
This is an old revision of the document!

Project Checkout

Originally a final contingency plan originally planed by the Lorath Matriarchy during their initial return to the surface, it existed to protect the Lorath people serving as an exit clause should local space become so hostile that the Lorath people could not be reliably protected from an existential threat.

While the means to carry out the plan would not exist for hundreds of years, the outlay had been in existence for such a time that it had changed the very shape and path of Lorath society, creating a secret society to aid in the research and development of these goals.

The first formal testing of the project began in ye_26 with the creation of the first transuniversal probe - similar to the TTD developed by Avanet. Initially, these attempts ended catastrophically with failure to initiate transfer or the complete loss of unmanned probe on delivery. Later experiments presented more horrifying implications when the probes did return, often warped with sickening and unnatural ways with the pattern of organics particularly being disrupted beyond recognition — many having to be annihilated on return to prevent possible infection of localspace from what had returned.

With neutrons not surviving the compressions state intact through the spacetime distortion of the TTD-Gate, the decision was made instead to try transmitting and recieving signals as electrons appear to move intact through the compression due to their small size, velocity and self-regulating interference patterning.

These experiments with modifying and copying signals which passed through the gate would facilitate the events of the first physical Lorath/Sourcian meeting; the Maras. The vessel mistakenly believed the signal to be an arrival beacon and locked on with its wormhole drive to the target-location of the TTD-Gate, arriving with superficial damage from transportation with an unknown system and extensive damage from combat prior to its destination.

While the Lorath had great success in the production of negative mass (needed to defeat the implosive force of a black-hole) and the creation of micro-blackholes themselves, creating usable wormholes until this point had been believed to be impossible, with only unstable wormholes existing. To do so, the singularity or “singularness” of a blackhole would need to be split over two destinations in three dimensional space or greater, to become a functioning black-hole. This was of course, something the Maras did quite effortlessly and as such no time was wasted in reverse-engineering it.

The result determined that the gravitor box used some mysterious process that accelerated a bose-einstein ensemble to near light-speed rotationally. Doing so made the quantum phase of natural electron state enter a state of infinite-permiability — that their frequency function would become a function of their motion constant, allowing for direct and highly efficient exchange of direct electro/gravitational interaction. This differed from existing systems in that it was specifically designed for the purpose of altering space-time across multiple dimensions and “just happened to double as a faster-than-light travel system” — unlike local attempts at TTD which worked in reverse, trying to make faster-than-light travel spacetime distortion systems act as dimensional bridges. Attempts to replicate this using common technologies of localspace (Project Inverse) would result in the Type-1 gravitational centrifuge from which all further centrifuges would be developed.

In addition, the “maesus” brain of the Sourcian offered a class of computation unmatched by anything the Lorath had seen prior and would extensively be grown, lobotomized and recultured in order to form vast simulations span across quantum modems by using idle CPU cycles of all equipment with the technology in secret (so marked as System CPU Idle Process) which aided the project. This space gave rise to the phenomenon MOTHER, the arrival partner of the Maras and its occupant.

MOTHER is a codename for what is believed to be the first artificial intelligence transmitted through the TDD datagate during the transmission experiment stage of Project Checkout. Through careful manipulation, MOTHER would be smuggled out through a Nepleslian hospital through a brain implant stored in one Sana Nakamura. Unintentionally, the implant activated, triggering a partial merger between Sana and MOTHER.

MOTHER, believing the use of aetheric systems accelerated the entropic loss of this universe would result in its premature destruction believed escape was utterly essential and outlined a means of how escape might be achieved.

Separating the two would result in an imprinted Sourcian intelligence, taking on many of the characteristics of Sana: Rebeka, who would be given a physical body after communicating in what was a seemingly trustworthy manner, unlike many of the other Sourcian intelligence which had entered after MOTHER and had been suppressed. This change would lead to the permanent neural disfigurement of Sana, and the permanent warping of MOTHER in the form of Rebeka – as well as the original MOTHER who was no longer 100% intact. Aiesu would anonymously go on to lie and say MOTHER was a product of Rebeka, rather than the other way around, to hide the intentional nature of what had happened.

