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character:merr_il_ghere [2016/08/29 16:52] – [Physical] mooglecharacter:merr_il_ghere [2016/10/21 17:44] (current) – removed moogle
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-====== Medic Merril 'Soft Touch' Ghere Lmanel ====== 
-Merril is a crime against nature. She is technically a Lorath resident, and currently resides in a Lazarus lab. 
-^  Character Logo or Sprite  ^ Merril ||| 
-|  Character Picture  |||| 
-^ Species | Proto-[[species/phasma|Phasma]] ^ Age | 50 | 
-^ Weight | Many ^ Height | Variable | 
-^ Affiliations | AFFILIATIONS ||| 
-^ Occupation | OCCUPATION ^ Organisation | ORGANISATION | 
-^ Rank | RANK ^ Home | HOME | 
-^ Theme |  THEME  ||| 
-| [[|Ain't No Rest for the Wicked]] | Theme of normalcy | 
-| [[|Pigeon John - The Bomb]] | Barroom Brawl | 
-| [[|Final Fantasy X Remaster - The Challenger]] | Instability | 
-| [[|Metroid: Zero Mission - Ridley's Lair]] | Development | 
-| [[|LittleBigPlanet OST - Cries in the Wind]] | Childhood Memories | 
-| [[|Omega Ridley]] | Feral | 
-| [[|Mike Oldfield]] | Secret Theme | 
-| [[|FFXII - Esper]] | Returning to stride the stars, | 
-| [[|Rotteen & Darius - Terrible Time at Sanctuary]] | Never engage the mother of many | 
-===== Description ===== 
-==== Physical ==== 
-As a horrible monster, she has elongated lynx ears. 
-  * **Face and Eyes** - Yellow eyes that are a little more translucent than opaque, about the color of amber or  they're emerald. Depends, really. A number of fangs constantly peek out from her mouth, creating a scary snaggletoothed maw. 
-  * **Hair** - Glassy white hair. She tends to wear it in a short side-ponytail, wearing her hat askew on the other side. 
-  * **Body** - A darker tan for her skin, more associated with Pacific Islanders of our modern age. She has fairly strong arms, and even stronger legs, giving her well-toned glutes and thighs (dat ass/dem hips - Pear shape). Her upper body is in the same strata of "well-built" housing a partially defined 6-pack and thin waist. [[|Badonk+Hourglass]] She now has fur covering her legs from mid thigh downwards, and her arms can have a similar amount should she so desire. 
-  * **Distinguishing Features** - She no longer has wings. Also SHE IS BLOODY ENORMOUS. Also a tail. 
-  * **Voice** - Optional link to a voice sample, or a description of the character's voice. 
-=== Abilities === 
-**Theme:** Mother of Monsters - Merril is now no longer something so simple as a little, pitiful insect on the face of the galaxy. She is a demon, a walking abomination in the stars. Most of her initial abilities are technological in nature, but she has grown and built up her psionics and magic over time, to the point where she is an S-class catastrophe waiting to happen. 
-List the source of your character's abilities here. This can include Martial, Gadgets, Artificial Intelligence, Cybernetics, Racial, Mutations, Psionics, Spellcasting, and more. 
-  * **Biological** Abilities coming from facts of form. 
-    * **Interfacing ** - The Mother of Many can connect and interface with just about any technological system, given enough time. 
-    * **Assimilation ** - She can take bits of technology or biology and graft them into or onto herself, allowing her to take advantage of new parts and abilities 
-    * **Genesis ** - Merril can generate new life inside herself, with or without the aid of others. 
-    * **Corruption ** - Merril can convert others into [[species/Phasma]]. Whether they want to or not. 
-    * **Ability ** - Describe the character's ability here. 
-  * **Technological** Abilities based on technology 
-    * **Gravity ** - Merril has many of Lazarus's Gravitic Centrifuges stored in herself, and as such she abuses them to their fullest extent when navigating and moving in unnatural ways. 
