This article serves as a reference document for the hardware and design features present in the military grade SILVER-class android that serves as Isthmau's body. This article is intended to be kept up to date with canon RP and is subject to change as dictated by events in the story.
Note: Because I do not want to transcribe the entire SILVER article a second time it can be assumed that any traits of the standard model which are not specified to be absent or changed within this document are present within this chassis.
The skeleton is shaped in a loosely lorath-like humanoid form giving a height of 145cm (57in/4'9“). The primary difference is a proportional one with the skeletal structure featuring proportionally longer femur, tibia, and fibula bones allowing for the skeletal structure when in the foetal position to effectively fold into thirds achieving a smaller height of only 48.3cm (19in) as opposed to the nearly 72.7cm (28.5) height resulting from a more normal set of proportions. A secondary change is the presence of an internal shielding structure located in the cradle of the pelvis which serves as the housing for the secondary computing and memory systems. A final change to the skeletal structure is the presence of a branching tail structure extending from the base of the spine into an octet of thin appendages.
Aside from the slightly altered skeletal structure, the skeleton is composed largely analogous to that of the default SILVER unit. Unlike the default chassis however it is composed of a foam like boron carbide lattice frame that has been sheathed in a thin layer of boron nitride and stonethread. This composition provides a light-weight, durable skeleton, while also cutting down on the metallic components in the core structure.
The cranial structure of the chassis deviates in material and form when compared the standard construction of the SILVER series. In place of vuliararium wafer layer a boron carbide structure exists instead, as well in place of the Acorium laminate boron nitride is used.
The structure has been modified to include a secondary hardened shell around the primary memory and processing components composed of additional boron carbide, boron nitride, and "Stone Thread". Further the outer shell has been modified to allow it to be opened by unlocking the puzzle-like interlocking layers exposing the inner case. This is to allow the inner case to be removed and transplanted to an alternative chassis rapidly or to make for ease of transport in the event that the unit heavily damaged.
The primary ocular structures of the chassis are shielded by a transparent diamond-like carbon shell coated with a polymer layer that has been treated with photo-reactive chemicals which are used to shield the sensitive structure of the eye from damaging light levels.
The musculature of the SILVER unit is divided into two types. The first type being a military grade synthetic muscle present in all of the complex muscle groups of the body. The second is composed of Lorath Structural Layering Mesh, present in the large muscle groups of the arms, legs, and torso. These two systems provide both impressive reflex speeds and strength comparable to light industrial machinery.
In the layer present between the musculature and skin exists a reservoir of Pico-Jelly that frequently mimics subdermal fat deposits aiding in the SILVER's simulacrum of a living being. This layer typically contains the majority of the SILVER's circulatory systems allowing for the transport of materials, pico-jelly, or repair micromachines, with the network reforming as needed. In addition, the subdermal layer provides some defensive capability with the pico-jelly reserves able to function as a ballistic gel, heat dissipation system, or to self-purge in order to prevent chemical, biological, or nanomechanical damage.
The skin of the unit is primarily composed of an interchangeable layer of plastic or organic based pico-jelly providing a near perfect imitation of natural skin. While the primary purpose of this layer is to aid in social acceptance, the presence of sensory hairs, photoreceptors, the capacity to alter the pigment of the skin, or produce thermoptic camouflage ensures that the skin of the SILVER is more functional than cosmetic.
The chassis is equipped with decentralized military grade bacterial charge packs as well as a Quantum Nucleonic Cell. This provides primary operating power for the unit as well as sufficient power to feed the unit's many secondary systems.
Primary processing is handled by a military-grade ARIA Type 3 suite paired with a Lorath Neural Processor Pack. This processing is mated with a hardened memory unit which handles the majority of the unit's data storage needs. For additional security, shielded in a laminate of boron carbide, boron nitride and stone thread is a small high-density, slow-read/fast-write memory backup is attached which is intended to allow primary system recovery in the event of extensive damage or near total destruction of the unit.
A near duplicate of the primary computing suite is located cradled in the pelvis of the unit utilizing the skeletal structure to provide primary shielding. This computing system provides parallel supplementary computing power to the unit as well as providing a back up to allow continued operation in the even the unit's head is lost.
The chassis features the full spectrum of sensors found in the default SILVER series model however many of the systems have been improved over the default model.
The unit features secured data access jacks at the base of the skull, as well as the base of the neck, when not in use these are typically covered by a layer of pico-jelly concealing their presence. Should they be required, supplementary access jack points may be formed from the unit's metallic and plastic pico-jelly reserves as needed.
For the purposes of basic communication the chassis features an audio output system much like that of the default SILVER unit, however additional functionality has been incorporated adding the capacity to layer multiple audio outputs as well as produce sounds in the infrasonic and ultrasonic ranges.
For the purposes of interacting with others as well as electronic systems the chassis features a communications suite allowing for local and long distance communications and equipment interface options.
The chassis features analogues to the default SILVER material processing systems with the few changes enhancing the range of materials which may be consumed, the volume which may be safely consumed by the unit as well as the efficiency of ingested material processing.
Like the default SILVER class android the chassis features thermoelectric temperature regulation systems, air cycling temperature regulation, and countercurrent fluid based temperature regulation systems. In order to meet the higher cooling demands of many of the secondary systems the unit uses the installed Structural Layering System to efficiently remove heat from the unit and maintain a low operating temperature.
The chassis features the full suite of damage countermeasures found in the default SILVER series android, while also making use of internally produced repair micromachines and Lorath Assault and Recombination Nanoscopic Probes.
For the purposes of defence, offence, utility, and mobility, the chassis is equipped with a power armor grade Unified Manipulation Technology Suite which allows the unit to produce localized shielding, project a variety of electromagnetic emissions, as well as manipulate itself and foreign objects graviticly.
This system provides not only musculature and cooling for the unit but also allows for low power fielding manipulation allowing for the unit to force improved aerodynamics, alter its weight, and fly.
For the purposes of supplying material to the unit and providing fuel for its bacterial charge packs the unit sports a nutritional supply pack port in its right upper arm.
A pair of hard-points for Lorath plasma sabers are installed within the forearms of the unit. These hard-points are intended for power-armor grade plasma sabers, however personnel grade plasma sabers may be adapted using pico-jelly.