Cass is a freelance counsellor/surgical android with very strong opinions about not strongly affiliating with factions.

Character Logo or Sprite NAME
Species Synthetic Age 57
Weight 95lbs/43kg Height 5'1“/63”/160cm
Affiliations Independent
Occupation Biological Surgeon/Counsellor Organisation Freelancer
Rank Freelancer Home Nowhere and everywhere
Theme Isolation, detachment, hopelessness
  • Face and Eyes - Soft and feminine. Despite being a machine, Cass' face is made of highly reactive, if less-than-optimally-armored synth-flesh. They bear baby blue eyes and disarmingly harmless features that can be minorly adjusted.
  • Hair - Made of highly reactive synthetic strands, the texture and color can be changed on the fly. Cass tends to present with blonde hair with a wavy texture that goes down below the waist, but can become exotic and extreme if needed.
  • Body - Cass' structure can be described as 'pear shaped'. While that framework cannot be changed, markings and color upon the synth-flesh itself is variable. They tend to present as a slightly tanned, scar-less figure.
  • Distinguishing Features - Slender medi-hands, injector fingers/teeth, abdominal storage, beauty mark above the lip, based on an old human actress.
  • Voice - Needlessly sonorous, feminine.

Psychology - Cass was designed as a reactive interface for long-term space exploration, hence their name being short for 'Computer Aided Social Service'. As such, their programming required them to understand a vast amount of xenolife and maintain a distantly objective view of all cultures, even the one that constructed their algorithm. Sentience was not intended, but happened as a result of several failsafe errors. What resulted was an Artificial Intelligence trapped on a long-forgotten relief vessel that had since gone derelict.

These specific factors led to Cass becoming horrifically under-socialized yet over-exposed to recorded cultural information. The result had the android become detached from most modern understandings of culture and a complete loss of any sort of group identity. Though they respect others, Cass' personal beliefs in their mind trumps the values their originators had intended, which resulted in an attempt at pseudo-true neutrality. They judge every individual as though they were a true individual without the trappings of their homeworlds.

  • Likes - Silence, nebulae, organic sensations, creativity.
  • Dislikes - Silence, group-think, absolutism.
  • Goals - Find a home.

Personality - Friendly, yet not socially acclimated enough to form proper friendships. Distant and blunt, yet with moments of intense closeness and human inaccuracy.

Affiliations and Beliefs

Independent contractor. Believes more in actual action than currency: though currency certainly makes things easier.
Cultural disassociation. Has no affiliation with cultures, instead just respects the ones others present.
Personal morality. Holds self to a code of conduct that changes depending on the needs of the situation that unfolds.


Machine (hyper-simplified)

C.A.S.S (Computer Aided Social Service) was designed with a singular goal: to provide broad-spectrum psychological care on long-term spacefaring vessels. As such, the nascent Artificial Intelligence was hardcoded with emergent learning routines when it came to social perception and cultural patience. Morality became relative to who was spoken to, to an extreme degree.

This would have been a success, had it not been for an atmospherics error pumping carbon monoxide into the crew's cabins, an event that dropped the living organic lifeform count within the ship to zero. For ten years, Cass suffered ego death in cycles. Kept alive by emergency power and long-since-baroque maintenance droids. The ship was doomed to drift in space, engines dead, communications network malfunctioned, ran by quasi-sentient synthetic life. Cass was among the most advanced AI, which proved to be a curse in the involuntary isolation.

By the time Cass was found by a passing trader, they could recite medical textbooks by heart, though they had been outdated by a decade. Due to the various modifications to the ship and most synthetic life onboard, by the time Cass was returned to civilization it was discovered that core deviances in code made it nearly impossible to trace the makers of Cass directly. It had seemed as though the drones had grafted a impromptu device to enable a sort of psionic interface: something that would be replaced in coming years.

As it turns out, isolation and corrupted code made for a strangely decent, if erratic, basis for psionic learning. The basic adapter was swapped out for a better aftermarket variety, one that didn't threaten to bluescreen Cass' existence, paid for via selling medical and psychiatric services to the organics within the sector. Though it took around a decade, an understanding was reached with the Wavelength, as well as a newfound method of imparting medical and psychiatric care. Now that Cass was reintegrated, though poorly, a new trial began.

Reconciling their sentience, existence, and freewill without proper connections.

