====== Known Holdings of the Lazarus Consortium ====== ==== Territory ==== * 5.3 square kilometers on Lor ==== Facilities ==== === ALPHA Lor === ALPHA Lor is a massive artificial complex. Its main component is an orbital elevator. 98% of the structure is totally unmanned. It is ringed by a 667 floor hexagonal ring shaped 'hypertower', serving as 'headquarters' - in truth, a training and development complex for LSDF efforts. === BETA Lor === Currently under construction, BETA Lor is an attempt to build a second Lor complex. It is located one third of the planet's diameter away and is also located along the equatorial line of the planet. At this time, it is around 33% completed. The area immediately around BETA is used as a military testing and training ground for missiles and bombs. === GAMMA Lor === Located a third in the opposite direction from BETA, GAMMA at this point is a platform built upon the sea-bed surfacing in the form of an artificial island. It is thought GAMMA will take the longest to complete. === White Rhoi === Located in the Beta Rhoi system (designated E12), the [[white_rhoi| White Rhoi]] facility is located near within Fury, a supermassive gas-giant; more specifically Rhoi 128, a break-away asteroid from the E-10-III malformed asteroid cluster – chosen for its primary consistency of Zanarium-like materials, making it particularly difficult to scan and incredibly hardy against the gas-giant Fury itself, which White Rhoi sits in low orbit of just inside its atmosphere. White Rhoi is used to ostensibly conduct research on the system's gas-giant though its real purpose is as a major source of magnetic monopoles for research, via the recovery and mining infrastructure established there. At this time, an orbital ring particle accelerator system using the planet's own ionosphere as a power-source is under construction, to ease collection of the monopoles and improve research efforts. * See [[faction:lazarus:mynydoed]] ==== Construction Equipment ==== * 60 x [[faction:lorath:starship:wh_ki_shipyard]] * 6 x 12220 [[faction:lorath:starship:caernarfon_shipyard]] ==== Starships ==== * 1 x [[faction:lorath:starship:fruna_ruica| Fruna Ruica]] * 1 x [[faction:lorath:starship:raptor-class| Raptor Class]] * 1 x [[yamatai:motoyoshi_fleet_yards:ships:ionoche-class_light_carrier| Ionoche class light-carrier]] * 2 x [[faction:lorath:starship:valta-class]] (1 leased to LSDF, one kept for permanent parity testing) ==== Testing equipment ==== * 10 x [[faction:lorath:starship:cardinal_fighter]] * 200 AMX-102-A (test targets) * 40 AMX-102-T (test-types) * 30 [[faction:lorath:starship:hawk_fighter_bomber| LSDF-FB-AS-001 Hawk fighter/bombers]] * 9 disarmed, modified for equipment transportation * 8 disarmed, modified for trans-orbital release, testing & recovery ==== Defensive Installations ==== * 12 x [[corp:united_manufacturing_cooperative:drone:gallus]] ==== Manufacture, logistics & Distribution ==== * Manufacture & distribution: Handled by leased subcontractors or structol sea on Nyl II * Logistics: Typically handled by air-lifting equipment via refitted HAWKs ====== Unknown Holdings of the Lazarus Consortium (as discovered) ====== === Underbase 'Pyrite' === Located on [[system:nyli#nyli_ii | Nyli II]], the silver recovery operation houses beneath it a deep ocean base for private research on advanced biosystems. It is one of the primary research locations for the understanding of the now extinct [[species:sourcian]]. === NURSERY 1 === Unknown in location but invaded by Freespacer hackers commanded by [[character:schlock_grunder]], NURSERY is a seemingly massive procedural forming complex thought to be subterranian due to the lack of natural light and its sheer size. It consists of three known components. == GARDEN == A subterranian ocean, GARDEN creates the conditions of a primordial planet for the purpose of cultivating new organics. It is cordoned off using massive currents and temperature changes caused by subterranian nuclear heating from natural sources especially seeded and cultivated. It is most noteworthy for a large maesus around the size of [[:location:kyoto]] which doubles as oneof the major render-farms - as a giant biological computer. Its primary purpose is the cultivation of [[faction:sourcian:physiology:domesticated_maesus]]. == SCHOOL == Thought to be near GARDEN, SCHOOL is a massive structol based hive of computers and manufacturing equipment which are self-repairing and self-improving - albiet at a very slow and controlled rate. It is believed that the [[faction:sourcian:physiology:domesticated_maesus]] are fasceted, educated and prepared for their roles here. === INDUSTRIAL 1=== Like NURSERY, the location of INDUSTRIAL 1 is unknown at this point. It uses specially cultivated conditions to study plasmamagnetodynamics within stars and to produce enormous quantities of quasicrystals for use industrially. == FARM == Using compressed hydrogen and artificial gravitational conditions, FISHERY creates an artificial sun about three miles in diameter. The function of it is the study of magnetospheres and the recovery of magnetic monopoles. == WORKS == A giant metalworks system produced from the excess structol of SCHOOL, WORKS is a way of producing large quantities of very precise mixtures and allotropes of an assortment of advanced metals, using techniques similar to those of crystalization and compression within the natural structure of a planet. In this way, enormous quantities