====== Timeline of Events ====== This page is to maintain different timelines and timescales for different factions, should they decide to make separate timelines. As the setting expands, a stardate may be utilized to be a unified measurement. As it stands, the need is not there. The current comparable year for all dates is 2020. Rolling updates will be performed to add new calendar years for different calendars once a year turns over. ^Past Albion (PA) - The current year is PA 270 |||||||||| |[[calendar/pa_270|PA 270]]| | | | | | | | | | |PA 260|PA 261|PA 262|PA 263|PA 264|[[calendar/pa_265|PA 265]]|PA 266|PA 267|PA 268|[[calendar/pa_269|PA 269]]| | ... |||||||||| |[[calendar/pa_0|PA 0]]|PA 1|PA 2|PA 3|PA 4|PA 5|PA 6|PA 7|PA 8|PA 9|