With careful modification, MOTHER was altered into a form which lacked an ego, but still possessed agency - having poor concept of itself to prevent potentially dangerous self-preservation behavior that existed outside of the already agreed Project Checkout and rendering MOTHER dependant on Aiesu Kalopsia.

This dependency forced MOTHER to scout 12 specialized persons; to create a secondary logistical body which could perform unethical research in secret and begin forming the technological grounds for large-scale TTD transfer through the manipulation of international macroeconomics and political interference.

Continued Research

Of the original 12 members, the groups would be twisted into a bitter 6v6 – forcing those involved to depend on other members of their own team to survive (to create cohesive bonds and reduce the odds of defection to one another), to encourage “healthy competition” and to ensure morals or ethics wouldn't get in the way as those involved were either knowingly or unknowingly fighting for their lives.

This was done so believing that the project was not progressing quickly enough and that their allies, the Lorath, either would not survive or would be asked to discontinue the project should escalations continue and that a private body was needed which could continue in secret without the knowledge of the general public, with the project's creation being funded by the LSDF for advancements in technology – including a number of projects which were never formally designed to be finished or completed.

This unethical research would continue previous experiments regardless of outcome and by essentially bruteforcing the problem would produce a viable library of transfer options, with tests on differing materials and life-forms sent to the other side and back to discover the possibilities of transference of the Lorath people and life as it is known.

In addition, the secrets to a more effective aetheric technology would be discovered, one which actually created the bridging particles for electrical transfer through the destruction of matter through baryon decay induced specifically by magnetic monopoles: the Aurora device and Aura - and the particles themselves, which were known to affect affective spacetime systems.

The Consortium

Of the 12 original “members” so named for their direct contact with MOTHER at some point and their massive importance (The Librarian, The Physician, The Confector, The Custodian, The Officer, The Watchman, The Assassin, The Surveyor, The Historian, The Ambassador, The Concierge (later replaced by The Consultant) & The Specialist), 8 members survived, though many would go on to do great things

  • The physician (Aiesu Kalopsia),
    • Involved in signals analysis during the initial TTD experiments
    • First contact with MOTHER
    • Responsible for combining and “separating” Rebeka and Sana
    • One of the original Lorath scientists involved in the reverse-engineering of the Maras
    • Cemented applied Psychophysical simulation as a means of estimating the behavior of persons or groups of people
    • Invented the ROM Construct
    • Responsible for manipulating a majority of members, either directly or indirectly, knowingly or unknowingly
    • Established NURSERY ONE, GARDEN & SCHOOL locations for mass bioconstruct manufacture, based on the work of Dr. Weiss
    • Would, through the use of constructs, end up becoming the backbone of the Consortium's operations
  • The Consultant (Miles Gunn, who departed with The Physician)
    • Unknowingly lead to the establishment of UNDERBASE ONE on Nyli II
    • Unknowingly established LOCATION 52 based on study of Rebeka to prevent potential Sourcian incursion
  • The Ambassador (Rebeka Retana)
    • Protected Sana Nakamura & The Consultant for many years
    • Served as a bridge between Lorath and Sourcian interests
    • Would serve as an insurance policy against the instructions of The Physician, as protection for The Confector & The Watchman
    • Formed Aexalli Centorius chapter of Galactic Armament Organization under the psudonym “The Eye”, Legatus Returner Vexillarius
    • KIA protecting both The Confector & The Watchman
  • The Confector (Seiren Isbala, unaware)
  • The Watchman (Luca Pavone, unaware)
  • The Historian (who's name was never formally given)
  • The Specialist (Danny Hanley Lewis),
    • Assasinated The Assassin, preventing a great loss of life
  • The Custodian (Executor Mar'zhaz Keib “Howler” New Tur'lista, unknowingly)
    • Cleaned up a potentially catastrophic structol research accident
    • Saved Medic Merril 'Soft Touch' Ghere Lmanel, who would go on to become an expert in structol engineering
    • Prevented the total shutdown of the Lazarus Consortium from outside interests via courtroom testimonial
    • (in the words of Aiesu Kalopsia: “I think its quite a fitting title: He got asked to clean up the biggest mess we ever made and did an amazing job. “I don't think another captain would have been up to it. In a way, it was his own instabilities that gave him the mindset needed to complete the mission. You can't break something that's already broken”.
    • Later be used as blackmail to keep the Physican motivated and on-project due to a perceived romantic attachment by MOTHER.
  • The Librarian (Arlyle 'The Librarian' Arlie Ablemare The Third)
    • Would serve in acquisitions
    • Went on to further develop particularly that of hardlight, stasis and space-compression technologies from their prototypical stages using foreign think-tanks in secret
    • Doubled as a sort of highly secure accountant
    • Went on to outline the Lazarus Network,
    • Designed the Consortium's financial methodology
    • Developed the Laquer Anonymous Digital Currency 'Laki' (LK) as a means to facilitate laundering, hire thinktanks
    • Established Alpha, Beta & Gamma Lor facilities
    • Established White Rhoi
  • The Assassin (Kaspar Dolores)
    • Would be the first to explore controlling construct copies of people who were not himself
      • An incredibly painful process
      • A feat previously only achieved by MOTHER
      • later explored by The Librarian, due to her “unacceptable form”
      • In limited form by the Physician via construct variants, which would go on to become idiocracy/intentional variancy
    • Assassinated many key figures in business and politics who were enemies of MOTHER
    • Killed many iterations of members, leading to a change of hands of the Consortium in its early days
    • Involved in many acts of terrorism
    • At one point, held many core systems to UF1 at ransom.