-    * **Armaments ** - Merril often stores a starship grade cannon inside herself for more serious situations. 
-    * **Source ** - The Mother of Many is powered by Aura units among other things, and often swaps them out and recreates them, as she burns them out. 
-    * **Manufacture ** - Given the right resources, Merril can reproduce anything she's taken apart. 
-    * **Dissassemble** - Given enough time, Merril can break things down into their base components and learn, instinctively, how to create them. 
-  * **Psionic** Abilities coming from the mental center. 
-    * **Domain ** - The Mother of Many can make her own pocket dimension or enable a massive fieldspace around her, giving her a greater range of tools to warp reality to her whims. 
-    * **Cry ** - Merril can emit a massive wail across both technological and mental wavelengths to stun, scare, and confuse enemies.  
-    * **Warp ** - Merril can use a localized version of Domain to warp herself or others fair distances, or to give herself a rudimentary ballistic-protecting barrier. 
-    * **Ability ** - Describe the character's ability here. 
-    * **Ability ** - Describe the character's ability here. 
-  * **Magic** Abilities sourced from her belief in her growing deification. 
-    * **Ability ** - Describe the character's ability here. 
-    * **Ability ** - Describe the character's ability here. 
-    * **Ability ** - Describe the character's ability here. 
-    * **Ability ** - Describe the character's ability here. 
-    * **Ability ** - Describe the character's ability here. 
-==== Mental ==== 
-**Psychology:** Write a couple of paragraphs about your character's worldview, thought process, and psychology here. 
-  * **Likes** - Your character's likes. 
-  * **Dislikes** - Your character's dislikes. 
-  * **Goals** - Your character's short or long term goals. Optional. 
-=== Spellbook === 
->Optional section. Can be omitted if your character knows no spells. 
-  * **Spell Name** - Describe your character's spells in bullet points. 
-==== Social ==== 
-**Personality** -  Dominant Hedonistic (Adrenaline Junkie). Energetic, passionate, viceful, excessive. 
-A very "forward moving" personality. Talks about herself easily, doesn't hold secrets, much. Merril never hopes, she simply is so sure of herself, her decisions, and her wants that she expects things to simply be. Never too unrealistic, but if she expects something to happen, it generally is tending more towards favorable rather than not. 
-=== Affiliations and Beliefs === 
->Describe your character's positive affiliations, such as societies they belong to, contact groups they have, or organisation/occupation ties. 
->You may also list any belief systems the character follows. 
->You may also list enemies in a subheader if your character has any. 
-=== Languages === 
->List the languages your character is capable of speaking. Most characters are capable of speaking Basic. 
->All synthetics can speak Machine, but they may have different codecs or protocols, which can serve as languages. 
-===== History ===== 
-=== Upbringing === 
-She wanted to heal. 
-Ever since a young age, Merril always wanted to fix things. Broken toys, ripped up paper - anything she could get her hands on, really. She lacked the technical skill for the more mechanical things, but her father taught her sewing, which she plied onto everything that applied.  
-Little girl grew up, wasn't so little anymore. Her bonded animal was some feral feline creature, and her personality grew to match - or perhaps awakened to match would be better suited. There was a certain hedonism, a certain boundless energy that perpetrated her being. Even with that energy, her compulsive need to fix things was not quenched, and she turned to the medical profession for more of a challenge. Merril knew she never had the patience to be a doctor, so she went for the military almost immediately after receiving her training. It was the perfect outlet. 
-=== Failure === 
-She excelled at hand-to-hand combat, thanks in no small amount to her breeding and bonded animal. Her marksmanship was on-par with the average soldier, though she tended to do better with more of the primitive guns than the more modern plasma slingers. She preferred accuracy to quantity, in any event, and excelled where on shot mattered. It wasn't all fun and games, however. Her energy got her into trouble more than a few times, and she received. Still, she made it onto a ship (LSDF Ki'ala) and served diligently, plying fixes to uniforms and helping with the usual injuries that come from a back-line patrol ship. 
