====== Crude ====== |Messy draft| 'Crude' are a hermaphraditic race of the Sorca genus. They are intelligent hydrocarbon ooze which is able to form a wide variety of physical forms (most commonly humanoid). They are known for their interest in plastic models, abusable solvents and gambling. ===== History ===== The origin of crude begins as a bifurication of the Sorca genius from what is later came to be known as Sourcians. Lacking any real name (sourcians lacking language), the evolution of crude was radically different and much slower - being at an animal-like stage when Sourcians became intelligent. As a consequence, crude were cultivated as food, cheap labor and military might and are thought to have only achieved meaningful cognizance less than five hundred years ago following their first contact with humans and the advanced understanding of hydrocarbon sciences humans had due to their experience with internal combustion engines and refinery techniques. ===== Physiology ===== A cultivated species forking from common Sourciana, 'Crude' Petrolia are a variet of similar organism which functioned best in a methane/ammonia atmosphere and recycled decayed organic matter and hydrocarbons into their core construction. Crude typically are comprised of a main "gunk" consisting of simplified gellatine modular organs comprised of stable tarrish liquid diamond monohydride and mineral oils, glassy elements forming a "cotton candy flosslike" bio-lumiscent hair, yes and interior skeleton and limbs adopted from power-armor and robots. This is all supplanted with a primitive form of maesus and a skin of artificial elastomers which are organically maintained, wrapped in a layer of shiny viscous silicon gel. They are particularly known for the consumption of plastics, simple alloys and hydrocarbons though they are known to eat oily fish on occasion, particularly herring for its high mercury content. === Environment === Crudes breathe oxygen, though they originated in environments of methane, arsenic, sulphur, ammonia and alcohol - learning how to respire each for their chemical processes accordingly making them very versatile. === Diet === Crudes have a preference for hydrocarbon sourced materials, alcohols, metals and anything high in sugar with a developed preference for fatty junkfoods and refined sugars. They are known to drink paint and consider many potentially dangerous solvents a 'challenge'. They are known to dislike detergent and sand, though are very tolerant. === Reproduction === Reproduction generally involves a donor and a carrier - exchanging material. They are known to bifuricate akin to bacteria from the inside out, with a dedicated womb that can be ejected akin to a mermaid's purse or hardened into a large pearl like egg. These eggs can be dormant for decades at a time. === Diseases === Though largely immune to diseases as we know them, crudes particularly have problems with petrolium eating bacteria and mushrooms which are fought off akin to infection. Their dense bodies also make them particularly susceptible to radiation poisoning though they tend not to die from it - instead weakened or even parylized. For this purpose, radioactive materials may be imbibed recreationally. ===== Culture ===== Quite small in number, Crude are particularly fond of humans for this interaction and view them in an optimistic light even in the worst of situations. The culture of Crude owes from earlier periods in human history about the time of first contact, particularly television from which they learned language. While most exist in sealed environments akin to space-suits, they are most widely recognized for the few who have learned to respire oxygen or function purely on reusable non-organic solvents such as alcohol -- who infamously discard coverings for their head and torso to replicate humanoid forms with polished black glossy forms with hardened latex skins which often resemble those of idealized hypersexualized fictional humans, the product of a fashion trend amongst crude and their interest in plastic statues and figurines (their first contact with humans - earning the nickname 'crude gynoid' among many), though the majority of crude are still considered nonintelligent, often cultivated as food or military force by Sourcians.