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Bootstrap is a Thundercloud Belzan, currently self-employed as an explorer, adventurer, bounty hunter, and freelance engineer and repair technician. Having migrated from his homeworld, Traveler, onto the gas giant's colony-moon of Sargasso, Bootstrap seeks to ply his trade and gather as much information about the universe around him as possible.

Character Logo or Sprite Bootstrap
Character Picture
Species Belza Age 8
Weight Minuscule Height Not applicable
Affiliations None
Occupation Adventurer, Freelance Engineer/Mechanic Organization Independent
Rank None Home Traveler (Formerly),
Theme FFXIV OST – The Fractal Continuum

Bootstrap is a Belzan, meaning that his 'physical' form consists of little more than a wispy, translucent cloud with a pair of vibrantly glowing bluish 'eyes' within the vaporous mass. The specific coloration of the cloud varies with Bootstrap's moods - a trait shared with his species at large. Alongside the ghostly 'eyes', visible arcs of electrostatic energy can often be seen sporadically coursing through Bootstrap's cloud, the electrical manifestation being a result of his mutant biology.

Being that he cannot exist in a standard atmosphere without diffusing to death, however, Bootstrap is often seen wearing one of a small handful of custom-made pressure suits depending upon the exact nature of his present situation. The one constant between these armored bodies, however, is Bootstrap's pressurized 'head' - a silvery, watermelon-sized, burnished sphere of extremely durable metal which contains his gaseous form, vocal synthesizer, life support, electronic interfaces, and other necessary systems for Bootstrap's continued existence. Bootstrap's 'eyelights' are clearly visible upon the sphere's surface, the Belzan's LiDAR-like vision being able to easily penetrate the protective shell which comprises his 'head' - thus, giving the vague impression of a 'face' upon the otherwise expressionless sphere.

In non-combat situations or places where combat is unlikely, Bootstrap is usually seen using a lighter, more humanoid chassis - the spherical 'head' being mounted to an angular, beveled torso designed to give the impression of a light-grey formal suit. The chassis has humanoid proportions and appendages, with but one singular exception: a sometimes-startling lack of arms, with the chassis' hands floating freely under the careful control of a tight magnetic field.

In more dangerous situations, however, Bootstrap opts for a significantly more durable chassis - His 'head' is locked behind an angular, armored helm with a transparent hellenium visor, while the chassis' body is large and heavy-set, the beveled angles designed to deflect impact-based weaponry. The suit's primary 'limbs' are directly attached, serving as a better conduit for integrated weaponry and hand-to-hand combat - however, an additional set of hands float freely under magnetic suspension, used for finer manipulation. The chassis is also treated with a polarized, reflective coating, offering it better defense against laser weaponry at the expense of stealth capability.

More details are given under the Abilities and Inventory sections.

Voice - Greetings! I am the monitor of installation zero four.


Theme: Bootstrap's abilities arise from a union of his peculiar Belzan nature, his in-depth engineering knowledge with regard to magnetism and electricity, and expert powered-armor piloting skill.

  • Racial abilities - Bezlans are offered a few extraordinary abilities due to their gaseous composition, and Bootstrap's thundercloud nature expands upon these traits further.
    • LiDAR Vision - The ghostly lights in Bootstrap's 'head' aren't just for show; Bezlans 'see' using a process very similar to LiDAR imaging, and are able to 'see' using a wide variety of wavelengths ranging through the visible, infrared, and ultraviolet spectra.
    • Accelerated Learning - Bezlans benefit from exceptional intellect, alongside an inherent knack for picking up new information; it is not uncommon for a Bezlan to be able to speak, albeit in a very broken manner, in a previously unknown language after as little as a day of exposure.
    • Electrostatic Generator - Bootstrap's body, as a result of his Thundercloud biology, generates a great deal of electrostatic energy. Under normal circumstances, this electrostatic energy would continue to build within his body until it catastrophically exploded - fortunately, Bootstrap's pressure suits siphon off and store this energy to power both themselves and the various weapons they utilize.
  • Theme Ability themes are described in bullet points.
    • Ability - Describe the character's ability here.
  • * Theme Ability themes are described in bullet points.
    • Ability - Describe the character's ability here.

Psychology: Write a paragraph or two about your character's worldview, thought process, and psychology here.

  • Likes - Your character's likes.
  • Dislikes - Your character's dislikes.
  • Goals - Your character's short or long term goals. Optional.


  • Bezlan Telekinesis - Bezlans possess low-level telekinesis, largely used for field-repairs and construction of their pressure suits - it doesn't possess enough force to be useful in combat, but it is precise enough to be used for tasks requiring fine manipulation.

Personality - Describe your character's personality in one paragraph here.

Affiliations and Beliefs

Describe your character's positive affiliations, such as societies they belong to, contact groups they have, or organisational and occupational ties.
You may also list any belief systems the character follows.
You may also list enemies in a subheader if your character has made any!


As a Belza, Bootstrap is only able to inherently speak the Belzans' own tongue - with electronic assistance, however, he can quite fluently speak Aleph Basic, and is well-versed in a number of machine languages.

Write about your character's life, upbringing, and any notable events in two to four paragraphs here.
Write about your character's current experiences here, and how they are moving into their intended plot. Keep this section up to date with major plot events.

Engineer [EXPERT ]

Powered Armor [ADVANCED]




Mathematics [INTERMEDIATE]

Basic Skills

  • Technician -
  • Humanities -
  • Starship Operation -
  • Concentration -


  • Item


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Describe your character's financial situation here. Think about your character's sources of income, and living expenses.
Some adjectives: Wretched, Squalid, Poor, Modest, Comfortable, Affluent, Wealthy, Aristocratic.
Update this section as is necessary.

OOC Notes

If you have any other OOC notes, leave them here.
  • character/bootstrap.1488664680.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/03/04 16:58
  • by experimentalpha