-The ship through a catastrophic malfunction went down over a jungle and crash landed, killing many of the occupants. Merril was one of the few to survive with lesser injuries, thanks to her regeneration capabilities. She rescued who she could, and salvaged clothing and gear from those she couldn't. All this trauma, all this stress, it couldn't stop her. She was a girl of action, of movement, and stopping at any moment meant giving up. It was here that she learned how to use her Bond's shapeshifting abilities to good use, using claws for everything, from pulling shards out of wounds to pulling apart metal and fabric to climbing trees for food and so on.  
-It was nothing short of a miracle that help arrived a mere week after the crash. Merril and the handful of survivors were lauded as heroes of evolution, triumphing over nature and surviving against all odds. The girl didn't care all that much for titles and the like. They bored her. She just liked to fix things, and to keep fighting. She eventually got a reassignment after some much deserved and dreaded military leave. 
-==== Current ==== 
->Write about your character's current experiences here. Keep this up to date with events. 
-===== Skills ===== 
->Describe your character's skills here. Read more on [[guide:skills]] for skill areas. Starting characters usually have 4 to 7 skill areas, with the following skill levels available for distribution: 
->>Expert (1 Skill may be assigned as Expert) 
->>Advanced (Up to 2 Skills may be assigned as Advanced) 
->>Intermediate (Up to 3 Skills may be assigned as Intermediate) 
->>Basic (Up to 4 Skills may be assigned as Basic) 
->Character skills may improve, or new skill areas will be available 
-=== Skill Area [Skill] === 
->Describe your character's skill here, and their level of competence within the square brackets. Competence levels include Beginner, Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert, and Master. 
->A skill area listing is not necessary for representing daily tasks at Beginner level. For example, the Vehicles skill doesn't need to be added to your character's biography if they will only use it to commute to work. 
->>If they get involved in a car chase though, the GM is unlikely to rule in the character's favour over someone with the Vehicles skill. 
-===== Inventory ===== 
-  * Item 
-  * Item 
-  * Item 
-  * Item 
-  * Item 
-  * Item 
-=== Finances === 
->Describe your character's financial situation here. 
-====== OOC Notes ====== 
-===== History ===== 
-===Family (or Creators)=== 
-Weaver Va'hin 'Nimble Hands' Ghere - Father 
-Animal Handler Is'ala 'Strong Hands' Ghere - Mother 
-==== The Akahar ==== 
-The LSDF Akahar was a ship sent on a mission to find a missing scout vessel, the Mok'ro and determine what had happened to it. On it, she met Keib, the XO, and Aiesu. Aiesu, the construct, really interested Merril with her apparent spunkiness (because civilians NEVER challenge military!), and the duo hit it off. Sort of. 
-Merril spent a large majority of her waiting time during the search knitting sweaters for the crew and dealing with day-to-day boo-boos. The captain of the ship attempted to betray the crew, selling them out to pirates - but Keib and the rest managed to drive them off. Soon a supply ship came and swapped out the badly injured crewmembers for fresh ones and they continued their search. 
-<del>==== Chapter 2 ==== 
-Merril spends several days off knitting sweaters for all the robots on board while the ship searches for the Mok'ro. After a pleasant exchange with Null, Merril and the others were called together to finally investigate the finally located Mok'ro. It was the beginning of the end. Merril made bets. The mission was simple. 1. Investigate the ship. 2. Find survivors. 3. Find the ARIA. 4. Find the black box. They arrived on ship after Merril broke up an argument with Veronica and Mars. The cause [[|was an asteroid]], filled with something not seen for a very, very long time. There were people fused with the wall, horrible sights.  
