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character:lothaathacal [2017/01/30 13:35] – [Mental] mooglecharacter:lothaathacal [2017/04/10 21:56] (current) – [Inventory] moogle
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 Lotha is a Lorath L'manel, working freelance as a courier. They are a part of the Lorath matriarchy, residing wherever she goes.. Lotha is a Lorath L'manel, working freelance as a courier. They are a part of the Lorath matriarchy, residing wherever she goes..
-^  Character Logo or Sprite  ^ Lotha |||+^  {{:character:shdtz2b_1_.png|}}  ^ Lotha |||
 |  Character Picture  |||| |  Character Picture  ||||
 ^ Species | L'manel ^ Age | 51 (At the time of Lorath's entry) | ^ Species | L'manel ^ Age | 51 (At the time of Lorath's entry) |
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 === Spellbook === === Spellbook ===
   * **Skystride** - Her namesake talent. Also known as Whistlewind. Lotha uses wind magic to boost and propel her forwards and upwards, allowing her excellent agility and manuverability. She can use it in a stream or in bursts for guidance. Lotha also has the capability to "walk" on wind, but uses it as needed since it's a little more demanding in energy. She's built up a large tolerance for high speeds and constant mana use, so she can get a lot of mileage out of her spell. She triggers it by whistling.   * **Skystride** - Her namesake talent. Also known as Whistlewind. Lotha uses wind magic to boost and propel her forwards and upwards, allowing her excellent agility and manuverability. She can use it in a stream or in bursts for guidance. Lotha also has the capability to "walk" on wind, but uses it as needed since it's a little more demanding in energy. She's built up a large tolerance for high speeds and constant mana use, so she can get a lot of mileage out of her spell. She triggers it by whistling.
 +  * **Zoamancy** - A unique set of spells designed to draw out a true beast form from people, something that suits them perfectly and not necessarily reliant on existing creatures to form. She uses this spell on occassion to go on runs with with Biisa.
   * **Other spells** Lotha is lazy and never bothered learning other magic, though she has the aptitude.   * **Other spells** Lotha is lazy and never bothered learning other magic, though she has the aptitude.
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 === Affiliations and Beliefs === === Affiliations and Beliefs ===
->Describe your character's positive affiliations, such as societies they belong to, contact groups they have, or organisation/occupation ties. +  * The Hij'al Courier Network - The most common courier group in Lor spaceLotha picks up work from them wherever she ends up.
->You may also list any belief systems the character follows. +
->You may also list enemies in a subheader if your character has any. +
 === Languages === === Languages ===
 Ly'thir Ly'thir
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 ===== History ===== ===== History =====
 === Pre-RP === === Pre-RP ===
-Lotha was born into a family of 11 children, right in the middle. So, naturally, not too much was expected of her since the eldest had their own responsibilities and the youngest were doted on. That's not to say that she was ignored by her family, far from it. It was a loving and caring household. As a child, she was nearly killed by a Dor'daan (a small creatures that resembles a dog with hooves) by way of punting off a cliff, but she survived to be determined to take it down. It took some time, but eventually she bested the beastie with her favorite talent (wrestling) and outsmarted the pack to do so, and aspected with it. Unfortunately, the Moonfall took her two eldest siblings, a sickly younger sibling, and the family farm with it. The Lorath government provided a new home, but the scars still run deep.+Lotha was born into a family of 11 children, right in the middle. So, naturally, not too much was expected of her since the eldest had their own responsibilities and the youngest were doted on. That's not to say that she was ignored by her family, far from it. It was a loving and caring household. As a child, she was nearly killed by a [[species/lorath/dor'daan|Dor'daan]] (a small creatures that resembles a dog with hooves) by way of punting off a cliff, but she survived to be determined to take it down. It took some time, but eventually she bested the beastie with her favorite talent (wrestling) and outsmarted the pack to do so, and aspected with it. Unfortunately, the Moonfall took her two eldest siblings, a sickly younger sibling, and the family farm with it. The Lorath government provided a new home, but the scars still run deep.
