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character:bootstrap [2017/03/03 04:18] experimentalphacharacter:bootstrap [2017/03/05 04:58] – [Social] experimentalpha
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 ====== Bootstrap ====== ====== Bootstrap ======
-Bootstrap is a Thundercloud Belzan, currently self-employed as an explorer, adventurer, bounty hunter, and freelance engineer and repair technician. Having migrated from his homeworld, Traveler, onto the gas giant's colony-moon of Sargasso, Bootstrap seeks to ply his trade and gather as much information about the universe around him as possible.+Bootstrap is a Thundercloud [[species/belza|Belza]], currently self-employed as an explorer, adventurer, bounty hunter, and freelance engineer and repair technician. Having migrated from his homeworld, Traveler, onto the gas giant's colony-moon of Sargasso, Bootstrap seeks to ply his trade and gather as much information about the universe around him as possible.
 ---- ----
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 ^  Character Logo or Sprite  ^ Bootstrap ||| ^  Character Logo or Sprite  ^ Bootstrap |||
 |  Character Picture  |||| |  Character Picture  ||||
-^ Species | Belza ^ Age | 8 | +^ Species | [[species/belza|Belza]] ^ Age | 8| 
-^ Weight | Minuscule ^ Height | Not applicable |+^ Weight | Minuscule (200 lbs in civilian module/1 ton in combat armature) ^ Height | Not applicable (6 ft/9 ft) |
 ^ Affiliations | None ||| ^ Affiliations | None |||
 ^ Occupation | Adventurer, Freelance Engineer/Mechanic ^ Organization | Independent | ^ Occupation | Adventurer, Freelance Engineer/Mechanic ^ Organization | Independent |
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 ===== Description ===== ===== Description =====
 ==== Physical ==== ==== Physical ====
 +  * **'Body'** - Bootstrap is, essentially, a sentient cumulus cloud. The specific coloration changes with his mood - however, this is rarely seen.
 +  * **'Head'** - The most recognizable part of Bootstrap is his 'head', the primary component to his pressure suits. Effectively, it consists of a roughly melon-sized burnished sphere, akin to a ball bearing, with all of the sensitive computer parts, life support, and interfacing components kept safely within. If removed from a pressure suit, the sphere can roll to safety at a fairly quick pace.
 +  * **'Eyes'** - Belzan vision uses LiDAR to see the world - this manifests as a pair of ethereal, glowing, viridian ovals of light on the face of Bootstrap's 'head'.
 +  * **Pressure Suits** Given that Bootstrap would die a horribly painful death if he were to attempt to enter a normal atmosphere, the Bezlan uses a variety of modular, humanoid, robotic suits to get around and explore the world. His 'head' is the modular control component for each of the suits, and can be readily transferred between them as needed.
 +    * **I:3 Civilian Module** - The robotic suit is designed to give the appearance of a finely-dressed human (Albeit one with a ball bearing as a head) wearing a dapper, if metallic, suit and tie. Given Bootstrap's propensity for magnetic engineering, the Civilian Module has no arms - the suit's hands float freely under a magnetic field, though tend to keep within a human range of expression for purposes of not disturbing human clients.
 +    * **I:25_C Combat Armature** - When the situation calls for action, Bootstrap dons a humanoid suit of custom-designed powered armor. The heavy-duty and heavily-armored frame retains fairly humanoid proportions despite it's imposing design. As free-floating arms would be impractical as weapon mounts or in close combat, the frame's primary arms are still attached - however, a secondary set of hands floats freely for tasks requiring fine manipulation. Bootstrap's 'head' is kept safe behind an angular helmet, his 'eyes' peering out from behind a transparent Helenium visor.
 +  * **Voice** - [[|Greetings! I am the monitor of installation zero four.]]
-Bootstrap is a Belzan, meaning that his 'physical' form consists of little more than a wispy, translucent cloud with a pair of vibrantly glowing bluish 'eyes' within the vaporous mass. The specific coloration of the cloud varies with Bootstrap's moods a trait shared with his species at large. Alongside the ghostly 'eyes'visible arcs of electrostatic energy can often be seen sporadically coursing through Bootstrap's cloud, the electrical manifestation being a result of his mutant biology.+=== Abilities === 
 +**Theme:** Bootstrap's abilities arise from union of his peculiar Belzan nature, his in-depth engineering knowledge with regard to magnetism and electricityand expert powered-armor piloting skill.