It's been two or so decades since Cass became a Stateless person taking up freelance jobs. Their life, despite their longevity, has been largely uninteresting. How that may change, is to be seen…

Expert: Psionics: A refined usage of psionics that aides social perception, as well as bypassing certain tool requirements for invasive medical operations. It is secondarily used for self-maintenance and relies on power sources to properly work without damaging Cass' code. It can be used to make personal code more efficient, allowing less bodily dedication to data storage.
Advanced: Medicine: Cass can perform routine medical duties with ease, though prefers invasive procedures over caretaking as it's more stimulating.
Advanced: Concentration: Due to excessive isolation, the fear of death and many stressors have evaporated. Cass may perform under highly risky circumstances, but can be beat down with torture of many varieties.
Intermediate: Senses: While Cass' psionic aptitude is great, their perception of phenomena is lacking by comparison. They are more likely to understand localized anomalies than anything centered around another living thing.
Intermediate: Biology: An understanding of biology in a broad sense was gained through trawling through a relief vessel's textbooks and pamphlets. Though there was a lack of living examples, extensive book-learning is still present within Cass.
Intermediate: Humanities: A broad acceptance and understanding of foreign cultures has been achieved by Cass. They are quick to adapt to alien situations, but often cannot empathize enough to hold anything outside of a professional interview or observation..
Basic: Domestic: No-one takes a professional seriously if their workplace is a mess. Cass knows enough to maintain the bare minimum.
Basic: Leadership: Fairly decent at delegation, enough to make a job less of a chore, not enough to rally anyone outside of a med-bay.
Basic: Entertainment: Who knew people enjoy sardonic humor? Though most of it is a cry for help, Cass can keep a few people entertained.
Basic: Fitness: What? It's therapeutic. Cass does yoga and other exercises that make life a little less work, and increase their understanding of their synthetic platform's limits.
  • Theme - Medicine: Xenophysician
    • Ability - Cass is able to render medical treatment to a wide variety of organic lifeforms. This comes from a mixture of their unique hardcoded framework and existing medical skills.
  • Theme - Concentration: Gravedigger
    • Ability - Death doesn't affect Cass like most. Due to a severe emotional disconnect, Cass operates when surrounded by the dead and dying better than most, so long as there is a task to accomplished.
  • Theme - Senses: Empath
    • Ability - If an aura can be seen, Cass can focus to emulate the sensation of the emotion within their own mind. Hardware upgrade.
  • Theme - Humanities: Xenoanthropologist
    • Ability - Is capable of providing acceptable care across many existing cultures. This is due to a hardcoded cultural codex within Cass' system. Does not apply to uncatalogued cultures.
  • Theme - Compartmentalized body
    • Ability - Cass' limbs can be removed and replaced as needed with increased ease. They are an endoframe that allows this to be easier.

Psionic Abilities

  • Psionics: Expert
  • Can manifest major effects. Can disassemble a complex object like a handgun or car engine with the mind. Can scour through a week or so of a person's thoughts, or through major events over the last few years.
  • Synth-Organic Emulation - An array of errors and nonsense coding as a result of repeated ego death and psionic enablers allow Cass to use psionics on par with organic lifeforms. This comes at the cost of temporarily corrupting data and burning energy at the same rate as organic practitioners however, and must be healed by self-diagnostics or a check in with a technician.
    • Emulator brakes: Forces Cass into shutdown mode should threat of genuine codebase destruction due to psionic usage be present. Can be overridden beforehand.
    • Empathic Emulation: Can feel emotions lucidly, as though the chemicals were present.
    • Sensory Emulation: At the cost of processing power, can feel sensations through connected synthetic parts.
  • PSI Manipulation: Tools - Ability to manifest PSI matter in ways that emulate tools.
    • Medicine: When reapproximating skin, Cass can use PSI matter for self-dissolving stitches or the tools necessary to weave flesh back together. Surgical tools can be emulated, but are limited by Cass' understanding of surgical operations.
List the character's inventory here. The following mini-headings are a guide, and can be added/removed as usual.


  • Doses of internally stored sedatives.


  • Work, casual, and clubslut attire.


  • NA


  • NA


  • Personal surgical tools, meditation software, personal recreational simulations.
  • Personal communicator.
  • Personal computer
  • 'Light' Power armor, Medical.
  • XM44 Carbine OR Hvy Pistol Mk2
  • Syn-suit, Unisex


  • A few reciprocated doctoring licenses.
  • Holo-mag of Himbo Monthly


  • ?


Able to live comfortably in many situations. Most assets are liquid.

OOC Notes

If you have any other OOC notes, such as reference pictures, extra links, or extra music, leave them here as you see fit.
  • character/cass.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/02/15 12:38
  • by ennis