
Bootstrap is a Thundercloud Belza, currently self-employed as an explorer, adventurer, bounty hunter, and freelance engineer and repair technician. Having migrated from his homeworld, Traveler, onto the gas giant's colony-moon of Sargasso, Bootstrap seeks to ply his trade and gather as much information about the universe around him as possible.

Character Logo or Sprite Bootstrap
Character Picture
Species Belza Age 8
Weight Minuscule (200 lbs in civilian module/1 ton in combat armature) Height Not applicable (6 ft/9 ft)
Affiliations None
Occupation Adventurer, Freelance Engineer/Mechanic Organization Independent
Rank None Home Traveler (Formerly),
Theme FFXIV OST – The Fractal Continuum




Theme: Bootstrap's abilities arise from a union of his peculiar Belzan nature, his in-depth engineering knowledge with regard to magnetism and electricity, and expert powered-armor piloting skill.


Psychology: Bootstrap is driven by two central principles - a hunger for new and unfamiliar information, and a desire to utilize the gathered knowledge to the fullest extent he can. He is always seeking perfection in his creations, even though he realizes that perfection is a moving goal, and therefore an unattainable one; in his mind, this is all the more reason to strive toward 'the perfect system'.

While he does not object to killing other sentient creatures under the premise of his profession, he upholds the standard that he will not take bounties to kill for the sake of killing alone, forbidding himself from taking bounties on people he finds to be 'generally decent, upstanding people'.

In addition, while he has a fairly solid grasp on human and humanoid culture and interactions, Bootstrap has a slight difficulty understanding metaphors.



Personality - Bootstrap is chipper and polite to a fault when interacting with others - while he is not above the occasional biting remark at the expense of a target, he handles himself quite seriously and professionally. However, he prefers his own company under most circumstances, opting to sift through his collected knowledge or tinker on one of his creations rather than interact with other sentients. He also possesses a strong, if idealistic, moral code which dictates his duties as a bounty hunter.

Affiliations and Beliefs


As a Belzan, Bootstrap is only able to inherently speak the Belza's own tongue - with electronic assistance, however, he can quite fluently speak Aleph Basic and Common, and is well-versed in a number of machine languages.



Bootstrap's early existence was one of isolation. As one of the first few Thundercloud Belza, Bootstrap quickly found himself forced to dwell within the confines of Traveler's abandoned research station - the true birthplace of the Belza themselves - or risk having himself die in an exceptionally catastrophic explosion. As the Belza are traditionally aloof, carefree beings, known to drift freely throughout the atmosphere of their gas-giant home, such restriction was suffocating to the young Bootstrap, who resolved himself to leaving this world behind and exploring what lay beyond. To do so, however, there was a lot of learning ahead of him.

The computers aboard the research facility were a wealth of knowledge to the young Belza, who acquired his name from a mathematical procedure within the mathematical database. He learned quite readily that Traveler was one of the few worlds that would not kill him outright - as such, he would need protection before he could venture unto the unknown. Bootstrap drank heavily from the research on magnetics, electrodynamics, chemistry, physics, and topics beyond, using the knowledge acquired to forge his first pressure suit and signal the Units to request transport off-planet. The Unity Protocol responded readily, and Bootstrap - alongside a few other Belza who hadn't caught the first transport ship off-world - finally escaped the cage which was his birthplace.

While the environment of Sargasso was extremely toxic to his kind, Bootstrap reveled in the sheer freedom he was afforded from the confines of his pressure suit. He wandered the streets freely, taking in all the information he possibly could. He quickly picked up Aleph Basic and Common, learning to not only speak but also read in both languages. He tore through Sargasso's libraries, devouring the information within to expand his knowledge further. Truly, Sargasso was Bootstrap's paradise - but it was not always such peaceful bliss.

Not long after Bootstrap's arrival, the Belzan ran afoul of a group of street thugs, who mistook him for a robot and tried to scrap him for parts. Bootstrap barely made it out alive, having to use his telekinetic abilities to seal a leak in his pressure suit before retreating to a machine shop for repairs. As he worked to repair his broken body, Bootstrap came to realize that Sargasso was not the perfect paradise he once thought it was - there were those who would seek to destroy him, and any others they came across who they thought they could take advantage of. Bootstrap vowed that he would protect his new home by defending it from such threats to society, using his engineering knack to begin creating and modifying pressure suits to meet this end, installing self-defense measures and creating the first iteration of his modular 'head'.


Years passed, and prototypes rose and fell, with Bootstrap establishing himself as both a bounty hunter and brilliant mechanic, making enough credits to purchase a bunker outside Sargasso to house his personal workshop and a pressurized environment for the times when modifications to his Control Sphere need to be made. Now, Bootstrap seeks to test his latest iterations against a much larger foe - and the Kaiju sightings in Sargasso seem like the perfect opportunity for such a test.


Engineer [EXPERT ]

Bootstrap's thirst for knowledge has led to an equally strong desire to put that knowledge to the test - the Belzan is always tinkering with his modular suits, weapons, and any degree of technology he can get his proverbial hands on, always seeking to bring it closer toward the 'perfect system'.

Powered Armor [ADVANCED]

Bootstrap has lived most of his life from the confines of one pressure suit or another, and has become quite adept at pushing them to their limits both in and out of combat.


Bootstrap's ingenuity would be for naught if he couldn't repair his creations when they are damaged - as such, he takes a great deal of care to make sure that they are all in working order, and uses this knack as a source of secondary income.


Bootstrap has honed his inherent telekinetic abilities to the point where he can use them for very fine manipulation, aiding in the construction and maintenance of his powered armor and in the creation of other assorted trinkets.


Bootstrap learned the necessary chemical knowledge to ensure his survival in the relatively hostile environment that was his home, and went on to expand this to broader horizons once he arrived on Sargasso.

Mathematics [INTERMEDIATE]

To compliment his other fields of study, Bootstrap's delved deeply into the realms of calculus, statistics, and physics, gathering a great deal of knowledge in these regards.

Basic Skills









Bootstrap's bounty hunting lets him live as comfortably as he needs, affording him a pressurized bunker outside Sargasso and a well-maintained engineering workshop within. By and large, the funding for his eccentric creations comes from a mixture of bounties and casual repair/modification work within the civilian sector.

OOC Notes

Mad genius tinkerer gas cloud? What could go wrong!