-Being that he cannot exist in a standard atmosphere without diffusing to deathhoweverBootstrap is often seen wearing one of small handful of custom-made pressure suits depending upon the exact nature of his present situationThe one constant between these armored bodieshoweveris Bootstrap's pressurized 'head' - a silverywatermelon-sizedburnished sphere of extremely durable metal which contains his gaseous formvocal synthesizerlife supportelectronic interfaces, and other necessary systems for Bootstrap'continued existence. Bootstrap's 'eyelights' are clearly visible upon the sphere'surface, the Belzan'LiDAR-like vision being able to easily penetrate the protective shell which comprises his 'head' - thusgiving the vague impression of a 'faceupon the otherwise expressionless sphere.+  * **Racial abilities** - Bezla are offered a few extraordinary abilities due to their gaseous composition, and Bootstrap's thundercloud nature expands upon these traits further. 
 +    * **LiDAR Vision** - The ghostly lights in Bootstrap's 'head' aren't just for show; Bezla 'see' using process very similar to LiDAR imagingand are able to 'see' using a wide variety of wavelengths ranging through the visibleinfrared, and ultraviolet spectra. 
 +    * **Accelerated Learning** - Bezla benefit from exceptional intellect, alongside an inherent knack for picking up new information; it is not uncommon for a Bezlan to be able to speak, albeit in a very broken manner, in a previously unknown language after as little as day of exposure. 
 +    * **Electrostatic Generator** Bootstrap's body, as a result of his Thundercloud biology, generates a great deal of electrostatic energyUnder normal circumstancesthis electrostatic energy would continue to build within his body until it catastrophically exploded - fortunately Bootstrap's pressure suits siphon off and store this energy to power both themselves and the various weapons they utilize. 
 +    * **Ejectable Head** - Bootstrap's pressurized 'head' interfaces with his armored frames via a near-field magnetic lock - this is easily released in emergency situations, where the head can roll swiftly away from an incapacitated 'body' and toward safety. 
 +  * **I:3 Civilian Module** - Bootstrap's preferred 'body' in non-combat situations, the Civilian Module is still equipped to defend itself, if necessary. 
 +    * **Smooth Looks** - The Civilian Module is dressed to impress, offering fairly human range of motion and expression (Aside from the spherical head preventing true facial expressionof course) alongside the metallic 'suit' designed into its chassis. 
 +    * **Electrical Insulation** The Civilian Noduleas with all of Bootstrap's creations, are sufficiently insulated from electrical interference that the Belzan's own biology, and his electrical weaponrywon't damage or interfere with their systems. 
 +    * **Sensor Suite** - The Civilian Module is equipped with a compact yet efficient sensor suiteincluding a chemical sensordirectional and omnidirectional microphones, and tactile sensor arrays. 
 +    * **Concealed Lasers** - A pair of infrared pulse laser apertures is installed into the Civilian Module's shoulders, which expand slightly into firing position from behind sliding panels on the shoulders themselves. While lethal to most humans in the same sense that a traditional handgun would be, these weapons are a fallback option at best - the concealed nature does not lend itself to an exceptionally efficient cooling system. 
 +    * **Electrostatic Discharge** - If necessaryBootstrap can discharge his capacitors to fend off melee attackers, either sending the arc through his free-floating hands from linked nodes at his shoulders or discharging it directly across the Civilian Module'bodyThis discharge is a short-lived, pulsing electrical burst, designed to stun and incapacitate the target without causing substantial damage. 
 +    * **Enhanced Agility** - For a robotic suit, the Civilian Module has an alarmingly quick reaction time, and Bootstrap is able to pilot it with exceptional speed and grace. 
 +  * **I:25_C Combat Armature** - Bootstrap'proverbial 'Big Gun', the Iteration:25 Combat Armature is both heavily armed and heavily armored, bearing an array of weaponry and defensive systems designed to tackle a wide variety of potential combat situations. 
