“Silk” is a Tinian, working for Harumi's Club as a Performer. Residing in Sargasso.
Silk is two-armed Tinian with a relatively human upper torso and the normal snake-like lower body, her torso is slim but remarkably elastic, and her snake body includes small upper scales on most of the body with larger, flat 'foot' scales along her bottom “belly”.
Psychology - Silk is a habitually lazy creature satisfied as long as she's fed and entertained. She enjoys company, snuggling, and good food.
Personality - Silk likes to laze around when she's not squeezing a warm-blood for mutual amusement, she sometimes puts on a playfully predatory demeanor around customers to play into desires.
Non-practicing believer in the Tinian temple cult.
Basic, and Tinian.
Silk came from a local White Sands family in Sargasso, genetically modified to fit in better with the local human population compared to some other more pure-strain tinians. She's lived in Sargasso most of her life, and has spent some time in El Hermosa doing tourist things.
It's a giant snake woman. Morning cuddling is common.