-And that's when the tingle that signified [[|the end of Merril]] began. She heard voices that weren't there. Her visor fogged. The threat was given a name, Sourcian. Merril got more and more aggressive as memories began to run wild in her head. They found all of ONE survivor, Mara "Longwalk" Korro L'manel who developed an odd fascination with Merril. They were given an update: Remove the antimatter fueling the corrupted ARIA so that it couldn't FTL. Merril told herself a childhood mantra as they walked and she felt worse. "I Am Strong." They succeeded in removing one canister, but before they could get rid of the second antimatter canister, the ARIA attacked. Gough took the blow, and Merril treated him. After probably killing the ARIA with acid. And then Mars tried to destroy the Mok'ro, which would have led to the execution of not only the away team, but the rest of the Akahar by extension of failure of the important mission. So Merril decided to [[|blow out Mars's kneecap]] with her pistol. And then they tackled her and extracted the team. [[|Merril never felt so alone]]. 
-==== Chapter 3 ==== 
-[[|Everything goes horribly wrong.]] They tried to stop her and her corruption, but all they manged to do was take out her right arm. Korro assisted in her escape, and the two fled into the ship while the extremely unstable Merril bled not just silver, but [[|memories]] into the feeds as well. At first, her [[|memories]] were limited to a small radius, based on her proximity tho the others. But as time went on, and Sourcian influence in her body was consumed by L'manel regeneration into [[|something new]]. Korro tried to keep Merril safe while on some ludicrous holy rampage fueled by her own respective corruption. And then she started weaponizing her corruption. She could fight back against those that would try and stop this growth.  
-She accepted her [[|burden]]. She began stalking the team when they finally realized the Freespacers turned against them. They made plans. [[|Blared warnings]]. Merril continued her stalking, improving herself as she went. She was so close to being stable, but was in great danger from the things that destroyed her arm. So, [[|she tore off]] blast plating and used it for more armor. And she needed more food, since her targets wouldn't let her have a bite. So she ate [[|livestock]] before stalking lives once more. But her regeneration was still painful, and her morals mixed. She wasn't sure what was truth from her past life and what the sourcian bits tried to convince her of before they were erased anymore. [[|She finally struck]] taking the un-life of a synced freespacer before dragging it away and [[|corrupting it]] with what little instability she had left. She listened to their communications, heard their plans to escape. But to separate and take powerful weapons. Powerful things Merril knew to be made of Structol. She hungered. So she put her puppet into play, distracting the escape group while she closed in on the priest and the pilot. The priest made a show to cover his tracks and destroy the other WinterII prototype. . . or so he thought. Merril was too fast she stabilized, forcing one [[|last set of memories]] to synchonize. 
-[[|Merril became something new.]] Something fast. Something dangerous. There was holdover from the Sourcian pieces. Ha'riel tried to destroy both and the two corrupted ships. [[|Merril didn't appreciate that]]. But her mind was settling. She remembered how to be free. [[|How to crack wise]]. [[|She realized]] that she wasn't going to win. Not in the way she wanted. So, she tried to [[|enjoy herself]] Merril knew she had not much time left, [[|maybe.]] After a tense standoff, Merril got on board the [[|Mydoned]]. 
-Merril got what she wanted, ironically due to the person she vowed to kill. She hasn't stopped wanting to kill him, either.</del>  
-===== Inventory ===== 
-Medic Merril 'Soft Touch' Ghere Lmanel has the following items: 
-==== Clothes/External ==== 
-  * A capsule containing precious things, including a picture of La'al when she was young, Young Merril with family, graduation from the academy, hers and her Va'haar's first teeth lost, and a broken knitting needle. 
-==== Body ==== 
-  * Integrated [[lorath:weapons:fms-1]] and [[lorath:weapons:m_cel]] in her throat. 
-  * [[lazarus:winter_ii#la-am-odf_1000_five_point_solenoid_manipulator_array|Solenoid fingers]] 
-  * [[lazarus:winter_ii:powersystems#gravitic_centrifuge_inverse|Gravitic centrifuges across her body]] 
-  * [[lazarus:winter_ii#apparition_wake_array|Apparition Wake Array]] 
-  * [[lazarus:winter_ii#wire_guided_grapple_arm|Guided Grapple Arm]] 
  • character/merr_il_ghere.1472503944.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/08/29 16:52
  • by moogle