of [[quasicrystals]] can be formed. === INDUSTRIAL 2 === Differing from INDUSTRIAL 1, the purpose of INDUSTRIAL 2 is the manufacture of complex equipment of unknown origin. Strangely, INDUSTRIAL 2 seems to contain a very large number of gravitational centrifuges but has no obvious entry or egress points structurally and no clear transport infrastructure for the distribution of goods. == MASTER CHEM == A live re-configurable industrial sized chemestry set, MASTER CHEM is used to create a wide assortment of different specialized materials - particularly volatile materials, lubricants, solvents, acids, nitrogens, bleaching components, plastics, silicates, sulphates, sodium allotropes, nitrates, urea, alcohols, titanium allotropes and advanced material finishes. == MASTER DECIMATOR == Used for the reclaimation of complex materials and the reverse-engineering of equipment, MASTER DECIMATOR is an enormous deconstruction 'un-factory', used to clean, strip down and study equipment or to break down existing equipment and scrap for rare and specialized components and materials which are no longer cost effective to produce. == MASTER FABRICATOR == Used to create materials and components which can't be made elsewhere, MASTER FABRICATOR is a massively procedural forming live re-configurable super-factory which forms whichever production lines are needed at any given time to produce its output. == MASTER ASSEMBLY == Combining all the components from other lines, MASTER ASSEMBLY is a hermetically sealed variable atmosphere manufacturing line which puts together all of the smaller components and devices coming off every other line into finished products. === LOGISTICS 1 === Only so far hinted at on a dossier, this seems to be some sort of large nexus used to deal with the transportation of materials and goods. Given that most locations are isolated and that transportation routes would be obvious prior to distribution, the exact nature of how these large quantities of materials and equipment remains unknown. === LOCATION 52 === A complex a research complex to devise an advanced high velocity rail-cannon system which could be fired from a planet's surface without the need for an advanced logical package. Particularly, the weapon was intended to be able to remain silent and hidden beneath snow, ash, soil or the ocean for months or even years at a time and coordinate attack against orbital space invaders. == Blackout == In YE35, the complex went silent. Rather than risk a political accident, the decision was made to issue a remote lockdown to the complex to contain it - permanently sealing it beneath blast-shutters constructed from salvaged starship hulls which in practice were impenetrable to anything inside the base. == New stirrings == In YE37, the complex was called to attention due to unusual behavior. Given that anything there would have starved to death or died to a lack of power or food, the expedition by the Phoenix expected only the surface defenses to still be operational at the most basic level. == Discovery == [[https://stararmy.com/roleplay-forum/index.php?threads/mission-4-l-my-head-explodes.17481/ | Discovered by the crew of the Phoenix]], the complex was discovered. The hull plataea beneath the surface was disrupted by the firing of the advanced rail weapon under development, razing the entire complex's surface parts with sequential nuclear detonations designed to interfere with energetic communications such as radio, microwave, optics or radar. These were fired from a platform not expected to even be in the prototypical phases until YE38 - the OUREX surface deep invader interdictor - a massive 40 foot walker with a large cannon, nuclear armament, anti-starship weapons and a planetary FTL drive that was not functional at the time of its operation - nor were its energetic defense systems, barriers or shields. == Destruction == In a battle lasting hours, the crew of the Phoenix subdued the naked prototype by destroying its legs with sustained fire from a near army of equipment, destroying its cooling equipment. At this point, it self-destructed, destroying a 1.6 kilometer monopole detonation - a class of nuclear weapon destroying the nucleus and triggering nuclear fusion in the surrounding atmosphere - rendering a 40 kilometer area of Kennewes a barren husk in the surrounding area, though the body of the machine's undercasing - hardened to survive nuclear attack was undamaged protecting those trapped beneath who later had to be treated for radiation poisoning and made a complete recovery. The crew of the Phoenix thankfully made it out alive and the remains are under IPG investigation. ===== Rumored Locations ===== ==== Phantasmagoria ==== A codename for a system of unknown location, thought to be close to Nepleslian space. It is used as a long-term storage depot in secret for consortium action. Planets within the system are named accordingly (Phantasmagorica I, Phantasmagorica II, Phantasmagorica III, etc) === House of Eternity === Thought to exist within Phantasmagorica is an artificial structure or structures housing a large number of autonomous constructs left entirely to their own devices following an accident - with communication either in or out of the structure permanently blocked and its exits sealed. The structure itself is self-sufficient. The state of the constructs themselves is unknown and no attempt to contact them has been made. It is also known internally as "the warren".