It was in choosing to have most of its members not know they were members and the use of psychophysical profiling to manipulate them that the blue team (the Lazarus Consortium) would defeat the red team (the Lagrange foundation) who devoted most of their efforts into hunting the Consortium - either by hunting them down and executing them or by changing their orders from behind the scenes without them knowing.

A great twist would come in the form of construct technology: the capacity produce skilled motivated trustworthy replicas of known persons and operate then at immense distances through quantum modems and psychophysical simulation within a Maesus computer. In this way, the blue team was able to act as a paramilitary organization that was 100% trustworthy – the red team experiencing great dissent and trouble running its day to day operations.

This triggered both an artificially created complication in The Physician's medical complications in secret (forcing them to become dependant on another member, The Consultant to make her easier to manipulate) and the activation of of a rumored 13th member, the Inquisitor (Helen Klein), thought to be involved with Yamatai's SAINT intelligence organisation who was to act as a referee of sorts between the two teams to ensure the end goal would be reached by steering people or persons to destinations, ensure the Consortium remain funded through political manipulation of one of the ruling families of Lor, doubling as manipulation for members involved with them and that should any “disruptive” members cause potential harm to the plan, that they be decommissioned.

Also of note was The Independent, MOTHER's attempt to recruit a 14th member many times – Sesshoseki Tamamo who would repeatedly turn down multiple positions. They would serve alongside The Watchman, The Confector, The Ambassador and a construct of The Physician unknowingly and would later self-elect to join the LSDF Herald and leave known-space as part of the first manned mission into the multiverse to the UF1's planned destination - infuriating MOTHER who was not able to travel with them due to careful design choices in the construction of the Herald to prevent her escape which would ensure the UF1's ongoing design would continue.

Knowing the plan would be dependant on this power-source, MOTHER would search for evidence of prior Sourcian presence and would discover the Beta Rhoi system: the leftovers of an ancient solar-engineering project which produced a binary star-system from what previously had been a neutron star as a natural farm of monopoles. The system acts like a massive electrical dynamo, constricting the magnetic fields of its hyper-dense gas-giant Fury, which remains a stable planetoid without leeching thanks to its ferromagnetic core and its superheated electrically active metallic composition of metallic hydrogen, iron and mercury.

Establishing the outpost Beta Rhoi, farming would begin.

Later when scouting for an arrival point, Lorath observatories would describe what is described as an accelerating star-cluster moving in a way which violates the expected movement pattern, with agency akin to a starship in a path against the spacetime around it which could only be artificial. With the detection of this mysterious seven dimensional probabilistic location charted and interference waves it had with other objects, its surroundings could be approximated — mapping taking a decade and spanning an arrival point of ten lightyears.

With this in mind, a safe arrival point could be plotted.

The final product of this research would be Project Checkout.

