====== Baroque Caverns ====== | {{CITY LOGO/FLAG/SYMBOL|}} | ONE TO THREE SENTENCE SUMMARY OF THE CITY/TERRITORY TO GIVE PEOPLE A BASIC GRASP OF GENERAL KNOWLEDGE. ===== Records & Information ===== Simply put, an underground cavern and oasis below scorchingly hot, dry plains. It is a mecca for all that can make a trek, but particularly for artists, musicians and craftsmen. It is also notable for wizards and witches of all shapes and sizes, especially because of the magically-conductive crystals that grow amongst the caverns. However, at some points in its history, it was ravaged by a terrible disease – ironically linked to the very crystals that help so many. ==== People ==== LIST POPULATION DIVERSITY HERE === Notable People/Groups === The following player character and non-player characters are natives of CITYNAME: * **Counsellors, Politicians and Elected Officials** - * ** NAME ** - DESC * **Businesspeople** * ** NAME ** - DESC * **Celebrities** * ** NAME ** - DESC * **Groups** - USED FOR NOTABLE GROUPS AND ORGANIZATIONS IN THE CITY. * ** NAME ** - DESC ==== Phenomena ==== LIST ANY NATURAL OR UNNATURAL PHENOMENA, E.G. MAGICAL BULLSHIT AND PEST INFESTATIONS. * **PHENOMENAME** - DESC ==== Economy ==== BASIC TRADE INFORMATION, WHAT THE CITY SURVIVES AND THRIVES ON. CITIES ARE NOT PERPETUAL MOTION MACHINES (USUALLY) SO DESCRIBE === Common Occupations === The following occupations are synonymous with CITYNAME's residents. ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ Relative Wealth ^ Notes | ^ | | | | | ==== Aesthetics ==== If any aesthetic notes are needed (I.E. [[wp>High-tech_architecture|Structural Expressionist]] or [[wp>Art_Nouveau|Art Noveau]] ), they go here. Paint a picture with words. ==== Transportation and Mass Transit ==== ===== Districts and Neighbourhoods ===== {{|map}} Baroque Caverns is built into three main caverns, each with its own district. All four primary caverns of Baroque are connected by a series of wide tunnels, making the move from one and another quite easy. The first is the Residential district. As named, it houses the occupants of the Caverns. Second, there is the Government District. This is easily the smallest of the three spaces, and houses the oligarchal government that runs day-to-day business within the Baroque and with the outside world. In order to reach the outside world or to get inside from aboveground, one has several options. There is a primary “Gate”, which is a road that leads straight into the Market District. Then, there is the Lift, which lowers passengers down into the residential district. Finally, there are numerous small tower-like buildings located topside, many of which appear to be the top belfry of some massive church, which lead down into various tunnels of the Baroque Caverns. ^ :!: For GMs | Each neighbourhood and their locations can serve as plot hooks for adventures and other roleplaying.\\ Let these prompts be your starting points, and diversify from there. | ==== Tourmaline Sector ==== Homes ===SUBDISTRICT=== * **LOCATION** - DESC ==== Celestite ==== Gubmint ===SUBDISTRICT=== * **LOCATION** - DESC ==== Citrine ==== The Citrine District is the business sector of Baroque. The town is far more crafts focused than it is economic or industrial, so smaller shops absolutely dominated. The central market itself is organized in a wheel pattern, with each major spoke of the wheel dedicated to a particular craft or trade. I.E. Arms, Apparel, Knowledge (Books) * **LOCATION** - DESC ==== Anatase ==== Religyun ===SUBDISTRICT=== * **LOCATION** - DESC ====== OOC ====== ANY OTHER NOTES