is kept small scale.
    • Industry: Small - Small factories produce basic supplies that the planet needs. Imports required.
    • Residential: (Size:Light,Small,Medium,Large) - Medium - Scattered cities dot the surface. Most belong to a different species, while the capital is a melting pot.
    • Commercial: Medium - Places to trade are abundant.
    • Military: Small - The Alliance keeps a foothold here, keeping an eye on their citizens and the new arrivals.
    • Spaceports: Small - Scattered spaceports allow the docking of smaller ships. Larger warships must be docked at the planet's moon.
    • Other: Planet is 'open' to foreign colonization. Alliance laws still apply.
Zai Torin's Facilities
  • Facilities:
    • Industry: Medium - Factories produce military goods, weapons, vehicles, and tools.
    • Residential: Medium - Enough civilian infrastructure to sustain the stationed populace.
    • Military: Large - Bristling with defenses and fortifications. Dedicated Defense Fleet.
    • Shipyards: Medium - Several shipyards capable of constructing most warships.
    • Spaceports: Medium - Capable of docking most warships and larger ships.

Vorcer is like any other gas giant, a resource to be mined. The Alliance hasn't spared this gas giant in its quest for resources, setting up mining stations and freight spaceports to transport the valuable gases.

  • Type: Gas Giant
  • Orbital Radius: 5.06 AU
  • Period: 8.52 earth years
  • Gravity: 22 m/s^2
  • Atmosphere: Toxic, Rich in Hydrogen and Helium
  • Temperature Range: Too Cold for Surface Contact
  • Planetary Population: Less than 200,000
  • Natural Satellites: 5 Rockies, 8 Ice, 4 Toxic, 2 Desert. Plenty of Smaller moons.
  • Facilities:
    • Mining: Medium - Plenty of Orbital Mining Stations
    • Military: Small - Regular Patrols
    • Spaceports: Small - Capable of docking small freighters

Seraran is much harder to mine than its counterpart, Vorcer, mostly because of its intense gravity. Even so, the opportunity to mine another gas giant for resources is hard to pass up. Alliance stations orbit Seraran, mining the gas giant for precious gases.

  • Type: Gas Giant
  • Orbital Radius: 9.26 AU
  • Period: 21.11 earth years
  • Gravity: 27 m/s^2
  • Atmosphere: Toxic, Rich in Hydrogen and Helium
  • Temperature Range: Too Cold for Surface Contact
  • Planetary Population: Less than 200,000
  • Natural Satellites: 6 Ice, 2 Rock, 2 Toxic, 1 Oceanic/Ice. Plenty of Smaller moons.
  • Facilities:
    • Mining: Small - Handful of Orbital Mining Stations
    • Military: Light - Scattered Patrols
    • Spaceports: Small - Capable of docking small freighters

Karil is little more than a giant ball of ice. Underneath the thick sheet of ice covering the planet's surface, there is evidence of water. This water could harbor some forms of life, but little study has been done. Smugglers and Pirates will sometimes meet around Karil, though there are no permanent inhabitants.

  • Type: Ice Rock
  • Orbital Radius: 19.41 AU
  • Period: 64.08 earth years
  • Gravity: 6 m/s^2
  • Planetary Population: None
  • Natural Satellites: None
  • Facilities: None

Chaton is the only planet that revolves around Imvia'roshya's companion star, Rothu'roshya. It is mostly an ocean planet with countless island chains scattered around its surface. Small outposts exist on the planet, mostly for those who wish to live 'under the radar' of the Alliance.

  • Type: Oceanic
  • Orbital Radius: 0.9 AU
  • Period: 0.85 earth year
  • Gravity: 9.9 m/s^2
  • Planetary Population: Less than 500,000
  • Natural Satellites: None
  • Facilities:
    • Agriculture: Light - Enough to feed the planet's meager population, not much else.
    • Mining: Light - Small mines make use of Chaton's limited mineral value.
    • Industry: Light - Workshops capable of producing tools, but little in the way of refined products.
    • Residential: Light - Scattered Villages
    • Spaceports: Light - A single spaceport can be found at the planet's impromptu capital, Yarsis

'Floating Island' image is used under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License and can be found here.

  • star_system/imvia_roshya.1498236215.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/06/23 12:43
  • by sham