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Elijah Goldstein

Eli is a Greaseheart, working for the lorath_matriarchy/group/lsdfas a full time cook. They are part of a traveling miner commune.

Character Logo or Sprite Elijah Goldstein
Character Picture
Species Humanoid Age 28
Weight 198/89.98kg Height 5’5”/170.23cm
Affiliations Contracted with Lorath Self Defense Force
Occupation Cook Organisation Employed by the LSDF
Rank Civilian Crewman Home Nomadic
  • Face and Eyes - Eli has a round face shape with bright, clear green eyes, full cheeks, and an almost button nose. His two top incisors are fairly larger than the rest of his teeth and has a slight diastema. Framing his face are thick, large squared glasses, plastic frame and brown.
  • Hair - Short, styled, and a dirty blonde. Often wavy or curly, but sometimes lazily left messed.
  • Body - Elijah is not the tallest, standing at five foot five inches and he’s not the most fit either. Weighing around one hundred and ninety-eight, he does have a bit of a belly, hips and thighs. Weight also sits in his shoulders and chest to even out his form.
  • Distinguishing Features - Thick rimmed glasses, of which he pushes up on his nose constantly. Often smiles wide with dimples, larger front teeth, and his face also does not grow facial hair, so he still looks like a teenager.
  • Voice - Tom Holland as Spiderman.

Psychology - For Elijah, his thought process is still young, still learning. While he has for the most part come into his own and figured out who he is as a person, there are still plenty of places for him to improve and grow. He can be confident, in things he knows, but things he is new to, he tends to shy away from or just not try. Because of that, he’s not the BEST at making snap decisions and can fall into a bit of a panic when faced with an immediate predicament. Eli also have a serious fear of blood, to the point of even fainting when exposed to large amounts, this does hinder his work sometimes if meat has not been butchered. Even a simple cut on a hand can cause him to grow pale and sickly.

  • Likes - All things furry, feathery, scaly, crawly, slimy, you name it, though bugs are his specialty, as he in fact collects insects. Loves cooking for others and to make others happy with his food, painting and collecting tabletop miniatures, new glasses, sweater vests, stationary.
  • Dislikes - Confrontation, hostility, has a fear of blood, smoking or people who smoke, traveling super fast, usually politics, being without work, people touching his collections, disorganization, sudden plans, candy.
  • Goals - Your character's short or long term goals. Optional.

Personality - Upbeat, energetic, friendly and generally “the nice guy”. Elijah loves to mingle and make friends, often times offering food to make them happy. It really is not often you will find him in a sour mood, or even an angry one. In fact, anger is his last resort, the one emotion he won’t touch unless an injustice has been done to friends, family, or animals. That’s not to say he is a pacifist, he just isn’t bothered by much and lets things easily roll off his shoulders.

About the only place Eli is ever seen taking charge is in the kitchen. He knows what he wants, what he expects, what others what and expect and he just focuses in on work till its all done and every plate is empty. So he’s very dedicated to his work, along with that to his coworkers as well.

Affiliations and Beliefs

Elijah has been, and is currently affiliated with the following organizations.

  • UNNAMED nomadic miner commune
  • Lorath Matriarchy
  • Lorath Self Defense Force

Elijah’s beliefs are not placed with any organized religious structure, but instead consists of superstitions and myths passed on between members of the commune he grew up with. Legends of ‘good luck’, ‘bad luck’, ‘spirits’, ‘monsters’, and other such disjointed concepts create Elijah’s belief structure.


Common/Basic Moderate Ly’thir

Write about your character's life, upbringing, and any notable events in two to four paragraphs here.

Having discovered his calling within the kitchens of the commune, there was another step ahead of Elijah, as he was still living among those who practiced a life that was one he had no interest in. There was no beauty in the ass-end of an asteroid, there was no curiosity of life in a mess-hall built into a mineshaft twenty kilometers under a planetary crust. While he was not a miner, he was still a nomad just like his father and mother before him, and their parents before them. Travel, it was the only way forward; figuratively and literally.

Opportunity came in the form of merchant traders, from an unknown species, from an unknown world. ‘Newcomers’ was the term tossed around between the miners at Elijah’s last camp, as the aliens had never been encountered prior. Even though they were a mystery, they seemed friendly enough; willing to trade, pick up the local language, and share their own. Most of all, above all else, they were living on stale rations, something which Elijah had a solution for.

Having purchased passage aboard the merchant’s freighter in a work-exchange, offering to cook and clean aboard ship, Elijah found his way to the Lorath Matriarchy, but not without creating a good name for himself amongst the freighter crew. Advancement was served by the platter, as Elijah gained enough trust within the space-faring ranks of the Matriarchy to earn clearance to serve aboard military vessels, and with that clearance came an opportunity; a service contract to work as the chef aboard the ‘Val’ta’, a Lorath exploration ship, in dire need of a cook, and with that the nomad continued his journey in service.

Skill Area [Skill]

Basic Skills

  • Leadership
  • Domestic
  • Arts
  • Chemistry

Intermediate Skills

  • Research
  • Archaic Weapons
  • Survival

Advanced Skills

  • Biology
  • Animals

Expert Skills

  • Culinary
  • Curiously Courageous Culinarian
    • Ability: Spurring his ambitions, Elijah’s main focus in life is his passion for food and the preparation of it. This passion has resulted in Elijah applying himself toward a wide range of culinary pursuits ranging from traditional fare to experimental gourmet cuisine. As part of this, Elijah has developed a keen affinity for identifying edible and palatable foodstuffs, and making them into fantastic meals far greater than the sum of their parts, even while in the field. Along with Elijah’s skill with the frying pan, his hand feels genuinely at home gripped upon the handle of a knife, having a full understanding of knife handling and application.
  • Zesty Zoologist
    • Ability: When trying to figure out his life calling, biology was the first point of focus that Elijah pursued. While it was not ultimately his calling, he still excelled in the subject of zoology within his studies. Topics ranging from behavior, to anatomy, to animal husbandry have proven well within Elijah’s wheelhouse of expertise, and serves as a compliment to his culinary prowess. Beyond the zoological studies which Elijah excelled in, Elijah also possesses a moderate aptitude in horticultural studies, and principles of biochemistry.


  • Item


  • 2 Sweater vests
  • 2 Short sleeve button up shirts
  • 2 Long sleeve button up shirts


  • Item


  • Item


  • Item


  • Item


  • Item


Describe your character's financial situation here. Think about your character's sources of income, and living expenses.
Some adjectives: Wretched, Squalid, Poor, Modest, Comfortable, Affluent, Wealthy, Aristocratic.
Update this section as is necessary.

OOC Notes

If you have any other OOC notes, such as reference pictures, extra links, or extra music, leave them here as you see fit.
  • character/elijah_goldstein.1571393497.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/10/18 06:11
  • by fairylocked