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Lotha "Skystride" Athacal

Lotha is a Lorath L'manel, working freelance as a courier. They are a part of the Lorath matriarchy, residing wherever she goes..

Character Logo or Sprite Lotha
Character Picture
Species L'manel Age 51 (At the time of Lorath's entry)
Weight 250lbs Height 6'1“
Affiliations The Hij'al Courier Network
Occupation Courier/Messenger Organisation N/A
Rank N/A Home N/A
Theme Running the Bassline - Triple-Q

Lotha dresses pretty plainly. Normally it's a longsleeve, skintight shirt and overalls for comfort and to cut down on wind chill. She wears several tight fitting bangles on both her wrists, both sets enchanted as extradimensional storage summoning utility. She generally tends to wear hoofboots with its own set of enchantments and wraps to force herself into a longer gait when running. Lotha herself is very dark-skinned, with short hairstyle to keep it out of her eyes or get caught.

  • Face and Eyes - Lotha has yellow eyes and an honest, friendly face that's generally courted with bright expressions.
  • Hair - Her hair is white, true to Lor fashion. It's side undercuts with braids neatly dividing the top and the sides.
  • Body - Lotha is very tall, at 6'1”. She's very athletic in build, mostly lean but has very thick thighs.
  • Distinguishing Features - She proudly displays her doglike ears thanks to the undercuts. They're long droopy and fluffy, but not floppy.
  • Voice - To be determined

Psychology: Lotha is a very self-fulfilling individual. She strikes out on her own for her own goals and doesn't let others wrap her up in metaphorical binds or ties. She honestly is just out to have a good time, and the courier lifestyle suits her and her hobbies, which mostly include running and sightseeing. Lotha will not change for others. If she changes herself, it will be FOR herself, not for others.

  • Likes - Being tall, short people to nuzzle, women, ladies.
  • Dislikes - Pressure, having a dedicated course, men (in bed)
  • Goals - Get laid, get laid by every species of woman in the galaxy


  • Skystride - Her namesake talent. Also known as Whistlewind. Lotha uses wind magic to boost and propel her forwards and upwards, allowing her excellent agility and manuverability. She can use it in a stream or in bursts for guidance. Lotha also has the capability to “walk” on wind, but uses it as needed since it's a little more demanding in energy. She's built up a large tolerance for high speeds and constant mana use, so she can get a lot of mileage out of her spell. She triggers it by whistling.
  • Other spells Lotha is lazy and never bothered learning other magic, though she has the aptitude.

Personality - Lotha has a very forward, upbeat persona, but will immediately shut out anybody she thinks lowly of. Usually. She has a taste for preying on foreigners for belittlement. But, to those she deems as socially “higher” than her, I.E. a priest, a captain, etc, she has immediate respect. For something like royalty, she has immense loyalty for, to a fault.

Affiliations and Beliefs

  • The Hij'al Courier Network - The most common courier group in Lor space. Lotha picks up work from them wherever she ends up.




Lotha was born into a family of 11 children, right in the middle. So, naturally, not too much was expected of her since the eldest had their own responsibilities and the youngest were doted on. That's not to say that she was ignored by her family, far from it. It was a loving and caring household. As a child, she was nearly killed by a Dor'daan (a small creatures that resembles a dog with hooves) by way of punting off a cliff, but she survived to be determined to take it down. It took some time, but eventually she bested the beastie with her favorite talent (wrestling) and outsmarted the pack to do so, and aspected with it. Unfortunately, the Moonfall took her two eldest siblings, a sickly younger sibling, and the family farm with it. The Lorath government provided a new home, but the scars still run deep.

Now, as an adult, she's mostly interested in the /other/ sort of wrestling. It leads her family to worry that she'll never settle down. But they fully support her “habits”, to the point where they consider her conquests over foreign races to be an example of Lorath Excellence. Her parents had shipped her off to a magic school in the city during moonfall to make a name for herself. Lotha took to wind magic and flight and was an okay student if a frequent partier. Since moonfall killed magic for a time in Lor, Lotha had turned to courier and messenger work to both pay the bills and do her duty for the country, since moonfall ruined more than magic for a long time. These days, she still couriers, though now properly aided by her wind magic. Most of her free time is spent sexing up random women who show interest in her considerable talents.

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Skill Area [Skill]

Describe your character's skill here, and their level of competence within the square brackets. Competence levels include Beginner, Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert, and Master.


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Describe your character's financial situation here.

OOC Notes

Dor'daan aspected. A hybrid between shiba and a klipspringer

  • character/lothaathacal.1485801799.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/01/30 13:43
  • by moogle