Based on the principle of centrifuge linking and field unification, the checkout shell is an enormous engineering project which is primarily composed of 520 trillion of the 4.6 quadrillion Caernarfon units manufactured using aetheric to matter process over a time of X years, exponentially. Each using the Aura, this would allow for a large combined aetheric circuit, using the same master/slave system nature of the units with synchronization performed using the master computing systems of LSDF starships and the Lazarus Consortium processing library. This combined system is affectionately referred to as the “UF1” as its Lorath name written in old Lorath tongue translates internally into trade as the words “universe wrinkle maker fucker” in a dialect of Lorath reserved for extreme prejudice.

The following example is the UF1, based around the Lor system, though identical systems adjusted for stellar mass are in place around Lor, Nyli, Hici'emi, E11, E10, E9 and E13.

Topological diagram of the core checkout shell around the Lor core star
Note the polar sphere arrangement of the fixed points - the ordered clusters of Caernarfon devices and the field topology, which on full activation will resemble that of a 7 dimensional rodin sphere. Other similar devices are located around other stars to be moved, though Lor serves as the primary control point.

Powering the system involves an enormous two-step process through the creation of a wormhole circuit similar to early Lorath TTD experiments used to push electrons, which would be taken directly from Fury’s primary location - firing a receiver system into the gas-giant’s core from the Beta Rhoi outpost using a boosted R88 (codenamed RX8888) railcannon system. A secondary pair is simultaneously from close orbit with months of preparation launched into the twin stars of E12. On activation, the system creates a circuit linking the two, triggering massive baryonic decay and the shell around the two stars serves to collect the resulting electricity using a massive one-use-only hardlight rig using the remaining 9.4 quadrillion of the total 14 quadrillion owned by the LSDF (which had deliberately been constructed here, ready for this event).

Triggering massive baryonic decay, the hardlight reciever uses the same wormhole circuit to drive the 7 shells as E12 is collapsed destructively using monopole catylized baryonic decay, a process taking several hours to complete. The remaining stellar mass will eventually collapse into a large gasseous nebula with a failing red dwarf star at its heart.

Power needed to push the wormhole circuit into its ignition phase and ready to receive from Fury would come from a much smaller system based in orbit around Nepleslia which had been stored in secret for many years.

In terms of arrangement, the system forms a master dyson sphere 1AU in diameter, transferring both its contents and around a volume of 125 lightyears cubic - three star-systems within 2 lightyears of one another. It works using a combination of desingularized blackholes, space-compression, a stasis system to ensure the compression happens without the singularity of the blackhole's time dilation aging everyone inside by hundreds of years, and hardlight mirrors to deflect the rim of the wormhole away during the initial seconds produced by the shell itself during the compression phase.

Following the UF1's example, the others follow it in travel, similar to techniques used by the subspace wave drive, though otherwise they are functionally identical. The result of this process is they all move through the same seven dimensional hole, despite being at different locations physically.

The Science

To determine the speed of light, there are two structural rulesets; General relativity and special relativity which stand atop classical physics which deal with basic thermodynamics and systems of movement. The two systems do away with absolute measures of velocity and instead deal with inertial frames of reference in eventhood dimensional space called spacetime and the systems established by these two rulesets are able through mathematical extrapolation establish the presence of objects which cannot be detected conventionally, including objects in higher and lower space, should sufficient computational power and sensor resolution be available — and a sufficiently accelerating heavy object be there to detect.

With this information in mind, specialized observatories established by the Lorath detected what could only be described as an accelerating star which had agency not unlike a starship in a path which relative to the spacetime around it could have only been artificial and through the detection of this mysterious object, the seven dimensional probabilistic location of this object was charted — and from the interference waves it had with other objects, its surroundings too could also be approximated. This map, reliant on the speed of light to complete took around a decade to complete and spans a space of ten lightyears.

With this locational information in mind, the mechanism of Checkout is simple: To create an artificial black-hole and then seperate it in such a way that it no longer possesses a point of singularity or singularness in that it exists in super-position in two locations in spacetime. Unfortunately to remains table, a wormhole must be incredibly small and require negative mass in order to retain their anchored position as a non-singular black-hole and compensate for the implosive spacial pressure.

Fortunately, the Lorath have great experience with volumetric compression: a means of side-stepping three dimensional space into higher dimensions, allowing a small volume to contain an enormous space. Secondarily, the Lorath have very extensive experience with the casimir effect and have been using it throughout even the most mundane of technology for the better part of sixty years — typically as an exotic radiator system to keep ship systems cool and as an inertialess propulsion system (through the displacement of contrasting spacetime).