 +    * **Electrical Insulation** - Bootstrap took great care insulating the Combat Armature from electrical interference, particularly given the suit's much higher needs for electrical consumption and output. 
 +    * **Sensor Suite** - The Combat Armature is equipped with directional and omnidirectional microphones, a localized sonar array, and chemical sensors. 
 +    * **Extra Hands** - A pair of supplementary hands are stored in compartments roughly where the combat armature''kidneys' would be. The hands hover freely under magnetic suspensionand are used for tasks requiring fine manipulation. 
 +    * **Directional Boosters** - The Combat Armature is also equipped with back- and shoulder-mounted directional boosters, allowing it to make swift, yet short-lived, bursts of movement in three dimensions. Unfortunately, only three such bursts can be made consecutively before the system needs to recharge and cool down. 
 +    * **Magnetic Shielding** - Bootstrap uses a magnetic field to help defend the Combat Armature from projectile attacks, diverting metal and plasma rounds from their initial trajectory and increasing the likelihood that they will not do appreciable damage to the Armature itself, simply glancing off the beveled armor instead. 
 +    * **Combat Armor** - The Combat Armature is heavily armored, fashioned with angled and beveled surfaces designed to divert physical projectiles and treated with a polarized, reflective coating to offer similar protection against light-based attacks. 
 +    * **Combat Claw** - Taking up the Combat Armature'right arm, the Combat Claw is exactly what it says on the tin a four-fingered, exceptionally durable 'fist' designed with close combat in mind, able to deliver harsh melee strikes with aid from a pneumatic ram and readily grip and crush both foes and solid substances alike. 
 +    * **Magnetic Attractor** - Set in the center of the Combat Claw's crushing 'fingers', this device is able to generate a magnetic field strong enough to draw in unattended objects from afar and wrench weapons from their wielders' hands at close range. 
 +    * **Arc Rifle** This heavy weapon takes up the lower portion of the Combat Armature's left armand has a straightforward purpose: the Arc Rifle induces an arc flash phenomena by manipulating the electrical charge in the atmosphere surrounding its target and ionizing the air between it and the Arc Rifle before discharging the stored electricity directly into the target - in layman's terms, the Arc Rifle fires a powerful bolt of lighting toward the target area after two-second charge-up period. The weapon needs time to cool afterward and build charge once more, resulting in a fifteen-second cycle time overall. 
 +    * **Integrated Pulse Laser** - Swivel-mounted on the Combat Armature's right shoulder is a modified [[|PLPC "Rebuke" laser pistol]], fitted with a more durable focusing lens and modified to tap into the Combat Armature's capacitor bank. 
 +    * **Electrostatic Discharge** - The Combat Armature can briefly discharge its capacitors, sending a snap of current across its outer shell to stun or incapacitate targets in physical contact with the armature. 
 +==== Mental ==== 
 +**Psychology:** Bootstrap is driven by two central principles - a hunger for new and unfamiliar information, and a desire to utilize the gathered knowledge to the fullest extent he can. He is always seeking perfection in his creations, even though he realizes that perfection is a moving goal, and therefore an unattainable one; in his mind, this is all the more reason to strive toward 'the perfect system'
-In non-combat situations or places where combat is unlikelyBootstrap is usually seen using a lighter, more humanoid chassis - the spherical 'head' being mounted to an angular, beveled torso designed to give the impression of a formal suit. The chassis has humanoid proportions and appendageswith but one singular exception: a sometimes-startling lack of armswith the chassishands floating freely under the careful control of a tight magnetic field.+While he does not object to killing other sentient creatures under the premise of his professionhe upholds the standard that he will not take bounties to kill for the sake of killing aloneforbidding himself from taking bounties on people he finds to be 'generally decentupstanding people'.
-In more dangerous situationshowever, Bootstrap opts for significantly more durable chassis - His 'head' is locked behind an angular, armored helm with a transparent hellenium visor, while the chassis' body is large and heavy-set, the beveled angles designed to deflect projectile-based +In additionwhile he has a fairly solid grasp on human and humanoid culture and interactions, Bootstrap has slight difficulty understanding metaphors.
