Hici'emi System

The Hici'emi system is located in the Lorath Cluster, the core group of systems belonging to the Lorath Matriarchy.

The Hici'emi system is placed adjacent to the Nyli system, and is the third most colonized and developed system in the Lorath Matriarchy, used by the Matriarchy as a Helashio reserve colony, as well as an additional colony system.



Hici'emi I

Hici'emi II

Hici'emi III

Hici'emi IV

Hici'emi V

Hici'emi VI

Jimmy's Note: Disregarding the hard science impossibility, I need to work on this one some more.

Hici'emi's atmosphere is breathable, but due to the atmospheric pressure, it is suggested that individuals immigrating from Hici'emi to other planets go through a decompression process prior to leaving to prevent gas pockets from forming inside of their brain tissues (the bends).