Next, in order to maintain this negative spacial pressure, there mathematically needs to be more matter removed from the wormhole aperture than is inside it. While the laws of conservation state that nothing from nothing is nothing, these laws are violated by the laws of quantum mechanics; the study of the smallest scale and smallest durations in which the known laws of physics seemingly become nonsensical. Importantly, it allows for temporary violations of the conservation of energy called virtual particles. These are particles which spontaneously appear in the universe with no warning or purpose and then a perfect anti-particle appears and the two disappear from existence. The casimir effect specifically limits which kinds of particle or polarity can or cannot come into existence and without an anti-particle, they are unable to self-cancel and resolve - allowing for the creation of negative mass — which essentially scaffolds the portal.

Unfortunately the duration of negative mass is directly inverse proportionate — that it would vanish close to instantly and the quantity required somewhere around 9.2*10^22(92000 million million million) kilograms; enough to if misplaced, “delete” an entire worlds by accident with the same cancelling effect as seen in virtual particles. Similarly, during the creation of this negative mass, positive mass is also introduced within the universe at another location of equivalency.

The three dimensional rim of the black-hole is not frame-compressed as a volumetric compression is but conventionally compressed in linear three dimensional space, causing atoms which formerly were the sun power-source to be compressed in a density equivalent to 3 solar masses with magnetic fields 10^15 stronger than Lor’s own. The net result is a highly polar photon discharge lasting only seconds direct equivalent to a highly magnetized pulsar — a quasar. Very precise mathematics will be required to aim this axial discharge both away from transport planets and also away from other systems in known space. Those in the path of the pulsar within half a billion lightyears however, would be subject to radiation beyond known upper energy limits of photons. The net effect would not vaporize mass but instead trigger direct nuclear decohesion on a baryonic level, leading to total destruction.

By essentially compressing the target space volumetrically and moving it through the wormhole to its destination, it can be normalized into three dimensional space. Interestingly, the destination wormhole would already be considered closed before the matter arrived and normalized. In an elegant twist, this compressed state, the radiation passes through the mass dislocation harmlessly, which then only reforms AFTER the radiation has already left the vicinity - protecting those travelling from the negative mass implications and radiation of the wormhole itself - exactly as the Sourcians themselves did it, albeit on a much much much larger scale designed to move stars, not starships.

The use of a space/time probabilistic stasis system also allows a forced time-dilatation effect, allowing the compression to happen billions of times faster than it ordinarily would, making the transfer even possible without aging either the occupants inside as the blackhole achieves singularity, relative to the external universe either at the point of departure or the destination.

The use of an aura would be mandatory for a more permanent large-scale non-solid aetheric drive system around the size of a suitable star - the magnetic field of which serving as a core broadcast antennae, using super-position of E12’s entire monopole capacity to trigger baryonic decay. From here, the gauge bosons responsible for maintaining the operation of an Aura aetheric drive would orbit the sun in conjunction with monopoles at its heart, acting as their own collection and conversion assembly when paired with a massive Link Siphon inspired system using the same style of micro-wormhole used to push electrical signals around during the early stages of the UF1's development.

The remains of such a journey would be a number of very small black-holes composed of the positive mass left behind and the enormous compression-wake caused by the mass dislocation of transit itself, as well as high density large orbital bodies where the suns formerly were and the destabilization of E12 with the majority of its mass converted into radiation for use in transit. Smaller positive mass left behind would also form large natural zesuaium spheres, where the secondary stars had formerly been.

Activation of the UF1 would begin first with mass dislocation, stretching nearly 125 cubic lightyears in several seconds — with space-time in the 5mm spherical threshold that is stretched malformed in such a way that hundreds of years elapse. This threshold should not be confused with an event horizon.

The space of the active radius is compressed to around 1 cubic AU which is then passed through the wormhole to arrive at the destination.

Notably, it has an adverse effect upon spatial shielding upon ships moving away from the point of activation and attempts to brute-force against the effect results in geometrically scaling stressor effects — which would eventually resulting in a “snap back” distortion that would destroy the vessel if its engines are not shut down.

