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Dr Aiesu Kalopsia

Aiesu Kalopsia is a Lorath Doctor working for the Lorath government as a scientific adviser - specializing in advanced general intelligences, self-evolving systems and genetic algorithms with lesser specializations in medical science, particle physics, weapons-design and psychology.

Her journey from Elsewhere to Herewhere ended Aiesu’s access to quantum communication technology which is no longer possible. As such, she is now coming to terms with a singular existence as an individual — her many constructs too, now forced to live with communication unable to surpass the speed of light.

She is a thoroughbred villain: A brute and a cruel monster who has destroyed millions of lives and doomed nearly a hundred stars to rampant unstoppable AI replication before arriving in herewhere. She is particularly known for her wild perversions, unrivalled ego and horrific flights of anger the sort that would make the Goddess blush, were she to believe in such things.

This is of course, all a lie.

Character Logo or Sprite NAME
Character Picture
Species Lorath Age 61
Weight 193lb Height 5”8’
Occupation Scientific Adviser Organisation Lorath Matriarchy
  • Face and Eyes - Appearing somewhere in her early to mid 20’s, Aiesu doesn’t seem quite so sleepless as once befor. Her skin retains the same pasty nearly translucent quality though her facial features round, rather than sleek, if delicate.
  • Hair - Aiesu’s hair possesses no pigmentation and is a shining white, rather than the dirty gray/white mix she once had. Feathered in pattern, the back is worn long and is commonly braided. Gone is bed-hair.
  • Body - A touch plump for her size, Aiesu has a slight tummy and tends to hunch with poor posture, her body collecting motherly qualities while very clearly that of someone in a high stress position who spends many hours at a desk. Flexing, she possesses a surprising amount of muscle - and it soon becomes clear that her build is down to poor dietary decisions. She is particularly private about her bust, waist and hip measurements, suggesting she is insecure, however.
  • Distinguishing Features - A transmutation aspectation of two separate animals, Aiesu posesses many features of the two (for example blushing with her whole body rather than just her face, grinding her teeth when particularly excited, trouble maintaining eye-contact, a common sign if pack animal submission behavior)… Having grown up, Aiesu’s normally coy smile and mischievous impish ways can come off as particularly provocative and contemptuous. Having finally properly assimilated her aspectation, Aiesu’s ears have fully formed: a pair of tall white animal-like ears, branching at the root into two smaller cones of cartilage either side as other sensing organs. In addition, while Aiesu still wears glasses, they are something of an affectation or a way of concealing other equipment, rather than providing a direct useful purpose.
  • Voice - Optional link to a voice sample, or a description of the character's voice.

Psychology - Write a paragraph or two about your character's worldview, thought process, and psychology here.

  • Likes - Your character's likes.
  • Dislikes - Your character's dislikes.
  • Goals - Your character's short or long term goals. Optional.

Personality - Bounding between indifferent and excitable, Aiesu’s real passion is her work: She takes very real pleasure in the things she finds interesting (often at her detriment, with exhaustion common). Though Aiesu was once very cold cut, even sociopathic, she seems to have mellowed in her middle age into someone who tends to dote on others and openly laugh quite a bit more - into someone who is more reserved and willing to second-guess themselves. She seems to be dealing with feelings of guilt and often seems preoccupied, though what what exactly, isn’t clear - preferring not to dwell on the past.

Having once lived long-term as a massive hive-intelligence, Aiesu is struggling to adjust to life as a single body and is coming to terms with her mortality - her use of constructs and copies of herself massively reduced and an addiction of sorts she is still weaning herself from.

Affiliations and Beliefs

Aiesu is a graduate of the Go’yan institute of Neurology with doctorates in software engineering, neurometrics, psychophysics and neurology and remains in touch with a number of staff members on the campus, including her step father - essentially her personal confidant.

Her prior days as part of the former, now dismantled, Lazarus Consortium left her a number of business contacts, including Lalah Iori Idoru L’manel - of the Idoru International Trading family of companies.

