====== Winter II Supporting Systems (WIP) ====== This article serves as a supplemental source for additional information on the Winter II. It is not strictly necessary for roleplay but is here for players who want more information. More specialized than conventional systems, support systems offer specific options normally not available to the frame which may be tactically viable but are generally taught only to advanced pilots of the platform and as such are not included in training given to basic pilots. ==== Supplemental Subcomputers ==== Supplemental Substitution Computers or SubComps are special computer parts which supplement the main computer of the Winter II. Rather than add new functionality, they either speed up common tasks greatly or allow an existing task to be performed in a new way. By being separate computers, subcomps can be mixed and matched depending on the loadout or skillset of a given pilot: either augmenting or supporting their abilities while allowing for extra specialization without a complete tear down. * Should a subcomp fail, the main computer can pick up the slack but not nearly as well * Should the main computer fail, subcomps will continue working (ideal if say, hacked) * As the platform evolves, new subcomps will be issued * Some units have either less or more to save on weight, energy consumption or to enhance survivability * In some cases, users may double up on two or more of the same subcomp for improved speed in a given action * As of YE37, a Winter II supports eight subcomps at a time. === DIIWECS === A dedicated information warfare & electronic countermeasure suite, DIIWECS is a way of remembering statistically uncommon signals such as transmissions, emissions or radiance. Particularly, it uses sophisticated artificial intelligence to find unusual patterns and is able to work out with great accuracy which nation or company fielded a unit, where it as been, its current state and of course, what it and its loadout are. Following this, DIIWECS then pools larger systems and computes an appropriate response to disrupt operation. This can have the effect of reliably jamming communications, identification systems or simply making a given frame a little harder to lock onto thus giving pilots the time they need to evade. Importantly, DIIWECS learns with a hive-mind intelligence over a peer-to-peer network shared across a given intelligence network meaning if one unit has seen something, the others will all recognize it if their software is up to date. Likewise, trial and error means the overall network will test solutions and once a working outcome or exploit has been found, the network knows of it. In addition, DIIWECS works in formats common to most information warfare stations onboard starships, allowing a frame fitted with DIIWECS to act as an extension of that team. Used properly, DIIWECS can disrupt the following: * IFF * Target Location & Typing * Mission Directive Transmission * Mission Prioritization * Communications DIIWECS can place doubt in the enemy, or even briefly deny them the same expert system capabilities that XTAL (see below) is designed to offer. Used well, it can place doubt in the enemy commander's mind as to the validity of their own information or the legitimacy of their own orders if used sparingly. Perhaps the best use of DIIWECS is when combined with high-level jamming, introducing natural "errors" to transmissions, forcing the enemy to error-correct. Done properly, this can make it hard for an enemy to tell which transmissions are legitimate and which are not as a kind of "denial of service attack". Less diciplined or highly automated elements of a given enemy group can often be picked off during this phase, ideal targets in the opening moments of a conflict. * Improved awareness * Rapid accurate identification of targets * Full data-reconnaissance computer * Common jamming/counterjamming technologies * Reduced effectiveness in enemy communications/targetting * Potential for "denial of service" transmissions === SDISTAL === Much of what the pilot's senses take in from the frame are a highly digested view of the world built not on suspicions, cognitive bias and worry but hard statistical likelihoods, raw information, and hundreds of layers of self-second-guessing. Were a pilot to take in everything manually, they would be overwhelmed, requiring a co-pilot and even a gunner. Since the purpose of a pilot is to make decisions, the SDISTAL Combat Subcomputer– (Survey, detection , identification, sharing , targeting , acquisition and launch ) was designed. In the same way the perception of reality for people is a sort of “predigested dream” sitting in the middle of which is populated by senses, SDISTAL turns complex and unintuitive information into forms humans can rapidly understand, or at least comprehend and make informed decisions based on what is understood. At the heart of SDISTAL is a simple AI, constantly pooling over raw data far too tedious for pilots to manage, allowing a pilot to be informed sufficiently to be composed enough to make meaningful, useful decisions while not being so informed that they are overwhelmed by information overload. In essence, SDISTAL provides the frame with its own electronic sense of anticipation and automatic tactical decision making, while maintaining its own awareness. === XTAL Subcomputer === XTAL (Multipurpose Telecommunications Artificial intelligence Layer) is an expert AI information sharing system adaptation of the real-time networking technology from the M1 Hunter. Its goal mainly is to share awareness among friendly units, enabling them to peel back the collective fog of war while also allowing units to play spotter for one another and make effective use of drone networks. * What one unit in a group sees, everybody sees. Helping peel back the fog of war. * See [[faction:lorath:mecha:hunter_powered_suit| Hunter powered Suit]] for more details. === ACTIVE === Functioning as a sort of software self-awareness for the frame, Advanced Controlled & Timed Energy Vector Engine is an emission monitoring and control subcomputer. Its main job is to create a simplified idea of what an observer may see the Winter II as and what information may be determined based on situational, environmental and conditional variables. Used properly, it can be used with other systems to fake or change what the Winter II is seen as over long distances: Whether in its loadout or even what unit it is at all. Appearing as groups of powered-armor, a civilian vessel or even wreckage provided it functions properly. While up close the Winter II would be revealed, from a distance it can conceal its presence allowing the enemy to slip by – ideal in an ambush or stand-off – and even use drones to create false positives. Unfortunately ACTIVE is only truly effective at long range and does not work in direct combat: Instead, it should be thought of as ultimately being intended for egressing from a fight, to be used to gain a better position when entering a fight, or finally to be used in stand-offs to convince the enemy to under-estimate the frame. * At extremes of range or outside of direct scrutiny, the frame can present itself as something else. === BASTARDS === Baseline