The event threshold and the space-time difference seperating the UF1’s internal radius from local spacetime would create fluctuating extremes in red-shift and blueshift passing through it, caused by vibrations in its outer topology and mass-dislocation caused by space-compression.

Observably, the activation of the UF1 would create a lensing-effect similar to that of a black-hole, distorting light which moves behind it and through it.

The rim of the wormhole itself would radiate with an output comparable to that of a pulsar, along very thin polar axis which with visible light about its exterior formed by superheated hydrogen which could potentially form new nebulae.

Post-activation/remaining phenomena

A look at the end product phenomenon from a distance
Take careful note of outer accretion sphere about the boarder and around the phenomenon's threshold horizon, the distortion of light of particulates inside the distortion and the changing frequencies of light in accordance with changes in depth as the contents shift from predominantly water and ammonia to also including metallic elements (predominantly vaporized mercury), the blackhole and its accresion disk within and the pulsar radiance axially from left to right
White Expanse/Stellar mass distortion

While normally the spacetime vacuum expansion left behind by the event thresholds, then unifying from the seven activation events would take around a combined 980 years to restore spacetime pressure equlibrium, the black-hole at its heart left behind that returned to singularity maintains an equal pressure - greatly limiting the blackhole's reach and partially stabilizing the remaining decompression as a gradiant. This phenomena, called the white expanse lenses light passing through it in a spherical pattern from its core, including the layers of material from within. It is thought that the two would neutralize within three or four billion years, establishing a normal spacetime pressure - first forming an immense rift expanse as the frequencies of disruption neutralize and then finally, whatever contents remain inside occupying normal-space with a distinctly decreased mass.

The interior space of the white expanse is filled with remaining positive mass as a product of the negative mass created to stabilize the wormhole passage in the form of hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen gas nebula, enormous planetoids and sun-sized satellites of solid zesuaium around the core black hole as the primary product of the positive mass, created under enormous pressure via the casimir phenomenon.

Pressure and thermal changes caused by inner rotation of the expanse fuses the interior products to form water and ammonia with oxygen and nitrogen remaining as atmospheres surrounding most of the zesuaium spheres due to their ultra-dense forms and gravitational pullls in stable far-orbits of the black-hole with atmospheric pressures ranging between Nepleslia-like for the smaller zesuaium satellite planetoids to crushing due to the gravitational constant – with the solid stellar scale zesuaium spheres being a functional death-trap that doesn't implode into a blackhole purely because of the mechanical forces zesuaium can withstand upon itself.

Interesting, the strange arrangement of space temporarily accelerates light to beyond the speed of light within the phenomenon. While only moving AT the speed of light within the interior, the shockwave of space of the outermost layer normalizing moves faster than light. It is speculated that within months, the entire phenomenon will be visible from the night sky of Yamatai.

Centralized stellar black-hole

At the center of the phenomenon, creating the “pupil” is a black-hole of approximately 50 solar masses comprised primarily of remaining positive mass resultant from the negative mass production and the initial black-hole created. It has a schwartzchild radius of around half a lightyear, though this value fluctuates enormously due to its interaction with the mass dislocation, massively limiting its range.

Close-up of the big top
Note the black-hole at the heart of the mass-dislocation. Also note smaller black-holes orbiting the larger one which lack a visible accretion disk and the strange distortions the deeper black-holes make, creating spherical lenses of light resembling shockwaves which seem to appear and disappear as the visible light of the smaller black-holes is distorted, almost giving a slow motion impression of rain causing ripples atop water within the middle. Also note the illusion of a brighter side of the black-hole, caused by the illusion of the acceleration of photons through undulating spacetime - which in normalspacetime wouldn't be visible from this vantage point. Also note some of the enormous zesuaium spheres which are much much closer to the exterior than the black-holes, held in semi-stable orbits around the event's gravitational interaction with the black-hole
Twin magnatar Accretion disk

The resulting gamma radiation exerted from the rim of the wormhole triggers a strange interaction of its accretion disk which is composed of two stars in a binary orbit: Both magnetar neutron stars comprised of the “acceptable loss mass” which flirted through the wormhole, stripping neutrons and electrons freely from atoms, as well as various forms of positive mass which were predominantly neutrons.