-=== Abilities === +  * **Likes** - Efficiencysuccessful prototypes, gathering new information, a good bounty 
-**Theme:** Bootstrap's abilities arise from a union of his peculiar Belzan nature, his in-depth engineering knowledgeand expert powered-armor piloting skill. +  * **Dislikes** - Inefficiency, metaphors, failure, liars 
- +  * **Goals** - Achieve the perfect system, learn as much as the universe has to hold potentially learn about the nature of other universesif they exist and are accessible.
-  * **Theme** Ability themes are described in bullet points. +
-    * **Ability ** - Describe the character's ability here. +
-  * **Theme** Ability themes are described in bullet points. +
-    * **Ability ** - Describe the character's ability here. +
-  * * **Theme** Ability themes are described in bullet points. +
-    * **Ability ** Describe the character's ability here. +
-==== Mental ==== +
-**Psychology:** Write a paragraph or two about your character's worldview, thought process, and psychology here. +
- +
-  * **Likes** - Your character's likes. +
-  * **Dislikes** - Your character's dislikes. +
-  * **Goals** - Your character's short or long term goals. Optional.+
 === PSI === === PSI ===
-  * **Belzan Biology** -+    * **Bezlan Telekinesis** - Bezla possess low-level telekinesis, largely used for field-repairs and construction of their pressure suits - it doesn't possess enough force to be useful in combat, but it is precise enough to be used for tasks requiring fine manipulation.
 ==== Social ==== ==== Social ====
-**Personality** - Describe your character's personality in one paragraph here.+**Personality** - Bootstrap is chipper and polite to a fault when interacting with others - while he is not above the occasional biting remark at the expense of a target, he handles himself quite seriously and professionally. However, he prefers his own company under most circumstances, opting to sift through his collected knowledge or tinker on one of his creations rather than interact with other sentients. He also possesses a strong, if idealistic, moral code which dictates his duties as a bounty hunter.
 === Affiliations and Beliefs === === Affiliations and Beliefs ===
->Describe your character's positive affiliationssuch as societies they belong to, contact groups they have, or organisational and occupational ties. +  * **Unity Protocol** - Bootstrap is considered a citizen in the vaguest senseand admires the Units themselves both for their assistance they offered him in leaving his home and for the efficiency they exemplify.
->You may also list any belief systems the character follows. +
->You may also list enemies in a subheader if your character has made any!+
 === Languages === === Languages ===
-As a Belza, Bootstrap+As a Belza, Bootstrap is only able to inherently speak the Belza's own tongue - with electronic assistance, however, he can quite fluently speak Aleph Basic, and is well-versed in a number of machine languages.
 ===== History ===== ===== History =====
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 ===== Skills ===== ===== Skills =====
->Describe your character's skills here. Read more on [[guide:skills]] for skill areas. Starting characters usually have 4 to 7 skill areas, with the following skill levels available for distribution: +=== Engineer [EXPERT === 
->>Expert (1 Skill may be assigned as Expert) +=== Powered Armor [ADVANCED] ===
->>Advanced (Up to 2 Skills may be assigned as Advanced) +
->>Intermediate (Up to 3 Skills may be assigned as Intermediate) +
->>Basic (Up to 4 Skills may be assigned as Basic) +
->Character skills may improve, or new skill areas will be available +
- +
-===Powered Armour [EXPERT ] ===+
 === Repair [ADVANCED] === === Repair [ADVANCED] ===
-=== Engineer [ADVANCED] === 
 === Chemistry [INTERMEDIATE] === === Chemistry [INTERMEDIATE] ===
 === Mathematics [INTERMEDIATE] === === Mathematics [INTERMEDIATE] ===
-=== Basic Skills === +== Basic Skills == 
-  * **Technician** +  * **Technician**
   * **Humanities**   * **Humanities**
   * **Starship Operation**   * **Starship Operation**
   * **Concentration**   * **Concentration**
->A skill area listing is not necessary for representing daily tasks at Beginner level. For example, the Vehicles skill doesn't need to be added to your character's biography if they will only use it to commute to work. +
->>If they get involved in a car chase though, a GM using these guidelines is unlikely to rule in the character's favour over someone with the Vehicles skill.+
 ===== Inventory ===== ===== Inventory =====
  • character/bootstrap.txt
  • Last modified: 2017/03/30 00:22
  • by experimentalpha