Ambient Statistical Tachyon Arbitrary Radial Detection System or “BASTARDS” is the colourfully named response to Yamataian and Mishhuvurthyar sensor networks. It works by dumping dirac anti-tachyons (which are only ever part of a tachyon pair) into a compressed pocket-space via CCD to contain and stabilize. When completed, the bubble is thrown into the vicinity of a theorized target. Any tachyons emitted by the target will be scattered as their potentials are changed, introducing invariance which make transmissions unreadable while also revealing the locations of tachyon transmission systems: like scattering iron filings and knowing they should fall to the ground and then watching to see if they stick to anything to reveal the positions of invisible magnets. In a nutshell, BASTARDS is a jamming and detection system. Unfortunately due to its high energy demands and requirements of the CCD, a frame cannot be both protected by its own CCD And also run BASTARDS simultaneously and instead would have to rely entirely on any available Mercurial drones to protect itself – often leaving one side unprotected. * Detects and jams tachyon communication systems. === LEER === Designed to look for unusually suspicious background emissions, LEER or Low Event Emphasis System is a sub-computer which listens to live information before it passes through any available SDISTAL system and looks for artificial patterns in otherwise unimportant background noise. While this sounds strange, it is surprisingly effective at detecting objects which are trying to function in low-observable roles using an active energy system rather than just reducing their own emissions or functioning on silent running and can spotted “the plane hiding behind the sun” so to speak: the pinprick of unusual behaviour ordinarily blinded by a greater energy source. LEER is unfortunately computationally intensive and has quite a low refresh-rate and is only truly effective either when the frame works in groups, when a general idea of the possible vicinity of a thing is known, or with computational and sensor backup from a starship is available to pin down sporadic readings from the ship's own sensors into something meaningful (ideal during seek & destroy missions). * Can foil active stealth technologies like cloaks or optical coverings for "trying too hard" * Fails against silent running, camouflage or passive stealth technologies. ===== Propulsion & Energy Support Systems ===== Designed to extend the operational range of the frame, Propulsion & Energy Support Systems offer the capability for multiple frames to band together allowing them to travel great ranges. Other applications allow for the the manipulation of objects, and the transfer of energy and resources both from frame to frame for the purpose of repair between waves of enemies or to power a larger weapon. ==== Gravity control ==== The gravity control of a frame can be used to pull in (similar to a vacuum force), lift, and manipulate objects in the environment with rotational, translation, sheering and compressing or decompressing force. Through these functions objects can be made to orbit the frame in a spherical formation not unlike a moon around a planet - the technique is somewhat fittingly called orbiting by pilots which can be for example, applied in using makeshift debris as shields, or carrying objects of strategic interests. A large projectile (debris, rocks, missiles, bombs or even drones) can also be accelerated away to high speeds without having to activate, arm or engage said weapons. This is ideal for re-purposing smaller missiles as mines, wreckage as high speed micrometeoroid flak or for use as an improvised weapon up close. ==== Controlled Linked Assisted Propulsion (CLASP) ==== In this mode, two or more (ideally four) winter frames lock hands. Their palm interlocks then synchronize their on-board systems, including propulsion, sensors, and defensive shielding in order to act as a single unit with a single combined field bubble. This allows a group or “wing” of frames to move far faster than they normally would with limited carrier independence capable of repairing or buffing one another to facilitate speedy retreats, or allowing the wing to intercept the enemy in hyperspace fold. As additional units are added their speed and defensive capabilities increase allowing a formation of frames to deny a large area from enemy control without requiring additional numbers. * Of note the frame's wire-guided hands and gravitic slingshotting make forming a CLASP very easy and fast allowing a group to rapidly interlock mitigating the time needed to form engage the system. * Common practice is to launch a single manned unit with three drones under its command as a CLASP and to launch four CLASPS for a total of 16 units total with minimal risk to life but sufficient accountability. ==== Beamed Energy Transfer System ==== Designed to increase unit synergy as well as increase operational capabilities when carrier support is available a microwave confinement beam can be used to pass C4R compatible particles from unit to unit. This includes muon pairs, pions, positrons, aeons (aether particles), plasma and even structol and water (fuel). BETS requires an unobstructed line of sight either between the either support ship and the frame, or between a pair of frames, as well as compatible equipment, and minimal motion. Extra energy provided by BETS allows for long-range repairs of the structol substrate and energy/fuel replenishment at range without needing deck-landings: Ideal when enemy attacks are coming in waves. ==== Carrier Equipment Package ==== As the Winter II is specifically designed to both launch and land with a carrier, it features a number of carrier specific systems. These include: * **CATOBAR** Catapult Assisted Take Off Barrier Arrested Recovery is a means of syncronizing the fields of the frame, allowing another subspace field to either launch it as a catapult, arrest for rapid deceleration for landings or include in area of effect FTL - the parent carrier taking the Winter II with without the Winter II having to land at all. * **Catch-arm:** A physical component along the base of the spine and upon the hips, this serves as a means to lock against the landing deck maintenance armature - functioning as a stand of sorts which allows the frame to be pivoted while automated arms and deck crew swap out components and fittings while reloading and refuelling the frame. * **Fortified landing gear:** Not all carriers will feature these systems and as such the legs feature an extra stage, similar to the digit-grade legs of dogs or cats. Importantly, this extra stage can be folded up inside the shin to reduce the height of the frame for a more conventional proportionset, but are always extended for hard combat landings. * **Signal lights:** For use in atmosphere, these are important should communications and IFF fail or for use around airbases. * **In-flight refuelling boom:** Usually located in the left intermediary, the boom is a long prehensile solenoid tube which locks into the fuel-cone receiver of a fuel transfer craft. As an alternative function it can also be used in the field to refuel from available water sources.