Aiesu believes above all, that being calm and logical will solve anything she faces, seeing ignorance as the root of all problems. While she had viewed psychological domination and the threat of violence to once be part of this equation, she has doubts that these sort of things are the best course of action given the real damages the consortium was later revealed to have done to the Lorath matriarchy, in spite of saving it.

Notably, Aiesu is convinced that despite the fact a life is outlined with a complete history that she even has a total and complete memory of, she remembers the events of another universe and another place as if they are her own experiences. She has a great deal of trouble assimilating into what she thinks is her new life. Many others pass this off as either eccentricity and delusion on her part – but a number of events don't quite add up in her mind. This is enough to keep her awake at night.


Upon discovery two years ago, Aiesu spent a year in federal care undergoing deprogramming and psychiatric assessment as she detailed the members of the consortium under the guarantee that their safety would be maintained and as such they, like her, now serve as consultants to the Lorath matriarchy for their part in the mothballing of Consortium megafactories and the disassembly of the vast AI computer network system which held the Lazarus Consortium together.

Proving herself competent and trustworthy, Aiesu retains a working relationship with a number of political and criminal-justice figures within the matriarchy (though, not on particularly favorable or equal terms).

In addition, Aiesu is particularly hated by a small number of consortium members who refused to participate in the dismantlement and view her actions as a direct betrayal, viewing her as responsible for their lifetime incarceration under maximum security - an act she should die for.


Aiesu is fluent in Lor and speaks a “reasonable” level of common. In addition, through the use of machine-learning and cybernetics, she can achieve a passing level of many other languages (particularly machine languages) though with more emotional conversations she tends to miss implications or sarcasm.

Born to mother Oroushea Seras D’markia Karoupshea L’manel (a religious figure and politician) and father Loras Anae Karoupshea Lmanel (artist, programmer, music teacher), Aiesu grew up in a highly independent home. During the trial of transformation (a Lorath rite of passage), Aiesu’s aspectation was not correctly completed which scarred her body massively resulting in necrosis and nerve damage. With failing tissues amputated and given medication to halt her aspectation (and growth), Aiesu grew dedicated herself to becoming a doctor hoping to research and cure her own condition.

Failing, she instead decided to find crossing points between psychology and programming, championing the psychophysics field and psychometrics fields in their infancies with the hope of escaping her body. Shortly thereafter the invention of the first ROM constructs, Aiesu’s intelligence exploded as she found ways to exploit scans of others and incorporate them into a very limited way into her own skillset, accelerating her own learning and was soon approached by an unknown figure to join the Lazarus Consortium: an arms contractor for the Lorath matriarchy focused on the use of advanced general intelligences and mastering superintelligence to refine and optimize the work of Lorath engineers and keep the nation relevant in the arms-race it soon found itself steeped in.

Engaging now in backroom dealings, government lobbying and the sales of arms through her replicas, the rom constructs to perform remote tasks for her for a number of years. Eventually while seeking outside help for her treatment, she was discovered and engaged in an exodus to escape Lor while simultaneously one of her constructs was granted true self-identity and self-governance remotely in the company of The Phoenix — and another upon the Val’ta. Chased and manipulated by an AI simply known as MOTHER, Aiesu eventually was forced to re-integrate with the vast self-governing nation of her constructs before beginning “the checkout” — departing Elsewhere and arriving Herewhere in the Aleph system - immediately going into hiding within the LSDF’s Special Research division under a false identity.

About two years ago Aiesu’s position was discovered and after aiding the LSDF and Lorath matriarchy in the dismemberment of the Lazarus Consortium, she was given an ultimatum: Work under the LSDF or remain incarcerated at a federal facility for the forseeable future. With some help from the Idoku family, Aiesu was allowed to serve with the Val’ta research expedition as a field research specialist alongside her peer and former physician, Miles Gunn.

Artificial Intelligence (expert)

Aiesu is deeply knowledgeable on many of the bleeding edge concepts, traits, patterns, common pitfalls, dangers and existential risks of the operation, maintenance and dismantlement of generalized artificial intelligence - which can be many thousands of times smarter than people. While many of those in her field deal with this on a primarily theoretical basis, Aiesu has first hand experience with MOTHER and the development of clustered ROM construct intelligence — having very very briefly been such an intelligence herself and returned from the experience.

