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Belza Creation Guide

Belza are synthesized sentient clouds that have to wear mechanical suits in order to survive in regular atmosphere. They are traditionally aloof, rapid learners who are incredibly young in the large schema of races in the universe.

Like the abilities list on the species template, this gives a rundown of key points every player must consider.

Belza take their names from signs and posters to give them names for non-belzan folks to pronounce (As their native tongue is inherently unpronounceable to anybody possessing solid matter). Motivational poster phrases are common for 1st generational Belza.

Sample Names

Hang in ThereDeterminationOpen 24/8Turn LeftFalling Rock
Joe's DeliAmperageThe Road Less TraveledFree RideWash Me

Use this to show common upbringings in the species/culture. Try to list at least three paths - but remember, these are supposed to be common, but not the ONLY options.

Condense species page appearance down for this section, with colourations and occurrence. Be sure to note obvious signifiers and fashions and other such commonalities.

This should be something influenced by societal education. Magic and psionic talents (Including specific disciplines) are in this category. Natural racial abilities should be listed here as well.

Shows examples of how to take a common upbringing and personalize it, including major historical events, otherwise give you basic ways to flesh out the background. Where were they when X was attacked? When a natural disaster hit? etc.

This is where you link anything that would be helpful for potential players to take a look at.

  • ccg/belza.1488692945.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/03/05 00:49
  • by moogle