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Cursed and blessed from something indescribable a long time ago and living with it for what feels like longer, Hagbloods live with a constant stream of magic flowing through their bodies and leaking into the world around them, bending it in mysterious ways even the wisest have trouble grasping at times.

The Hagblood's connection with things others can't see positions them easily in research, humanities, and science. Beyond magic, they often do well as academics and mathematicians, and discover realms of possibilities.

“Things will not stop happening to those who keep doing. Or, don't be a dick. Your choice.”

With a weird connection to the world and what they can bring upon it, Hagbloods believe that what goes around comes around eventually. They are superstitious to a fault, refusing to step on cracks or under ladders, and happy to pet passing black cats. As such, they take great care in remembering what they've done for people, and what people have done to them.

If something vile is done to a Hagblood or their family which seems senseless or random, the world will find a way to make the perpetrator's life an ironic hell. The most furious and driven of them can do terrible things with a drop of the target's blood, a few strands of hair, and a photograph.

The family life of a Hagblood is very close knit, with the parents teaching their children all they can about the world as they understand it before going into formal education. In school, Hagbloods usually find themselves working to discover more about the world their parents didn't teach them, finding like-blooded partners to form covens and cabals with, and with them, lifetime friendships.

Later in life, they drift apart from their friends and families, delving into long bouts of research. Often, they look for answers to questions, or for worldly secrets and strange truths. Otherwise, they just like the solitude and remain in touch with their friends and family throughout life.

There are two identifiable schools of swagger for Hagbloods: the scholarly and the eclectic. Scholarly Hagbloods cater to an image of wizened and well-studied curators, evoking images of archetypal witches and wizards. The eclectic Hagbloods are a little more fanciful, mimicking the look of stage magicians, performers, mountebanks, and tricksters.

Hair wise, Hagbloods like their hair long and flowing, and beards longer if they can grow one. Often, their hair sports braids or decorations, and can run the gamut of colours from natural to plain strange.

With repeated uses of magic, a pattern slowly burns into their skin, a noticeably differently coloured shade of alien-looking geometrics. It is first visible at the fingertips, then spreading up the limbs and towards the body, stopping short of the neck and torso. Some display this mage's brand with pride, others take steps to hide it.

In extreme evocations or payments for pacts, Hagbloods can have their bodies shaped by the forces that lend them power, leading to sometimes inconvenient, novel, or even monstrous looking appearances. In spite of this, they are still human biologically, but whether they retain their humanity is another issue.


Hagbloods like the feel of natural fabrics and textiles, and much of their clothing is (or appears to be) hand made. Often, scholarly Hagbloods are seen wearing robes, cloaks, mantles, and gowns, often reaching the floor and flowing free. Eclectics prefer wearing suit shirts, vests, duster jackets, and fancying the use of hanging baubles, particularly hand watches1) and other fobs.

Embroidery, inlaying, and elaborately woven patterns are common amongst all Hagbloods, along with accessories such as scarves, glasses, gloves, hats of all sorts (with cone shapes, top hats or bowlers being popular), and walking sticks. Gemstones, jewellery, and crystals are also common decorations, as they serve to enhance some means of magic.

Architecture & Aesthetics

“Come, sit sit, the bread should be out of the oven soon. Don't mind the fire if its misbehaving - its a sprite we've bound for the week in exchange for our leftovers.”

With their connection to the world around them, Hagbloods like the rustic look of wood, stone, and wrought iron. Their houses often incorporate natural trees and rocks, or other greenery. It isn't uncommon to see a tree growing through the middle of a house and providing structural support. Fireplaces are also a common feature, along with thick rugs, tablecloths, and shelves brimming with unexplained vials and jars of things the Hagblood and their family may need one day. The construction of their houses incorporates little visible metal or plastic, with the exception of modern amenities like electricity, running water, and sanitation.

They place a lot of emphasis on their bedrooms - which also do double duty as a Hagblood's laboratory and/or study. Often, these studies are a Hagblood's private domain, and only close friends and family are allowed in. Here, they can stay for hours working away at something, often forgetting to eat or sleep. Older Hagbloods who need solitude to study and read, or who feel shunned by the world around them often retreat to cabins out in remote areas, usually deep in forests or up in mountains.

What is the culture's main draw? What do they like using?

Hagblood created objects commonly incorporate wrought iron, wood, bone, and crystal into the object, appearing to be fantastic relics of a bygone age. Decorations such as hanging baubles, etched sigils, and wax-sealed bits of scripture are common.

Tech Focus

What the society's main focus in technology is. It could be that they heavily invest in ballistic weaponry, argricultural growth in an underground plane, or magitek construction, and so on. Essentially, what they're interested in developing towards.

When creating technology, they often find a way to incorporate magic into it and make the two different forces work together. For technological problems they can't get around using magic, they enlist the help of a local Greaseheart or Maidenhand.


Does the society encourage magic use? How does it usually manifest? How does it affect their daily life? Are there common spellcasting traditions?

The Hagblood's bread and butter. Magic comes naturally to each Hagblood, and they are happy to ply it in any number of ways to make their life easier. Hagblood magic can be subtle as a few whispers and a hand gesture to woo someone, or a roaring violent body motion that sends a fireball crashing down on someone. Magic can leap out of something they wrote down, come from rote learning, come at their call because they will it so, or just leap out of them spontaneously when provoked.


Hagbloods can be sensitive to psionics, but they don't give it as much attention when magic is so much easier to manipulate with a whim. Hagbloods who can harness the power of both magic and psionics effectively are commonly referred to theurges.

Theurges are very rare, given the Hagblood's overbalanced inclination towards magic and a friendly rivalry against Mindeyes discourages this. Theurges are often feared for their disproportionate power and mastery, and often they're urged not to stay in one place for too long.

Do they farm? What do they farm? How do they farm?


Do they have any sort of gardening/landscaping habits? Terraforming?


Do they keep animals? For food? For play? What kind?


What are common cooking traditions? What is a likely flavour profile?
What is the commonly shared belief system through the species?

Core Tenets

The main focus of the religion.


Are there any sort of rituals the culture goes through to celebrate the advancement of one through life and religion?
What are common traditions the culture holds? Is it annual, or based on some celestial alignment, or based on weather conditions, and so on.

Birth and Death

How do they celebrate birth? Do they mourn the dead? Etc.

or communications devices which replicate the look
  • culture/hagbloods.1474121338.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/09/17 10:08
  • by luca