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Luca Pavone

Luca Pavone is a Human Badass, working for the Phoenix Team as their leader and Captain, and formerly of the United Defence Directive's Emergency Assault Division. He came from a mountain town, and lived in unity_metropolis for his adult life, and currently resides in sargasso now.

(Sprite Pending) Captain Luca Pavone
(Picture Pending)
Race Human/Nepiu Age Mid-20s
Weight 80kg (176lb) Height 183cm (6'0“)
Affiliations Unity Protocol, Phoenix Team
Occupation Badass Organisation Phoenix Team
Rank Captain Home Sargasso


  • Face and Eyes - . Out on the field, he often isn't seen smiling.
  • Hair - Luca has dark brown hair in a spiky pompadour with a high hairline. He also sports a pair of bushy sideburns which could poke an eye out. His eyebrows are also very thick and pointy.
  • Body - From years of working on the farm, then going onto combat training, Luca has a strong build. He is 6'0” tall, and weighs around 80 kilograms. He also has a hairy chest, arms, and legs, perhaps cultivated from growing up in the cold.


Theme: Martial, Gadgets

  • Gadgets - Constructed by fans of his, the Phoenix Team, carryovers from his UDD days, and given his own personal touch, his gadgets give the otherwise ordinary man the edge in combat over stronger foes.
    • Grapple Stunner - This piece of armour attaches to Luca's right arm. It is often mistaken for a cybernetic limb by onlookers, but it is constructed like an elbow-length gauntlet and bracer. It contains a grapplegun with an electrified line, and a concussive, electrified power fist called the Phoenix Punch. Other additional functionalities can be built into it and hotswapped with existing components as need be.
    • Offhand Stunner - A reinforced left shoulderpad used to deploy the Phoenix Parachute. The offhand glove can also function as a vice grip.
    • Battle Jacket - A suit of unpowered armour which appears to be a biker's leathers and pants. Underneath the leather jacket is layers of armouring including alloy chainmail, quilted ballistic weaves, wool. Underneath the jacket is a segmented breastplate, made entirely of trauma plates. Integrates seamlessly with the Grapple Stunner, Offhand Stunner, and Phoenix Boots. Also included for tougher situations is a helmet which resembles a riot policeman's.
    • Phoenix Boots - The Phoenix Boots allow Luca to dash with jetskates, perform fiery kicks, leap from wall to wall, and survive long drops.
  • Martial Skills - Years of fighting in many varied and intense battlefields and abroad have honed Luca's combat skills.
    • Gun Nut - Having been around Nepui and other soldiers for most of his life, he shares their keen interest in firearms. Any firearm or firearm-like device that comes to hand is figured out in seconds, as well as modifications. He also has no problem carrying the ammo, or swapping between multiple firearms on his person.
    • Adrenaline Booster - Added to him via the United Defence Directive's soldier improvement program, this piece of hardware allows Luca to stretch his perception of time to line shots up, and continue fighting when injured.
    • Quick Draw - Fast hands mean Luca can swap between firearms and reload guns quickly. In addition, he can draw his preferred revolver lightning fast.
    • Cool Head - Luca doesn't have the time to feel fear after seeing what battle could throw at him. No matter how hairy the situation gets, Luca is not subject to panic or fear effects in combat. This also allows him to find solutions to problems where brute force is not the appropriate way.

Psychology: His thought process can be described as procedural without appearing chaotic. Sometimes, he forgets to state his intentions and acts on his impulses, a carryover from having to make snap-decisions under duress on the field. His way of tactical thinking1) proved to be his brightest asset when he left the United Defence Directive to lead the Phoenix Team, setting it above the local competition.

Further analysis by the UDD showed that he had the aptitude to become a low level psionic, but he refused to take the treatments, implants, or training necessary. Some people suspect that this latent talent is responsible for his instinctual affinity towards firearms, toughness, charisma, and his ability to stay calm under pressure. Others believe it was his upbringing in a rural-agrarian society, and a very pragmatic and practical thought process. Though, his allies reckon its his diet of action movies during downtime and a penchant for mischief and hard headedness.

  • Likes: Freedom to move, action movies, heroism, danger, guitars, improvisation, wind rushing in his hair, motorcycles, mountains, popping bubble wrap
  • Dislikes: Quiet areas, open areas, people who avoid simple questions, his ramen noodles being too soft, tentacles, bureaucracy, deserts, slime, mopeds
  • Goals: Make the Galaxy a better place.

Luca does not know any spells or rituals, and has no interest in learning any.

Personality: In casual conversation, Luca is noticeably straightforward, observant, and very dry if irritated. He's known to incorporate loanwords2) from the different species he works alongside. He also has a strong sense of justice - though people like it to an archetypal action hero's personality, except played with enough self awareness to remain personable, and even goofy.