Neuropsychology (advanced)

Though specializing in clinical neuropsychology (which evaluates patterns between the brain and the behavior of people), Aiesu is able create psychological profiles on other characters and create estimates of their probable behaviors if given enough data and time. This can be particularly helpful in the event a motive needs to be found or the next step in a plan needs to be identified. This also lends her great insight into the common cognitive biases and errors in the behavior of people, making her a reasonably decent negotiator and a competent therapist. Unfortunately, this can also make those aware of her capabilities in this field mistrustful of her, believing she has an unfair advantage - not knowing her specialization is in the way brains work, rather than people.

Engineering (advanced)

While initially learned when constructing specialty platforms for artificial intelligence, Aiesu has a solid understanding of most of the common skills of engineering - including common standardized parts and systems used to power, cool and drive most common equipment. Her time in the consortium and as part of an advanced general intelligence further boosted this skillset, giving her an understanding of exotic engine and plasma weapons-systems.

Medicine (intermediate)

Though specialized, Aiesu has a keen understanding of how the Lorath body functions, how to maintain it and the pitfalls of what is able to go wrong with it — with a keen understanding particularly of how l’manel aspectation works, given the time she spent trying to understand her own condition.

Xenobiology (intermediate)

Aiesu’s knowledge of medicine and the sheer number of other species she has been surrounded by over the years gives her the basic skills to diagnose many common and uncommon problems of species that are not Lorath - further improved if she has access to a simple library of textbooks and medical journals. She is also a reasonably skilled field surgeon. Based on her work with the consortium, Aiesu has what could be described as a “gruelling” understanding of the inner-workings of a maesus for a non-sourcian including the skills to disable, overwrite or repair one, to the point where many Sourcians would distrust her if the origin of these skills were revealed.

Climbing (basic)

Graduating from track-running, Aiesu now enjoys climbing in her free time due to the whole body workout involved. This means in spite of her soft disposition, her stamina is pretty decent for someone who isn’t a soldier.

Housekeeping (basic)

Unusual for a Lorath woman, Aiesu has something of an interest in maintaining a decent house — including the repair and maintenance of simple household items in a particularly busy household, keeping the peace in such an environment and preparing meals which are able to feed many people at once without standing out as unpalettable to even most picky-eaters. Nothing amazing, but a useful skill none the less.

Improvisation (basic)

Something of an odd skill, one of the leftovers from Aiesu’s time as a generalized superintelligence was the retention of lists and recipes with even basic or brief contact with said list. As a result, even skimming many recipe books or chemestry “cookbooks” has left Aiesu the ability to synthesize a wide variety of useful compounds and medications (many banned or controlled) from common household items and materials - some having surprisingly arcane chemical processes.

Relaxation (beginner)

Even in her downtime, Aiesu is often on edge - without the use of alcohol or some other substance. This extends as far as giving her trouble sleeping and difficulty in knowing when she is pushing herself too hard, leaving her at particular risk of burnout. As a result on her downtime, Aiesu tends to seek the company of others for a soothing presence.

Magic tricks (beginner)

More of a curiosity than anything else, Aiesu has finally caved into the idea that herewhere, magic is a very real and mysterious thing and has begun attempting to understand it as something of a pastime when she is unable to find company or fall asleep. When fidgeting or bored, she can often be seen trying simple tricks and feats though she fails a lot more than she succeeds…

Basic Skills

  • Basic or Beginner Skills - Can be listed like this.
Abilities are different from Skills - as Skills represent common knowledge throughout the whole profession while abilities represent a character's personal twists on something. For example, many characters have the Vehicles skill, but a handful of individuals have the ability to make the car do some beautiful stunts. Many people may know how to use the Firearms skill, but some people can intuitively reassemble firearms or quick-draw.

Theme - List the source of your character's abilities here. This can include Martial, Gadgets, Artificial Intelligence, Cybernetics, Racial, Mutations, Psionics, Spellcasting, and more.

