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Sothal is a traditionally seafaring culture that welcomes travelers. Each city in their isles is its own state, and each holds their own custom. It is a nation of community and unity, and neighbors look to eachother for aid. But, should an outsider cross one, the entire community bands together to hunt them down.

Sothal has the unique property of converting their magical darkness into an iridiscent black fabric - and the ability to subtract colours from it, so much of their culture revolves around the use of the fabric, in fashion and architecture.


Sothal citizens dress lightly, suitable of their primarily tropical location.It's not uncommon for them to wear nothing more than a sash for a top and some shorts for modesty. Colours range, but always complement the nigh-mandatory maroon that all of them have.

Architecture & Aesthetics

Housing varies from kingdom to kingdom, but generally falls into two categories - plaster and stone, or wood and stone. The former tends to be on more mountainous islands and clustered a good story or two above sea level to avoid flooding, whereas the latter happens on flatter islands and feature raised homes. Fabrics are draped everywhere as decoration, painting both types of housing in swaths of colour and shine. Every single one has a dedicated docks that the community has built.

Sothal, like the other Balance societies, blends technology and magic as much as possible for useful results. This is particularly apparent in their licensing of Hekate products and of their interstellar shipyards.

Tech Focus

What the society's main focus in technology is. It could be that they heavily invest in ballistic weaponry, argricultural growth in an underground plane, or magitek construction, and so on. Essentially, what they're interested in developing towards.


Sothal heavily focuses on magic. Like the other Balance socieities, Vadral has a magical talent that they pride themselves on beyond any other -


Sothal, like all Balance Societies, focused so hard on magic during its history it quite simply forgot psionics existed.

Do they farm? What do they farm? How do they farm?


Do they have any sort of gardening/landscaping habits? Terraforming?


Do they keep animals? For food? For play? What kind?


What are common cooking traditions? What is a likely flavour profile?

Religion, while once a thing on Balance, faded out of public and private worship shortly after the kingdoms established themselves.

What are common traditions the culture holds? Is it annual, or based on some celestial alignment, or based on weather conditions, and so on.

Birth and Death

How do they celebrate birth? Do they mourn the dead? Etc.


Seat of Power


Law and Crime

This section is used for showing some of the varieties of subcultures, subfactions, or subgroups present within a culture that one might encounter, or

that the designers may desire for the setting.

  • culture/balance/sothal.1494719825.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/05/13 19:57
  • by moogle