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Rolaan Creation Guide

Rolaan are a carnivorous reptilian race with a penchant for golemcraft and geomancy, and a time-honored rule never to steal food. They can be found in both rolaan undercities and mixed in other communal living spaces across Aleph, currently.

  • Rolaan come in three flavours: Terrestrial, Desert, and Polar. See Appearance for description.
  • A Rolaan must have a bangle, collar, bracer, or something of the like somewhere on their body. Their Band is a key element to maintaining their long-term health.
  • They have monochrome vision but a great sense of smell! So, their colour coordination is going to be terrible for their outfits, and they generally try to make themselves have as little scent as possible.
  • Rolaan are primarily a reactionary species that focuses more on immediate concerns rather than long term thinking.
  • Rolaan are heavy magic users.

Rolaan, by nature of their biology, cannot pronounce P, B, M, or V sounds. They have a sound very much like an “F” but otherwise they have no qualms with pronunciation. Rolaan names follow a “NAME ChildOfName” format. The “ChildOf” prefix in this case being “Fi-” and the second name belonging to the parent that either A: had more prestige or B: Lay an uncontested claim to the child. Eggs that go unclaimed or abandoned end up getting a “Sa-” for the prefix and the name of the town they were born to as the last name. Rolaan names, due to their language consisting of trilling sounds, tend to be short and to the point.

Sample Names
Kahl FiSaanJaad SaNoir Fein FiTahnLein SaYork
Goh FiKessDea FiHastToj FiChielPell SaBaroque

Use this to show common upbringings in the species/culture. Try to list at least three paths - but remember, these are supposed to be common, but not the ONLY options.

Rolaan are a species that have been through a major diaspora, and thus have a wide variety of species specific paths to take.

  • Undercity Native - The most Rolaan-dense areas of any populated area tends to be in undercities modeled after the shelters of old. These places are the classic Rolaan experience. A bustling warren of clans and families, completely dominated by the Rolaan barter-exchange system.
    • Clanborn - Being born as a part of a wide family means having a relatively solemn but tight-knit group to partner with. Quiet love and support aids the growth of a young Rolaan.
    • Grey Mage - Grey Mage Rolaan learn to work the very material that forms their homes. Their training paths range from geomancy to stoneworking to golemcraft.
    • Shepherd - Rolaan generally assign shepherds for their cities to keep up with population needs for meat. Shepherds learn how to work with creatures, but are generally more isolated than their peers.
  • Lost One - A term by clanborn for the Rolaan that live intermixed with other species.
    • Consort Cafe - Lost Ones that end up flocking together tend to make a restaurant space to prey on non-Rolaan interests in their species. These Rolaan capitalize on their reputation for being excited and eager creatures.

Rolaan, of course, are a reptilian species. They have scales, claws, and cold blood. They all have horns and scale flares on their cheeks. Rolaan born in warmer climates have their horns grow downwards, and rolaan born in colder ones have their horns grow upwards.

Rolaan come in three main varieties. All Rolaan scales are smooth and polished to the touch, but the specific colouration differs between them. For the most part, there are key tones on the body with patches of bright colouration around the face. Rolaan stomachs and inner legs are brighter coloured than the rest of their body, and males have the brighter of the two sexes. For the most part, they sit around 4 feet tall with 1 foot of variance (tending towards smaller) and weigh between 110 and 160 lbs.

  • Arboreal Rolaan are the most common type, and are grassy or earthen toned, suited towards living in a green environment. Greens, grays, browns, and the like are the most common palettes.
  • Desert Rolaan are rock and sand toned, moving from sandy browns to igneous black. They have a much longer and thinner tail than their counterparts, and much more able to use the tail to their advantage. They also have broader and flatter claws.
  • Polar Rolaan are very rare to encounter, and are predominantly white with some very faint and dull blues. It is not unheard of to have ones with pastel-type shades of other colours. They're a foot taller on average, thicker-bodied, and their scales are more coarse. But, they tend to have the best magical reserves.

This should be something influenced by societal education. Magic and psionic talents (Including specific disciplines) are in this category. Natural racial abilities should be listed here as well.

Shows examples of how to take a common upbringing and personalize it, including major historical events, otherwise give you basic ways to flesh out the background. Where were they when X was attacked? When a natural disaster hit? etc.

This is where you link anything that would be helpful for potential players to take a look at.

  • ccg/rolaan.1490059815.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/03/20 21:30
  • by moogle