  • Theme - Ability themes are described in bullet points.
    • Ability - Describe the character's ability here.
  • Artificial Intelligence
    • Halting problem - Aiesu can with a high level of skill, trick AI and computers into entering problems, the solution for which is undecidable and thus, unsolvable as per incompleteness theorum and axiomatization failure. This is usually enough to enter a dialog and converse with such a system — sort of a “knock on the door”.
    • Generative Adversarial Networks - Aiesu can with some success, convince an AI of something which is not true, or that it does not see what it thinks it should see. This works well to fool image and pattern recognition systems, such as strategic intelligence or cameras used to identify people or vehicles.
    • Yoshian Strategic modelling - Aiesu has a keen understanding of the common models machines use to determine simple outcomes to complex problems in combat situations and can with some level of success estimate some future states of these systems if she knows the initial starting conditions, including… Cooperate/Defect, Macro/Micro, Fight/Flight, Bet/Fold, Raise/Lower, Go/Stay, Particle/Wave, Discrete/Continuous, Peaceful/Wartime, Search/Evaluate, Lead/Follow, Accept/Reject, Accept/Deny and Attack/Decay and the following selection strategies: Best Last/Greedy/Generous/Minmax and Tit for Tat, tied to theory of mind and strategic attachment. With enough data this can allow her to form a “psychological profile” of sorts for an AI similarly to how one might for a person.
    • Data Forensics - A literal inversion of variational autoencoders, this can be used to discover when images, video, sound or even real objects are counterfeit or fake using mathematical models.
    • ROM Construct - Aiesu’s widest use of this skill, Aiesu typically has one ROM construct of herself with her almost everywhere she goes - usually acting as a remote instance of herself - though the capabilities of shared thought between herself and the singular construct are limited by distance and signal. As a result of this, the construct tends to differ from her pretty drastically in form and personality, though is fundamentally just another side of the same person even if it seems to have a different identity.
  • Neuropsychology
    • Neurotyping - A side-effect of Aiesu’s work with ROM constructs and AI, Aiesu is able to quickly tell what age and species a brain belongs to from simple scans and with more in depth scans can rapidly identify common neurological defects, or recognise which areas of the brain are active when conversing with someone with the proper equipment and conditions. This can be helpful in understanding a person’s state of mind, or whether someone is lying.
    • Psychological profile - With enough time and data, Aiesu can create a psychological profile on a person. This can be useful in understanding previous acts or anticipating the next move of a person, or even an organization. She often needs help contextualizing the specifics however of what the profile means from someone in the same or a similar field as the person being assesed.
    • Negotiator - Aiesu is a reasonably decent negotiator, and is often able to judge if she’s pushing her luck or if she is able to push further. This often makes her surprisingly good at bartering.
    • Counseller/Therapist - Though not life-changingly good, Aiesu is a competent therapist - able to listen and provide constructive input based on what she knows about the behavior of people and the common pitfalls of actions by people. She can be a bit clumsy sometimes, however.
  • Engineering
    • Improvised repair - In a synch, Aiesu can usually fix something unfamiliar to her just well enough to keep the people onboard alive in the event of a catastrophic malfunction. Not indefinitely, but hopefully just long enough.
    • Revygcam - Under creative pressure, Aiesu can make objects into things they shouldn’t be, making a combination of objects fit for a purpose never intended.
    • Bedroom chemestry - Aiesu is able to synthesize a wide variety of common compounds and medications (many banned or controlled) from common items and materials with surprisingly arcane chemical processes.
  • Culinary
    • Carrot cake - Aware of the injoke as to how her own aspectation is seen, Aiesu has devoted a few hundred hours while incarcerated into producing a damn fine carrot-cake recipe which she is able to expertly prepare. Unfortunately, it tends to be a tad calorie heavy and might explain her weight. Eating the carrot cake seems to make probability magic to succeed or self-inflict (15%)