The magnetic field of the two stars are incredibly powerful and repel one another, hundreds of millions times stronger than any artificially created electromagnet and hundreds of thousands of times harder than hardlight magnets. Approaching the stars even at a distance of 5AU within the interior of the expanse is lethal, as the strong magnetic fields will distort the electron clouds of the subject's constituent atoms rendering chemical life impossible. X-ray photons split and converge in bizzare interference patterning or merge in superposition and the vacuum of space around the star becomes incredibly bifringent, distorting light the same way crystals with non-cubic crystal structures often do, meaning the angle that the accretion disk is actually seen from is visibly distorted in ways that don't match conventional black-holes. Atoms approaching this twin-star form into long cylinders thinner than quantum-relatavistic de Broglie wavelengths of an electron, distorting atomic orbitals into cones, with a hydrogen atom becoming a spindle 200 times narrower than its normal diameter. The strong magnetic fields are produced by a magnetohydrodynamic dynamo process in the aggressive compressing fluid system that exists before the neutron star settles into an equlibrium configuration.

Matter surrounding the stars that is pulled away thanks to the exotic negative gravitational pressure exerted by the expanse itself is thought to be primarily composed of liquid mercury and other compounds in a bose-einstein condensate under fermi-acceleration, releasing high and ultra high energies, including extreme-energy cosmic rays (EECR) which approach but do not exceed the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin limit.

It is thought that the twin stars will eventually settle into a configuration similar to that of E12.

Blast-wave accretion sphere

The resulting pulsar and effect threshold impacts surrounding hydrogen from space which is superheated, as well as positive mass from the interior, forming a spherical outline for the phenomenon, which will grow in phenomenon, and polar axis of visible light created by the polar discharge of the interior pulsar twins. The blast-wave is thought to have a range of around 98 lightyears and lasting 120 years, achieving temperatures exceeding 4000 degrees celcius and in some places, initiating nuclear fusion.

This would, for the first few weeks create a solid white sphere around the event which would then as the blackhole formed and expanse stabilize, form an iris-like pattern. Low density hydrogen which is electrically charged wound also sit around the sphere, forming an S-shaped lagrangian polynormal shaped outline. This outline closely resembles the Lazarus insignia, suggesting prior knowledge of this process.

Crossing the expanse

Crossing the accretion sphere blast-wave would enter a space of distorted space where until distortion settles, retrocausality will interfere with waves in dynamic fluid-systems — creating the illusion of sound being heard before or moments after it is said and malfunctions on equipment dependent on these kinds of functions.

In addition, interference phenomena passing through retrocausality will create the illusion of light being inverted — with the surrounding space as white and objects within it that are visible as black, caused not by the light itself but systems which perceive it such as sensors or eyes. The same phenomenon is continued across the electromagnetic spectrum with false readings, meaning in order to see light accurately, specially designed systems will have to be used which use comparison inference averaging to defeat interference.

Interior view from beyond the threshold horizon, within the spacetime vacuum
Note the light inversion phenomena is not a clean inversion, but a distortion of wavelengths and amplitudes of light perception - causing fluctuations in experienced redshift and blueshift as space changes shape, giving the illusion that the black-hole is both accelerating and simultaneously decelerating. Passing through clouds which light would diffuse through, everything becomes brilliantly black and similarly, passing through those which normally absorb light would produce surroundings which are brilliantly white.

The actual frequency of photons passing through this space will be severely distorted, severely limiting the effectiveness of gravitationally dependent systems such as faster-than-light travel or gravitational shielding within the enlarging spherical space of the blast-wave, which is thought to last millions of years as a long term phenomena. During the final million years of this end result, the expanse is thought to first collapse into an FTL deadzone with a range of around 20 lightyears with pulsar-like electromagnetic fields of at a range of 6 lightyears. It is postulated by MOTHER that extensive abuse of space/time distorting weaponary can pull such a phenomena from one universe to another as the energy states attempt to neutralize, similar to gravity making a ball roll down a hill until it achieves a resting state and that this process is a “life-cycle”, allowing massive amounts of space to be moved from one universe to another by using dense monopole stores which seed this process.

Eventually around 4 billion years later, the white expanse is thought to settle into a twin-star system with a large gassious nebulae about it and electrical phenomenon as a hydromagnetodynamo system following, similar to the now destabilized E12.