Affiliations and Beliefs

Luca was formerly affiliated with the Unity Protocol's Emergency Assault Division, and later split off on good terms to found his own group to deal with problems abroad: the Phoenix Team. During his time in the UDD, he encountered with a wide variety of different species on peaceful occasions, giving him a broad spread of who's who around the Unity Protocol, even with some questions and visits from the Unit Avatars.

His role in the repel of the Hostile Polygons on Sargasso's Ferros Block tower earned him the nickname of a superhero around Sargasso for a while. Now living in Sargasso, he is a local celebrity and they don't mind the Phoenix Group's presence.


From the Emergency Assault Group, he mostly has infamy after surviving the Betrayal at Lor and managing to find the head of the conspiracy. On the one hand, Luca put an end to the use of EAG as a political tool. On the other, it tarnished the reputation of the EAG since he left them. They think the Phoenix Group is the irresponsible way of ensuring galactic peace thanks to its allegedly irresponsible leader. Luca pays them no mind now, but he knows one day they'll try at him.


Luca speaks Basic, and a local dialect in his previous hometown. He can speak a little of every other language and improvises frequently.

Luca was born in an icy village up in the northwest mountain of Traveller away from the capital city of unity_metropolis. He spent his formative years working as a farmhand for his family and the village. Living a sheltered and homogeneous existence, he rarely saw aliens or other species come by his village, except during tourist seasons. Luca made efforts to try and learn more, but his home's resources were limited.

When he came of age, he made the effort of organising himself. He got on his motorcycle and left his home, driving towards unity_metropolis and joining the united_defence_directive, since it'd give him the quickest access to a spaceship, and to see the world. What he got was to see more of the planet he lived on, and a lot more people, starting at academy and boot camp. After passing, he proceeded onto the United Defence Directive. There, his skills were much further, displaying practicality and a cool head in changing situations.

Most of Luca's time in the UDD consisted of resolving small fights between members of Councils, fending off pirate raids, investigating unknown arrivals to the system, and repelling invaders alongside the Units. Some of his exploits through improvisation and combat tactics bought him a bit of notoriety as a tough nut and loose cannon in his usual post of the City of Sargasso. His rise to fame was involved in a first-contact with a hostile sect of Polygons, who had engulfed Ferros Block with non-euclidean geometry. Of the first-response squad he was assigned to, he and three other UDD Soldiers managed to break through the barriers and destroy the core, sapping the polygons of a leyline and allowing the UDD reinforcements repel the threat.

Following recovery and a very thorough debriefing by both Units and UDD Brass, Luca was assigned to UDD's Emergency Assault Division - a team responsible for dealing with the more serious problems which beset Unity Metropolis from beyond Starshade. His initial thoughts on the unit drew parallels to 'superheroes', but the unit thought that was only a bit of a stretch - they were just a special forces cell.

However, Luca stood out in the Emergency Assault Division for not standing out on first glance. He wasn't an obvious cyborg, mage, psion, ki user, or supersoldier; Nor did he display any extraordinary abilities - he didn't appear to bring any advantage to the team over his peers initially, and he was met with disdain and derision. The opinion changed when it manifested in battlefield experience, backed up with gadgets and cutting edge weaponry, making him a formidable combatant and nothing but that, able to outgun and outwit mages, psions, and most frequently monstrous aliens.

Then, someone turned on him from within.



Having been bought up in the country, honed in the city, then tempered in space and abroad, Luca's skills are quite diverse.

Guns [Expert]

aa bullets aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Hand to Hand [Expert]

punch punch

Physical [Advanced]


Leadership [Advanced]


Vehicles (Motorcycle) [Expert]


Technology Operation (Gadgets) [Intermediate]

He knows how to operate the gadgets he designed and gave to UDD engineers to give him a step up on . Consequently, Luca has a decent understanding of how the world around him works, and seeing opportunities to use the grapplegun, the wings, the kicks - or even the Phoenix Punch!

Stealth [Intermedate]

he am sneaky when it counts


  • 10mm Pistol
  • .44 Mass-Driver Revolver
  • 12ga Pump Shotgun
  • 7.62x51mm Assault Rifle
  • 40mm Flaregun configuration Grenade Launcher


  • Battle Jacket


  • Motorcycle, Wheeled, Dual-Sport, Heavily Modified
    • Black and orange bike with white accents. Has the number 72 written on it.


  • Two Bedroom Apartment 7-02 in Sargasso's Ferros Block


OOC Notes

Long running character is very long running.

though he denies its tactical in any way and insists he's literally making up everything as he goes along
Mostly swear words.
  • character/luca_pavone.1465743725.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/06/12 11:02
  • by luca