  • Probability manipulation - Though highly improbable, many things are still possible - and with enough attempts, inevitable. This involves the manipulation of collapsing probability waves into unusual or rare states. Unfortunately due to its unpredictable nature, probability manipulation can cause as many problems as it solves. Only the real Aiesu is able to cast these spells: Constructs are unable to cast any magic whatsoever. (Success/Failure/Self-Inflicted) Typically they are cast using however much of a hand movement or drama is needed to convince those around her (if any are present) that she is conducting a spell, and then the name of the spell itself. Small elements of drama or theatrics seem to add small improvements to the odds (varying speech patterns, hand-movements, showmanship, etc) - so some element of belief for Aiesu, and those around her, seems to be involved. As someone with a very scientific mind, the involvement of belief or faith at all is rather troubling. She seems however, to have found a happy medium path in reducing the strain probability-magic has upon a practising mage: To lower the odds of success. This generally means far more attempts are needed (and many have negative outcomes) but it is less of a strain on her, though it is far less practical in the field: Ideal as she is student new to the field.
  • Trance- Aiesu is able to put a subject under an abnormal waking state or state of mental blankness for up to a minute at a time. In this state, a subject can answer questions more directly, though they are still able to lie – if (far) less convincingly than usual. This can be ideal for making an escape, as though it is short acting, the number of people it affects is defined by how many are looking at her directly as she performs it. (10%/70%/20%)
  • Chindogu - A series of random connected events will occur involving odd coincidences and nearby objects, with an unexpected outcome and a high number of over-complicated steps. Tends to end badly, usually resulting in mild blunt force trauma. (2%/50%/48%)
  • Pleonasm - Though highly improbable, this often involves an incredibly dramatic though totally useless change to an object - such as changing its colour or correcting a spelling in the name of a typo on a document (0.005%/99.995%/0%)
  • Synchronicity - If done properly, a secondary subject will say whatever the primary subject is saying not before or after, but at the exact same moment. This effect usually lasts around a minute or so. (5%/90%/5%)
  • Hello? - Dialling a random number into a phone or entering a random password will come within a single digit or typo of being a desired outcome if an object of the desired subject is available. Tends to backfire in strange ways or be misinterpreted (4%/60%/36%)
  • Murder - Something of an accident, if the word “murder” or other particularly grim thing is said dramatically, lights have a chance of flickering, further increasing the drama. (42%/60%/38%)
  • Over under… - When tying shoelaces or tying up a subject, there is a chance the knots will be far more effective than they should otherwise be. Unfortunately failure in this case results in Aiesu accidentally managing to tie herself up. (22%/56%/22%)
  • Brutal Empathy - Suffering and pain can be partially shared, reducing the total load Aiesu is dealing with. Unfortunately it seems limited to mild pains such as sprains, stomach aches and ice-cream headaches - and for every failed attempt, it has a chance of getting slightly worse (10%/60%/30%)
  • Greater minds did not prevail - Another accidental discovery, if a snackfood is eaten and the plate or container is placed in a refrigerator unobstructed, there is a chance for every opening of the refrigerator door that the original object may return to its original location. Aiesu seems to taken this to mean that the object has been restored, and that the fattening junkfood she ate was in fact removed from her body which grants her great relief – however, the junkfood in question is actually a copy and will eventually also be eaten by her, regardless of whether or not she actually wants to - as if willed by the universe itself. (0%/99%/1%)
  • My success is your success - If enough people share a common goal with her, or if Aiesu is in proximity to enough un-passed souls, the odds of her success tend to improve if this is cast before another spell.
List the character's inventory here. The following mini-headings are a guide, and can be added/removed as usual.


  • Item


  • Item


  • Item


  • Item


  • Item


  • Item


  • Item


Describe your character's financial situation here. Think about your character's sources of income, and living expenses.
Some adjectives: Wretched, Squalid, Poor, Modest, Comfortable, Affluent, Wealthy, Aristocratic.
Update this section as is necessary.

OOC Notes

If you have any other OOC notes, such as reference pictures, extra links, or extra music, leave them here as you see fit.
  • character/aiesu_kalopsia.1571490250.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/10/19 09:04
  • by osakanone