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Felsal society is one that encourages true loyalty. Wealth is redistributed on all levels to encourage compliance, and all citizens must join the military when they come of age. This allows for people of any socioeconomic status to advance in Felsal.

What's their aesthetic? What's the general impression left on the viewer? How do they go about doing this?


Given the misty mires and forests of Felsal territory, Felsal fashion is decidedly practical. Most clothing is of thick fabrics, and cut in as few pieces as possible to not let water in. Ponchos and coats are common attire.

Architecture & Aesthetics

How do they construct things? What do they construct them like?
What is the culture's main draw? What do they like using?

Tech Focus

What the society's main focus in technology is. It could be that they heavily invest in ballistic weaponry, argricultural growth in an underground plane, or magitek construction, and so on. Essentially, what they're interested in developing towards.


Felsal heavily focuses on magic. Like the other Balance socieities, Vadral has a magical talent that they pride themselves on beyond any other -


Felsal, like all Balance Societies, focused so hard on magic during its history it quite simply forgot psionics existed.

Do they farm? What do they farm? How do they farm?


Since much of Felsal's territory is wetlands, they are the primary cultivator of the Eatuflos on Balance.


Do they keep animals? For food? For play? What kind?


What are common cooking traditions? What is a likely flavour profile?

Religion, while once a thing on Balance, faded out of public and private worship shortly after the kingdoms established themselves.

What are common traditions the culture holds? Is it annual, or based on some celestial alignment, or based on weather conditions, and so on.

Birth and Death

How do they celebrate birth? Do they mourn the dead? Etc.

Felsal government could be defined as an autocratic government with a dictatorial royal family.


The buck stops at the Grey One/Lady/Man, who controls everything with an iron fist. Since every citizen serves, every citizen has the potential to become a general - but generals are handpicked for their promotion by the Grey One themselves.


  • The Grey Lady - Harl Undine

Law and Crime

Felsal is pretty open with what's allowed and what isn't, but they have extremely heavy libel laws, and seditious talk is punishable by hard labor.

Autocrats - The ruling class of Felsal. Structured as the Grey Lady at the top, with appointed military forces holding down the different regions.

  • culture/balance/felsal.1494379405.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/05/09 21:23
  • by moogle