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character:salvo [2021/01/31 07:27] – Completed, need to draw art now. lucacharacter:salvo [2021/02/11 04:39] (current) – added links to Log Wire, other adjustments luca
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 ====== SAL-VO #10 'Sal' ====== ====== SAL-VO #10 'Sal' ======
-SAL-VO #10 is a centipede-shaped robot and a humanoid skeletal robot, working for Blackstar as a salvage crew operator. They reside on the Blackstar, but have passed through the hands of about a dozen other operators in the past as a scrap-salvage team.+SAL-VO #10 is a centipede-shaped robot and a humanoid skeletal robot, working for Blackstar as a salvage crew operator. They reside on the Blackstar, but have passed through the hands of about a dozen other operators in the past as a scrap-salvage team. They are linked to the [[organisation/log_wire]].
 ^  Character Logo or Sprite  ^  SAL-VO #10 'Sal'  ||| ^  Character Logo or Sprite  ^  SAL-VO #10 'Sal'  |||
 |  Character Picture (tbd)  |||| |  Character Picture (tbd)  ||||
 ^ Species | Robot ^ Age | 15 | ^ Species | Robot ^ Age | 15 |
-^ Weight | 1100kg / 80kg ^ Height | 10.3m / 170cm | +^ Weight | 1100kg / 250kg ^ Height | 10.3m / 170cm | 
-^ Affiliations | Log Wire |||+^ Affiliations | [[organisation/log_wire]] |||
 ^ Occupation | Salvage Operation Team ^ Organisation | The Blackstar | ^ Occupation | Salvage Operation Team ^ Organisation | The Blackstar |
 ^ Rank | Crew ^ Home | Homeless | ^ Rank | Crew ^ Home | Homeless |
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 === Affiliations and Beliefs === === Affiliations and Beliefs ===
-SAL-VO is currently affiliated with the Blackstar company, and they are a member of Log Wire. They are affiliated with Wickton Bio-Dynamics, but they are out of business and the employees have since moved on. SAL-VO is also a known quantity to synthetics in the salvage business.+SAL-VO is currently affiliated with the Blackstar company, and they are a member of [[organisation/log_wire]]. They are affiliated with Wickton Bio-Dynamics, but they are out of business and the employees have since moved on. SAL-VO is also a known quantity to synthetics in the salvage business.
 === Languages === === Languages ===
  • character/salvo.1612096029.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/01/31 07:27
  • by luca