-Now, as an adult, she's mostly interested in the /other/ sort of wrestling. It leads her family to worry that she'll never settle down. But they fully support her "habits", to the point where they consider her conquests over foreign races to be an example of Lorath Excellence. Her parents had shipped her off to a magic school in the city during moonfall to make a name for herself. Lotha took to wind magic and flight and was an okay student if a frequent partier. Since moonfall killed magic for a time in Lor, Lotha had turned to courier and messenger work to both pay the bills and do her duty for the country, since moonfall ruined more than magic for a long time. These days, she still couriers, though now properly aided by her wind magic. Most of her free time is spent sexing up random women who show interest in her considerable talents.+Now, as an adult, she's mostly interested in the /other/ sort of wrestling. It leads her family to worry that she'll never settle down. But they fully support her "habits", to the point where they consider her conquests over foreign races to be an example of Lorath Excellence. Her parents had shipped her off to a magic school in the city before moonfall to make a name for herself. Lotha took to wind magic and flight and was an okay student if a frequent partier. Since moonfall killed magic for a time in Lor, Lotha had turned to courier and messenger work to both pay the bills and do her duty for the country, since moonfall ruined more than magic for a long time. These days, she still couriers, though now properly aided by her wind magic. Most of her free time is spent sexing up random women who show interest in her considerable talents.
 ==== Current ==== ==== Current ====
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 ===== Skills ===== ===== Skills =====
->Describe your character's skills hereRead more on [[guide:skills]] for skill areas. Starting characters usually have 4 to 7 skill areas, with the following skill levels available for distribution: +Lotha is a courier with rudimentary magic training and the life of a farmgirl behind herAs suchshe is very fit with a wide variety of skills.
->>Expert (1 Skill may be assigned as Expert) +
->>Advanced (Up to 2 Skills may be assigned as Advanced) +
->>Intermediate (Up to 3 Skills may be assigned as Intermediate) +
->>Basic (Up to 4 Skills may be assigned as Basic) +
->Character skills may improve, or new skill areas will be available+
-=== Skill Area [Skill] === +=== Construction [Intermediate] === 
->Describe your character's skill here, and their level of competence within the square brackets. Competence levels include BeginnerBasicIntermediate, Advanced, Expert, and Master. +Lothaboth pre and post moonfall, spent a lot of time helping build and maintain things for the family farm including fenceshousingbarns, and so on.
->A skill area listing is not necessary for representing daily tasks at Beginner level. For example, the Vehicles skill doesn't need to be added to your character's biography if they will only use it to commute to work. +
->>If they get involved in a car chase though, the GM is unlikely to rule in the character's favour over someone with the Vehicles skill.+
-===== Inventory ===== +=== Craft [Intermediate] === 
-**Weaponry**+Lotha, both pre and post moonfall, spent a lot of time helping build and maintain things for the family farm including tools, clothing, and so on.
-  * Item+=== Culinary [Advanced] === 
 +Lotha has spent much of her life cooking for her family and others, using both farm fresh and store bought ingredients.
-**Apparel**+=== Biology [Intermediate] === 
 +Living on a farm gave lotha certain insight into animal biology.
-  * Item+=== Concentration [Intermediate] === 
 +Lotha is skilled at thinking fast and casting on the fly, as well as maintaining the magics necessary for her runs.
-**Vehicles**+=== Senses [Intermediate] === 
 +Lotha's senses are fine tuned to give her the ability to anticipate obstacles in her path and field through to find the best way, not to mention her natural senses are enhanced by her animal companion.
-  * Item+=== Thaumatology [Intermediate] === 
 +Lotha has had some practical training in the magical arts, but abandoned her education partway through and thus only knows enough to aid her in a few practical applications.
-**Property**+=== Fitness [Expert] === 
 +Lotha is in extremely good shape from her couriering, upbringing, and "nighttime activities."
-  * Item+=== Animals [Intermediate] === 
 +Having been raised on a farm, Lotha has certain insights into animal behavior.
-**Tools**+=== Entertainment [Intermediate] === 
 +Lotha is a decent entertainer, particularly in the bedroom.
-  * Item+=== Humanities [Intermediate] === 
 +Lotha is a keen hand at intuiting a person's behavior in order to achieve a desired outcome.
-**Trinkets**+===== Inventory ===== 
 +Lotha keeps most of her things back home on the family farm, opting to stay light while she works as a courier. She often sends packages to be stored in her room when she finds something she might want later, oftentimes with a letter. 
 +  * Overalls and tight-fitting long-sleeved shirts. So many overalls.  
-  * Item+  * Storage bangles - Lotha wears magical bangles on her person at any given time that help keep not only her own things in a light, convenient subspace but also any packages and letters she delivers.
 === Finances === === Finances ===
->Describe your character's financial situation here.+Lotha is neither poor nor rich, but lives very light - and as such generally eats well since she saves on housing.
 ====== OOC Notes ====== ====== OOC Notes ======
 Dor'daan aspected. A hybrid between shiba and a klipspringer Dor'daan aspected. A hybrid between shiba and a klipspringer
  • character/lothaathacal.1485801334.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/01/30 13:35
  • by moogle