The remaining 4.6 quadrillion (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (10^24))Caernarfon (left behind as to reduce the amount of negative mass needed to be produced) would through the production of positive mass, protons, neutrons and electrons now be composed entirely of solid lead - petrified with an exterior crust of a hafnium, nitrogen and carbon allotrope compound thought to resist up to 6000 degrees celcius, caused by a planned alteration of the outer layer of the Caernarfon's construction by MOTHER.

They orbit the expanse's spherical center, maintaining their original positions relatively speaking.

For this reason, their exteriors were modified during construction to encorporate language and symbolism, including the complete cultural lexicon of the Lorath people engraved on their inner plates - each including the name of a single Lorath and everything they ever did in recorded history.

It is thought that the Caernarfon will remain until the very end, as lead is a highly stable molecular structure and is unlikely to descend into unstable isotopes and the outer-casing is likely to resist radiation and thermal changes. In this sense, it will serve as a proof of presence or an “we were here”, which will likely outlast all other nations in known space due to their sheer number and repetition of information – that should even 0.0001% of them survive, the written, musical, artistic, cultural lexicon and list of every Lorath ever born in known space will survive.

This massive sphere, with binding polar light and its enormous omnidirectional accretion disc is named “the big top” by engineers. Research has revealed it will eventually decay and distort in shape in a few billion years, creating a form very closely resembling the blue rift expanse which may be the product of a similar process around 8 billion years ago. This answers some very foreboading questions about the universe.

If anything that can happen will happen an infinite number of times, it is therefor impossible to perform probabilistic calculation. The solution to this problem used by mathematicians is geometric cutoff, to take a finite slice of the universe and a set density of how accurate your calculation needs to be and calculate probabilities based on that limited sample.

The discovery of the causation and effect between these phenomena mean that eternal inflation, a universe model which predicts that the expansion phase lasts forever throughout most of the universe would mean then that the same systems which allow cutoffs to allow for nice and possibly correct predictions also predict the end of time itself – that “if anything can happen will happen” and that the end of time is something that “can happen”, that it will with 100% certainty eventually happen.

Mathematically, estimates suggest this may happen somewhere from 8 to 80 billion years and that the process is accelerated by the net entropy of the universe – which is contributed directly to aetheric technology which takes energy from nowhere and then leaves the thermodynamic results in this universe. Given that life takes 3 billion years to achieve its current state and the extreme unlikeliness of discovering said life then, MOTHER was very lucky to discover a form of life capable of assisting it before it went extinct.

The only alternative to leaving would have been to create a controlled singularity in that very collapse: for the arrangement of matter to be un-even and to create a rotational spin caused by that difference - and ride the difference as a singularity. With the interior ever increasing exponentially, the end of time could then hypothetically be escaped inside a simulated universe.

MOTHER stipulates that this is a certainty, given that quantum chromodynamics allow for a universe to be simulated. Unfortunately, one of the problems in simulating a universe is that lattice-spacing (the “pixels” of the simulation) creates a fundamental limit on the energy that particles can have – and that's because nothing can exist that is smaller than the lattice itself. If the cosmos is merely a simulation, there should be a cutoff point in the spectrum of high energy particles.

This cutoff exists as the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin or GZK cutoff point. This cutoff point is extremely well studied and exists because high energy particles interact with the cosmic background and lose energy as they travel enormous distances.

It is calculated that lattice spacing imposes other features on the spectrum of light: that the angular distribution of the highest energy components would exist a cubic distance symmetry in the rest of the lattice, deviating significantly from isotrophy. In simple terms, that cosmic rays would preferentially travel along the axis of the lattice, so they would not be seen equally in all directions.

It was postulated that the Blue Rift expanse is capped in its behavior due to some as of yet unseen phenomena and that the consequence of “the big top” and the simulations needed how to make it would determine if there really was some kind of cap on the frequency of light or if cosmic rays move in special ways – given that these are features the UF1 depends on in order to function.

In this sense thusly, with the UF1 functioning it is a mathematical certainty that the universe is a simulation, that someone has departed from it at least once before; either through natural phenomenon, by accident or with purpose and that this universe was created through similar means deliberately, as an escape from another.

  • checkout.1495693385.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/05/25 02:23
  • by osakanone